"Cracker" Cracks at Cracker Barrel!


JF-Expert Member
Aug 29, 2008


Cracker Barrel Attack: Tasha Hill Beaten In Front Of Daughter, Called Racial Slurs

The Huffington Post
First Posted: 09-16-09 03:55 PM | Updated: 09-16-09 05:10 PM

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/16/troy-dale-west-man-beats_n_289136.html

On Tuesday evening police arrested Troy Dale West for beating an African-American army reservist in front of her daughter outside a Cracker Barrel restaurant in Morrow, Georgia. The woman, Tasha Hill, was entering the Cracker Barrel as West was leaving, and she asked him to "be careful" of the restaurant's swinging door hitting her child.

"The man slung open the door pretty hard and fast and I had to push my daughter out of the way. I turned to the man and I just said, 'Excuse me sir, you need to watch yourself you almost hit my daughter in the face.' And from there it just went downhill," said Hill.

At that point, West became enraged and began to beat the victim in front of her 7-year-old daughter, according to police. Hill said she told West she was an Army service member and she did not want any trouble.
West threw her to the ground and hit her in the head with his fists and feet, police said. During the exchange, witnesses said West could be heard screaming racial slurs towards the victim.

According to Hill's report, and confirmed by many witnesses, West screamed out racial slurs before punching her in the face. "He said, 'You're an fucking black nigger bitch,' is what he said," said Hill.
The FBI is now investigating the beating as a possible hate crime. On Wednesday, the Atlanta office of the FBI confirmed they have launched a "preliminary" investigation, at the request of Morrow Police. "The information gathered during the FBI's investigation will be reviewed jointly by the U.S. attorney's office in the northern district of Georgia and the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division in D.C.," FBI spokesman Stephen Emmett said.
West, of Poulan, was arrested last Wednesday on charges of cruelty to children, battery and disorderly conduct.

West is scheduled to appear in court on September 28th for a preliminary hearing.

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/16/troy-dale-west-man-beats_n_289136.html
White man beats down a Black woman and calls her "dumb nigger bitch" in front of her daughter? No wonder he got away with it right there and then cause no sensible Black person will patronize Cracker Barrel: for otherwise dude would have gotten some serious ass-whuppin! Dumb coward-ass Cracker!
There are two sides to the story here and the restaurant has refused to release the surveillance video tape that pretty much shows how the whole thing unfolded and so far no witnesses have come forward to deny or confirm the chick's story. And what you have here is only one side of the story.

The police affidavit states that the black chick spit on his face and that's what prompted the beatdown though it's no excuse for any grown ass man to put his hands on a female.

And I won't be at all surprised if the black chick escalated things by mouthing off profanities to the guy. I know how black chicks are especially here in GA.

But there is definitely more to this story than what's being played by the media.

BTW; there are plenty of black folks who patronize and work at the Cracker Barrel chain of restaurants especially here in black Hollywood
There are two sides to the story here and the restaurant has refused to release the surveillance video tape that pretty much shows how the whole thing unfolded and so far no witnesses have come forward to deny or confirm the chick's story. And what you have here is only one side of the story.

The police affidavit states that the black chick spit on his face and that's what prompted the beatdown though it's no excuse for any grown ass man to put his hands on a female.

And I won't be at all surprised if the black chick escalated things by mouthing off profanities to the guy. I know how black chicks are especially here in GA.

But there is definitely more to this story than what's being played by the media.

BTW; there are plenty of black folks who patronize and work at the Cracker Barrel chain of restaurants especially here in black Hollywood

There are witnesses who for the most part are reported to corroborate the victim's version of events, among other things the racial slurs used against the victim, and that the spitting as alleged by Cracker just didn't happen. I hope Cracker gets slapped with a felony hate crime.

Clayton D.A. Vows More Charges In Racial Attack

MORROW, Ga. - "We are concerned; in fact, we're mad as hell about what happened here."

That was just some of the outrage expressed Wednesday by Former Atlanta City Councilman Derrick Boazman and some other civil rights activists who gathered outside a Cracker Barrel in Morrow.

They're upset at what happened between two customers at the entrance to the restaurant on September 9th.

Thirty-five-year-old U.S. Army reservist Tasha Hill and her 7-year-old daughter, Shiyenn, were leaving when she says a man coming in bumped a door into the child.

According to Hill and other witnesses quoted in the police report, she asked the man to please be careful about her child and he went into a rage.

The report says 47-year-old Troy Dale West, Jr. of Poulan, Georgia began beating and kicking Hill and screaming racial insults in front of Hill's young daughter, who became hysterical.

Morrow Police say West was still on the scene when they arrived and admitted striking Hill.

He claimed she spit at him before the attack, which Hill and other witnesses deny.

West was arrested and charged with two misdemeanors: battery and disorderly conduct, as well as one felony count of child cruelty.

He was set free on $12,000 bond.

Wednesday, Boazman and a handful of other civil rights activists met with the Clayton County District Attorney to ask for stiffer charges.

A short time later, D.A. Tracy Graham Lawson stood with the group to announce that she will personally ask a grand jury for more felony charges in the next month or so.

"I'm appalled," D.A. Lawson told reporters, "I don't normally get personally involved in cases, but I'm going to personally prosecute Mr. West on behalf of that victim and the citizens of this county."

Hill expressed her thanks to the District Attorney and others who have shown sympathy for the attack.

"A lot of people are reaching out and just giving me their condolences and letting me know that they're not like that," Hill told 11 Alive News.

Police say Cracker Barrel is cooperating with the investigation and turned over a security video of the attack.

District Attorney Lawson says she can't release the video because it's now part of the investigation.

But Hill's lawyer says he's seen it and wants Cracker Barrel to make it public.

"The clarity is amazing," says attorney Kip Jones, "It's clear that it was an unprovoked and very savage attack."

Meanwhile, the FBI says it has joined the investigation to see if West should also face a possible federal hate crime charge.
BTW; there are plenty of black folks who patronize and work at the Cracker Barrel chain of restaurants especially here in black Hollywood

Of course, somebody has to do the requisite dirty work like cleaning dishes and washing the floor in the background (kitchen and restrooms), preferably out of sight of clientele.

Fact is, places like Cracker Barrel are chiefly meant to appeal mostly to White patrons (what kind of associations do you get from the trade moniker "Old Country Store" and their logo?), and fortunately most Black folks get it. But again, as in most things in life, there are always exceptions to the rule, and you'll find the few, odd individuals (your average uppity, mostly middle-class) among Blacks who wouldn't mind frequenting places like Cracker Barrel.

At any rate, you'll agree with me, Blacks aren't exactly crazy about dining at some place like Cracker Barrel, not least due its unusual name (which I suspect is nothing but a thinly disguised code-word for redneck)
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At any rate, you'll agree with me, Blacks aren't exactly crazy about dining at some place like Cracker Barrel, not least due its unusual name (which I suspect is nothing but a thinly disguised code-word for redneck)

All I know is I don't care much for the Cracker Barrel. The name itself makes me cringe but I'm not sure if it is a code word for redneck.

But the irony of it is Morrow, GA is in Clayton County and the county, I think, is slightly majority black. The Sherrif is black, the DA is black, most school superintendants are black, the county government is almost all black. So it makes you wonder how in the hell did the Cracker Barrel find it's way there in a predominantly black area?
All I know is I don't care much for the Cracker Barrel. The name itself makes me cringe but I'm not sure if it is a code word for redneck.

But the irony of it is Morrow, GA is in Clayton County and the county, I think, is slightly majority black. The Sherrif is black, the DA is black, most school superintendants are black, the county government is almost all black. So it makes you wonder how in the hell did the Cracker Barrel find it's way there in a predominantly black area?

White folks gotta eat too, remember? - even if they are "only" 45% of the population. ;)
...Happy to be here regardless!
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you can easily loose your temper!control that man
What about racism displayed by these black youths?


Dispute over seat sparked attack on school bus, student says
By Leah Thorsen and Nicholas J.C. Pistor and Elizabethe Holland
Tuesday, Sep. 15 2009

A student on a Belleville West High School bus was beaten for his choice of
seat, not because he was white, according to a witness and police.

"The incident appears now to be more about a couple of bullies on a bus
dictating where people sit," said Belleville Police Capt. Don Sax, who
originally said Monday's attack may have been racially motivated.

D'Vante Lott, 16, said he was on the bus and witnessed the attack by the two
black students.

The victim walked onto the bus, looking for an open seat, but students kept
turning him down, as D'Vante said happened often with this student.

But Monday, the victim apparently tired of asking for a seat, D'Vante said,
moved one student's book-bag off a seat, and just sat down.

The student next to him then started hitting the victim for moving his bag,
D'Vante said.

But the second assailant was just trying to act tough, D'Vante said. "The
second guy hit him because he wanted to hit him," he said.

D'Vante didn't think the attacks were racially motivated.

"Nobody even knows the kid," D'Vante said. "He's a quiet dude."

"They usually let him sit down," he continued.

Meanwhile, D'Vante said, the bus driver did little. "He kept driving. All he
said was 'Sit Down.'"

Later, D'Vante said, the victim tried to take a picture of his face with a
phone, but he couldn't get a good picture, so he asked someone else to do it
for him.

The school suspended the two attackers for 10 days today, pending an expulsion
hearing, and suspended three bystanders, including D'Vante, for five days for
laughing at the incident, D'Vante and his mother said the principal told them.

D'Vante's mother, Shenico Greer, was very upset outside Belleville West this
afternoon, as she picked up her son.

"He was not in the fight!" Greer said.

"Everybody on that bus, mostly, was laughing and standing up," she said.

She said her son even helped the victim after the attacks, picking up his
glasses and asking him if he was OK.

Greer also didn't think the attack was racially motivated.

"There are other white children who sit with black children," she said.

Meanwhile, school and police officials met Tuesday afternoon. Police spokesman
Sax said he did not know what came of the meeting.

Police had not this afternoon presented charges for prosecution to the state's
attorney's office, Sax said.

Still, several white parents and students said Tuesday afternoon that they felt
the incident had to have been racially motivated, and that the school has been
struggling with racial tension.

UPDATED, 11:35 a.m. with police captain backtracking on whether attack was
racially motivated.

BELLEVILLE -- A Belleville police spokesman now says an incident where a white
student was beaten by teen black assailants on a bus "may not be racially

"It was premature on my part," said Belleville Police Capt. Don Sax. "It was my
personal and emotional comment after only seeing the video briefly."

Sax said police interviewed the 17-year-old Belleville West High student.
However, he said he was unaware of what the student told police.

Some of the students on the bus yesterday during the incident cheered the
beating, the video shows.

Sax said a formal statement would be made available later today.

"After having reviewed the video, it doesn't strike me nearly as racially
motivated," Sax said.

The about-face came this morning as the story made national headlines.
Although, Sax said it was purely his review of the video that changed his mind.

Belleville has had a long history of racial turmoil, with a past that includes
police harassment of black motorists, cross burnings and discrimination in city


BELLEVILLE - A Belleville West High School student was beaten aboard a bus on
the way to school Monday, and a police spokesman said the beating could be
racially motivated.

The 17-year-old victim was white and the teen assailants were black. Police
released a video of the beating, which shows the victim being punched
repeatedly while other students on the bus gather to watch, some cheering. It
doesn't appear that the victim did anything to provoke an attack and tried only
to defend himself. Police said it all unfolded in a five-minute span.

The victim was trying to find a seat and was told by two students he could not
sit next to them, police said.

As he walked to the seat, someone shouted, "Beat his ass."

When he did sit down, one teen tried to push him out of his seat then began
grabbing the victim's neck and punching him in the face.

With each punch, some in the crowd chanted, "Boom, boom, boom."

The victim eventually returned to his seat, but another student began taunting
him a few minutes later. The victim was then struck in the face.

It was unclear what, if anything, the bus driver did to stop the attack. At one
point, before the second attack, a man shouts, "Sit down guys."

Students intervened to help the victim both times.

"In my estimation, it's racially motivated," said Capt. Don Sax of the
Belleville Police Department. He said one reason he had formed this opinion was
that many of the students, most of whom were black, yelled their support for
the beating.

"There was absolutely no justification for the beating either time," Sax said.

Two teens were taken into custody; authorities will apply for charges today.
Both students have been suspended, said Superintendent Greg Moats.

He also said there had been no racial problems at the school and said that he
wanted to talk further with police to determine why they believe race could
have been a motivator in the fight. He also said the school will do everything
possible to make sure students are safe, but he wouldn't elaborate.

Greg Jonsson of the Post-Dispatch contributed to this report.


There are two sides to the story here and the restaurant has refused to release the surveillance video tape that pretty much shows how the whole thing unfolded and so far no witnesses have come forward to deny or confirm the chick's story. And what you have here is only one side of the story.

The police affidavit states that the black chick spit on his face and that's what prompted the beatdown though it's no excuse for any grown ass man to put his hands on a female.

And I won't be at all surprised if the black chick escalated things by mouthing off profanities to the guy. I know how black chicks are especially here in GA.

But there is definitely more to this story than what's being played by the media.

BTW; there are plenty of black folks who patronize and work at the Cracker Barrel chain of restaurants especially here in black Hollywood
Hahahahahaha we dogo bwana..

Jambazi waite ndugu zako wamuone
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