
JF-Expert Member
Sep 10, 2014


Tyler - prepares Candidate and when ready to proceed with Ceremony gives three distinct knocks. By giving the Entered Apprentice knocks with longer intervals the Tyler indicates that the Candidate is ready.
Inner Guard - rises in front of his chair, Step. and Entered Apprentice Sign. - Brother Junior Warden, there is a report holds Sign.

Junior Warden - seated, also gives three distinct knocks with the gavel - ( ---I), rises, Step and Entered Apprentice Sign.- Worshipful Master, there is a report - holds Sign.
Worshipful Master - Brother. Junior Warden, inquire who wants admission.
Junior Warden - cuts Sign. and sits - Brother Inner Guard, see who wants admission.
Inner Guard - cuts Sign. and goes to door of Lodge, unlocks it, does not leave Lodge, but remains on threshold with hand on door handle, and assures himself that Candidate is properly prepared. (The colloquy between Inner Guard and Tyler. should be spoken loud enough for it to be heard in all parts of the Lodge)
Inner Guard - to Tyler - Whom have you there?

Tyler - names Candidate; - Mr. ____________, a poor Candidate in a state of darkness who has been well and worthily recommended, regularly proposed and approved in open Lodge, and now comes, of his own free will and accord, properly prepared, humbly soliciting to be admitted to the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry.
Inner Guard - How does he hope to obtain those privileges?
Tyler - prompting Candidate aloud - By the help of God, being free and of good report (Candidate repeats).
Inner Guard. - Halt, while I report to the Worshipful Master - closes and locks door, returns to position in front of his chair, Step, Entered Apprentice Sign. which he holds.

Inner Guard .- Worshipful Master, - names Candidate - Mr. _______________, a poor Candidate in a state of darkness who has been well and worthily recommended, regularly proposed and approved in open Lodge, and now comes, of his own free will and accord, properly prepared, humbly soliciting to be admitted to the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry.
Worshipful Master - How does he hope to obtain those privileges?
Inner Guard - By the help of God, being free and of good report.
Worshipful Master - The tongue of good report has already been heard in his favour. Do you, Brother Inner Guard, vouch that he is properly prepared?
Inner Guard - I do, Worshipful Master
Worshipful Master - Then let him be admitted in due form.
Inner Guard - cuts Sign.
Worshipful Master - Brother Deacons.
Senior Deacon - places kneeling stool in position.
Inner Guard - takes poignard. and goes to door followed by Junior Deacon and Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon on left.
Inner Guard - opens door, retaining hold on it as before, presents poignard to Candidate's naked left breast.
Inner Guard. - Do you feel anything? - and after an affirmative answer from Candidate raises the poignard above his head to show that he has so presented it.

Junior Deacon - with left .hand takes Candidate firmly by right hand. (Senior Deacon on Candidate' s left) and leads him to the kneeling stool. All three stand facing East.
Inner Guard - after Candidate is admitted, closes and locks door, places poignard. on Senior Warden's pedestal and resumes his seat. .
Worshipful Master - names Candidate - Mr..................., as no person can be made a Mason unless he is free and of mature age, I demand of you, are you a free man and of the full age of twenty-one years?
Junior Deacon - prompting Candidate aloud - I am. (Candidate repeats).
Worshipful Master - Thus assured, I will thank you to kneel while the blessing of Heaven is invoked on our proceedings.
Junior Deacon assists Candidate to kneel, instructing him if necessary in a whisper, and then releases his right hand.
Worshipful Master - one ---I;
Senior Warden - one ---I;
Junior Warden - one ---I.
Deacons.- holding wands in left hands cross them over Candidate' s head and give Sign of Reverence. .
ALL - stand with Sign. of Reverence. (Candidate does not give Sign. of Reverence.).



Vouchsafe Thine aid, Almighty Father and Supreme Governor of the Universe, to our present convention, and grant that this Candidate for Freemasonry may so dedicate and devote his life to Thy service as to become a true and faithful brother among us. Endue him with a competency of Thy divine wisdom, that, assisted by the secrets of our Masonic art, he may the better be enabled to unfold the beauties of true godliness, to the honour and glory of Thy Holy Name.
Immediate Past Master.- So mote it be.
ALL - drop Sign of Reverence.
Deacons - uncross wands and hold them again in right hands.
Worshipful Master - In all cases of difficulty and danger, in whom do you put your trust?
Junior Deacon - prompting Candidate aloud - In GOD (Candidate repeats).
Worshipful Master - Right glad am I to find your faith so well founded: relying on such sure support you may safely rise and follow your leader with a firm but humble confidence, for where the name of GOD is invoked, we trust no danger can ensue.
Worshipful Master - sits.
Junior Deacon - assists Candidate to rise, taking his right hand firmly as before.
ALL - (except Deacons and Candidate) sit.
Senior Deacon - draws kneeling stool aside to his left out of way of Junior Deacon and Candidate

Worshipful Master - one ---I;
Senior Waarden - one ---I;
Junior Warden - one ---I.
Worshipful Master- The Brethren from the N., E., S. and W. will take notice that Mr. ...... is about to pass in view before them, to show that he is the Candidate properly prepared, and a fit and proper person to be made a Mason.
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