

JF-Expert Member
Apr 27, 2011
Last night during Obama's Los Angeles event at the House of Blues, some guy mustered up the guts to shout at the top of his lungs at the President, alternating between variations of "Jesus Christ is the Son of God!" and "Barack Obama is the antichrist!" With years of campaigning in the American heartland under his belt, the president wasn't about to humor the man by getting ruffled. According to the pool report by The Washington Post's David Nakamura and the video below, the guy described as a "bearded young man" was eventually dragged by the Secret Service out of the theater still yelling stuff about loving Jesus. The friendly crowd, which had paid $250 to attend, drowned out the guy's yells with chants of "four more years." After a few seconds of cheers Obama reaffirmed again that, yes, he's a Christian: "First of all I agree Jesus Christ is the Lord." And then, in a polite gesture, he thought he saw the heckler's jacket left behind in the crowd and asked for it to be returned. It wasn't his apparently, but it was a considerate thing to think of under the circumstances.

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