Ethiopia’s Tourism Revenue Hits Record High In 2015, Beats Kenya And Tanzania Combined


JF-Expert Member
Nov 26, 2010
Ethiopia’s tourism revenue jumped 20.7 percent in 2015 to a record high of $3.5 billion from $2.9 billion in the previous fiscal year lifted by increased number of foreign tourists visiting the East African nation, data from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism showed.

The country’s revenue was more than what it more tourist established neighbors, Kenya and Tanzania, earned last year combined. The two east African neighbors cumulatively earned $2.77 billion.

Kenya’s revenue from its tourism sector dropped about 3 percent in 2015 to $837 million as visitors numbers continued a four year drop due to increased insecurity caused by frequent al Shabaab militants attacks, Reuters reported.

In Tanzania, a reduction in number of visitors last year also saw a fall in foreign exchange earnings from tourism to $1.93 billion, from $2 billion in 2014, The Exchange reported.

The number of visitors to Ethiopia increased by 136,000 to 910,000 in 2015, an estimated 88,000 foreign tourists per month, as the country hosted a number of high profile international business conferences and exhibitions, Ethiosport reported.

Ethiopia, home to nine UNESCO World Heritage sites, wants to become one of the top five tourist destination in Africa by tripling the number of foreign tourists visiting the country to 2.5 million in 2020.

This will make tourism making the leading sector in one of Africa’s fastest growing economies. It had targeted to raise $3.5 billion from the sector this fiscal year.

On average visitors to the country have rose by 12 percent annually over the last decade as the country economic growth picked up and the government introduced incentives to attract investors into the sector.

Ethiopians living in abroad have built more than 200 luxury hotels in the country making it easier for the country to market itself as a upmarket tourist destination.

Tourism contributes about 4.5 percent of the country’s GDP and generates about a million jobs according to the World Bank.

Landlocked Ethiopia does not have any beaches to promote like the other two, but its cultural wealth like its 13th century underground churches of Lalibela, hewn from solid rock and the hill castles of Gondar are its big selling point.

It’s also grown more and more popular for travelers as it’s a safer and affordable destination.

The country has in recent years embarked on massive infrastructure spending that saw Africa’s first light train cutting though the sprawling city of Addis Ababa launched in September.

“What Ethiopia offers to tourists, different from Kenya and Tanzania, is history and culture,” Tony Hickey, an Irish tour operator who first arrived in Ethiopia in 1973, told the Daily Mail.


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Ethiopia’s tourism revenue jumped 20.7 percent in 2015 to a record high of $3.5 billion from $2.9 billion in the previous fiscal year lifted by increased number of foreign tourists visiting the East African nation, data from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism showed.

The country’s revenue was more than what it more tourist established neighbors, Kenya and Tanzania, earned last year combined. The two east African neighbors cumulatively earned $2.77 billion.

Kenya’s revenue from its tourism sector dropped about 3 percent in 2015 to $837 million as visitors numbers continued a four year drop due to increased insecurity caused by frequent al Shabaab militants attacks, Reuters reported.

In Tanzania, a reduction in number of visitors last year also saw a fall in foreign exchange earnings from tourism to $1.93 billion, from $2 billion in 2014, The Exchange reported.

The number of visitors to Ethiopia increased by 136,000 to 910,000 in 2015, an estimated 88,000 foreign tourists per month, as the country hosted a number of high profile international business conferences and exhibitions, Ethiosport reported.

Ethiopia, home to nine UNESCO World Heritage sites, wants to become one of the top five tourist destination in Africa by tripling the number of foreign tourists visiting the country to 2.5 million in 2020.

This will make tourism making the leading sector in one of Africa’s fastest growing economies. It had targeted to raise $3.5 billion from the sector this fiscal year.

On average visitors to the country have rose by 12 percent annually over the last decade as the country economic growth picked up and the government introduced incentives to attract investors into the sector.

Ethiopians living in abroad have built more than 200 luxury hotels in the country making it easier for the country to market itself as a upmarket tourist destination.

Tourism contributes about 4.5 percent of the country’s GDP and generates about a million jobs according to the World Bank.

Landlocked Ethiopia does not have any beaches to promote like the other two, but its cultural wealth like its 13th century underground churches of Lalibela, hewn from solid rock and the hill castles of Gondar are its big selling point.

It’s also grown more and more popular for travelers as it’s a safer and affordable destination.

The country has in recent years embarked on massive infrastructure spending that saw Africa’s first light train cutting though the sprawling city of Addis Ababa launched in September.

“What Ethiopia offers to tourists, different from Kenya and Tanzania, is history and culture,” Tony Hickey, an Irish tour operator who first arrived in Ethiopia in 1973, told the Daily Mail.
Sisi tumerogwa nini?
Acha tung'ang'anie tycoons, tutaisoma number vizuri. Maana hao wazungu wao ni wajinga hawajui kubudget hela yao. Sasa hv wataishia Ethiopia, Kenya. Kuna nchi kama namibia ipo so cheap na wana wanyama wote tulio nao.

Acha tusubiri akina bilgate na warren waje watembee serengeti, si tuna maakili sana, tutakusanya mabilioni yao. Le akili kubwaz;)

Nahisi tumelogwa siyo bure..
Inashangaza maana ukiondoa shirika la ndege la Ethiopia hamna kingine chochote ambacho ningetarajia kuvuta watu Ethiopia na sio Kenya au Tanzania. tuna haja ya kuingalia vizuri hii sekta ya utalii.
bahati mbaya kwa Ethiopia wananchi wao wanakimbia njaa!! two month ago, waethiplopia million 10 walikumbwa na njaa
Ethiopia sio levels zetu tena.
Pamoja na kukumbwa na baa la njaa miaka ya 1990. Ila wameweza kujipanga vilivyo.
Miaka 20 ijayo, Ethiopia itakuwa katika viwango vya kina Singapore, Taiwani au Malaysia.
Tutaanza kujilaumu na kujiuliza tumekosea wapi.
Wacha tuwang'ang'anie kina Bill Gates wakati hatuna hata hivyo vivutio ni duni kulinganisha na standards zao. Achilia mbali miundombinu ya karne tatu zilizopita.
Sisi kila siku tupo bize na Mlima Kilimanjaro, Serengeti na Ngorongoro. Kidogo na Zanzibar.
Vivutio vingine vinafanya kazi chini ya viwango.
Habari za Manama kama hizi hutawawona wazee wa lumumba ....inauuma sana
Siku hizi hat a Yale magofu ya bagamoyo siyasikiii tena
Katika nchi ambazo naziona mbali Afrika,ni Ethiopia pamoja na Rwanda.In 20 to 30 years,people of other parts of the continent will be salivating over the tremendous level of development in these two countries.The way tunavyofurahi na kuenjoy maendeleo ya South Africa.Nafikiri hivyo hivyo ndivyo tutakavyozizungumzia hizi nchi mbili.

Kila wakati nimekuwa naitolea mfano Ethiopia na Rwanda,kuhusu utayari na udhati wakuthubutu.Zenawi na Kagame ni viongozi wanaonivutua katika uongozi wao,japo mmoja ametangulia mbele ya haki,lakini alama aliyoiacha na misingi aliyoijenga inaonesha matunda yaliyodhahiri.

Ni viongozi wa haiba yake.Nafurahi Magu anavyojaribu kujifunza kutoka kwao.Lakini kuna kitu kidogo tu,ambacho kinamtofautisha Magu na hao jamaa.Tofauti yake(JPM),Kagame na hayati Zenawi ni wasikivu na watu wanaozingatia ushauri wa kitaaluma kutoka kwa wataalamu na hata watu wa kawida.Lakini JPM amekuwa mjuaji mno.Mtu anayeamini mawazo yake ndio sahihi ata kama ni ya ovyo.Mtu ambaye ni kama anataka kulikomoa kundi fulani ndani ya jamii and etc

Nchi kama mkoa wa Kagera(Rwanda)ina shirika la ndege linalokwenda sehemu kubwa ya Africa na uarabuni.Ethiopia haina hata kivutio kikubwa cha utalii,lakini inatuzidi revenue from tourism.Bongo kweli pasua kichwa.
Inashangaza maana ukiondoa shirika la ndege la Ethiopia hamna kingine chochote ambacho ningetarajia kuvuta watu Ethiopia na sio Kenya au Tanzania. tuna haja ya kuingalia vizuri hii sekta ya utalii.
Utalii si kuwa na wanyamapori au fukwe za bahari zenye mchanga mweupe pekee yake, kuna nchini nyingi hupata watalii wengi zaidi kwa kukuza vivutio vingine. Kwa Tanzania tunaweza kuongezea vivutio vingine pamoja na hizo mbuga za za wanyama.

Mfano, Ethiopia inajivunia kuwa na vivutio vya kiutamaduni zaidi kama magofu, makanisa/ mahekalu , mvinyo wa wa asili ya Ethiopia, chakula cha asili chenye ladha /muonekano wa kukutoa mate, Jah Haile Sellasie the King , Queen Sheba n.k bila kusahau hivyo vikao/ mikutano ya kimataifa.

Sisi pia tungeongeza vivutio mbali ya wanyamapori na fukwe safi, kuna magofu huko Kilwa, Mafia n.k Zanzibar hili wameweza kuongeza utalii wa kihistoria wa mji-mkongwe, Freddy Mercury , utumwa, Kasri za Sultani n.k

Tanganyika kuna mengi ya kuongeza kama utalii wa baharini, Olduvai, miji ya kikoloni mikongwe ya Kijerumani/ Kiingereza kama ya Lushoto, Lindi , Pangani, Mikindani , treni ya reli ya kati kazi ya mkoloni, TAZARA urafiki na China, Muziki wa kweli live wa dansi, utaliii wakati wa baridi nyanda za juu Kitulo, miinuko ya Livingstone, Maeneo ya kina John Wayne mbuga ya Arusha ilpopigwa sinema ya "Hatari" n.k listi ya more potential tourist attraction ni kubwa sema tumekazani hoteli za ufukweni na mbuga za wanyama tu.
Utalii si kuwa na wanyamapori au fukwe za bahari zenye mchanga mweupe.

Ethiopia inajivunia kuwa na vivutio vya kiutamaduni kama magofu, makanisa/ mahekalu , mvinyo wa wa asili ya Ethiopia, chakula cha asili chenye ladha /muonekano wa kukutoa mate, Jah Haile Sellasie the King n.k bila kusahau hivyo vikao/ mikutano ya kimataifa.

Sisi pia tungeongeza vivutio mbali ya wanyamapori na fukwe safi, kuna magofu huko Kilwa, Mafia n.k Zanzibar hili wameweza kuongeza utalii wa kihistoria wa mji-mkongwe, Freddy Mercury , utumwa, Kasri za Sultani n.k

Tanganyika kuna mengi ya kuongeza kama utalii wa baharini, Olduvai, miji ya kikoloni mikongwe ya Kijerumani/ Kiingereza kama ya Lushoto, Lindi , Pangani, Mikindani , treni ya reli ya kati kazi ya mkoloni, TAZARA urafiki na China, Muziki wa kweli live wa dansi, utaliii wakati wa baridi nyanda za juu Kitulo, miinuko ya Livingstone, Maeneo ya kina John Wayne mbuga ya Arusha ilpopigwa sinema ya "Hatari" n.k listi ya more potential tourist attraction ni kubwa sema tumekazani hoteli za ufukweni na mbuga za wanyama tu.
Unalosema ni sahihi mkuu lakini pia nafikiri bado tuna haja ya kujifunza kwao pia ni namna gani tunaweza vuna zaidi kutokana na hii mali asili ya utalii tuliyonayo ambayo tukiilinda itaendelea kuwepo vizazi na vizazi

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