Family of Deceased Man Pens Brutal Obituary, Writing His Death 'Proves That Evil Does in Fact Die'


JF-Expert Member
Mar 19, 2015

Inside Edition
February 11, 2017


Leslie Ray Charping died in January after losing his battle with cancer, leaving the earth “29 years longer than expected and much longer than he deserved,” read the obituary, which ran on the Carnes Funeral Home website.

The recounting of Charping’s life claimed he was an abusive parent, was mentally ill, abused drugs and alcohol, and served in the Navy “as part of a plea deal to escape sentencing on criminal charges.”

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No services would be held for the Galveston man, it continued, noting his remains would be cremated.

His remains would be “kept in the barn until ‘Ray,’ the family donkey’s wood shavings run out,” it said. “Leslie's passing proves that evil does in fact die and hopefully marks a time of healing and safety for all.”

Though since removed from the funeral home’s website, a cached version of the obituary could still be found online on Saturday.

“This family should be ashamed!!! How dare your judge another. We are all flawed ... You guys are really flawed,” one person wrote.

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“Maybe instead of publishing a list of his faults and failures they could honor him by volunteering in mental health awareness projects or with Big Brother and Big Sisters or with the children in the numerous domestic abuse shelters across our state,” another person commented. Instead of offering my condolences to Roy and Shiela, I offer my pity for their equally sad conduct ... which may be worse because I'm assuming they aren't mentally ill.”

“For someone that knew him and family members that knew him, and to see something on there was a complete lie, would’ve been an insult to everyone that he did bad things to and there was a lot of them,” Smith continued. “I couldn’t write that in good conscience because it’s not going to bring closure to anyone or to myself.”
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