Chinese Company wins tender to build Africa's tallest tower in Kenya


JF-Expert Member
Feb 19, 2012
NAIROBI, KENYA : Hass Group has announced that it has signed a Sh 20 billion agreement with China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC) to construct the tallest building in Africa.
CSEC is currently ranked as the largest construction company in the world.
Speaking at the signing ceremony that was held at Kempinski Hotel in Beijing, Chairman of Hass Petroleum Group, Mr Abdinassir Ali Hassan described the signing as a 'historic' event and congratulated CSCEC on winning the contract after a long negotiation and tender process.
He said, "It has not been an easy road. CSCEC went through a rigorous tender system, which they won over ten international companies including European, Turkish as well as other Chinese competitors. Hass Group awarding the contract to CSCEC demonstrates a stronger growing economic partnership between the Chinese Government and the Kenyan Government, and is a testament to Kenya's economic and political stability. This project will give CSCEC a majestic entry point into Africa."
Mr Li Mingguang, Vice President of CSCEC Overseas Operations said, "This will be the tallest building in Africa and become a landmark in Kenya. It is sure to drive regional development, promote economic growth, and attract more investment and tourism into Kenya. China State Construction understands the importance of this grand project and is honoured to be chosen as the main contractor."
The signing ceremony was also attended by John O. Odipo, the Counsellor of Kenya's Embassy in China, and the Commercial Counsellor of Kenya's Embassy in China, Vincent E. Omuse, Vice Chairman and Co-Founder of White Lotus Inc., Mr Sita Ramachandra Raju Poosapati and Vice President of CSCEC Overseas Operations, Mr Zhang Zhiping.
Hass Towers, an iconic mixed use development is set to open its doors in 2020, in Nairobi's business district of Upper Hill.
Construction of the foundations for Hass Towers is due to start in April this year when the project will be officially be launched in Kenya.
Once complete, this record-breaking mixed use development will include Grade A offices, a five-star Hilton hotel, plus a luxury retail and entertainment complex.
Standing over 300 metres high with 67 storeys, the tallest tower is designed to represent 'the height of African achievement', considerably taller than the current record holder, the Carlton Centre in South Africa (at 50 floors and 223 m tall).
Kenya is one of Africa's fastest growing economies with strong growth in agricultural, tourism, construction and telecommunication sectors.
The project is conveniently located just 16km from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, in Nairobi's growing financial hub of Upper Hill, where many embassies and international organisations have already set up their regional offices, including Cisco Systems, World Bank and the IMF.
Currently,Africa's tallest building is Carlton Center in Johannesburg,South Africa measuring 732 feet or 223m tall with 50 floors,second is Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco at 689 feet with 60 floors completed in 1993,third is Ponte City Apartments in South Africa at 567.7 feet tall ,fourth is 530 feet tall Bahia Center in Oran,Algeria .

Source:- Chinese Company wins tender to build Africa's tallest tower in Kenya
Hahaha. Safi sana wakenya nyie mnacho kiweza ni hicho tu. Lakini deal za international waachieni TZ. Mbwembwe zenu za kulaghai na kuwa na CoW zinakufa kwa kasi ya ajabu. Mlikuwa mnafanya sisi tuko kimya. Sasa hivi viboko mnavyo chapwa inabidi mtulie. Tz ni zaidi ya ujuiavyo. Ndiyo yenye ushawishi mkubwa AU na UN.

Juzi tu mwakilishi wa Ujeruman kaja kuiomba TZ iwaunge mkono kuingia kwenye kamati ya usalama UN. Tukiwaambia mtupigie magoti mnajifanya kiburi. Mtaangukia pua kila kitu.
Hahaha. Safi sana wakenya nyie mnacho kiweza ni hicho tu. Lakini deal za international waachieni TZ. Mbwembwe zenu za kulaghai na kuwa na CoW zinakufa kwa kasi ya ajabu. Mlikuwa mnafanya sisi tuko kimya. Sasa hivi viboko mnavyo chapwa inabidi mtulie. Tz ni zaidi ya ujuiavyo. Ndiyo yenye ushawishi mkubwa AU na UN.

Juzi tu mwakilishi wa Ujeruman kaja kuiomba TZ iwaunge mkono kuingia kwenye kamati ya usalama UN. Tukiwaambia mtupigie magoti mnajifanya kiburi. Mtaangukia pua kila kitu.

Wakati mwingine you keep qiet. Usianike ufidhuli wako. Just listen to yourself. From where I stand you sound like you have stool in between your ears. Keep off.
Wakati mwingine you keep qiet. Usianike ufidhuli wako. Just listen to yourself. From where I stand you sound like you have stool in between your ears. Keep off.
Pole sana ndugu. Nadhani hupendi kuambiwa ukweli. Inasikitisha sana jinsi unavyoonesha unyonge wako. Ila huo ni ujumbe mchungu sana kwako.
Sasa kuna ukweli gani hapo... We are talking about tender and upcoming building nawe unaingiza politics za kishenzi ati AU, UN... Grow up
Hapo hakuna politics ndugu. Huu ni ukweli. Najua sasa hivi Kenya inajitahidi kwa hali na mali ilikujenga majengo marefu Nairobi ili iweze kushindana na Dar es salaam. Lakini Dar es salaam ni level za juu sana. Dar es salaam imeshushwa toka mbinguni.
Huku kwetu bwana mkubwa kasababisha majengo yakose kazi
Hakuna anaeplan jenga jengo kubwa kwa sasa
Yale ya zamani mengi yamesimama tayari
Huku kwetu bwana mkubwa kasababisha majengo yakose kazi
Hakuna anaeplan jenga jengo kubwa kwa sasa
Yale ya zamani mengi yamesimama tayari
Hapa Morocco. Tatizo lenu mnakaa Kishumundu mnajifanya mpo Dar. Wewe endelea kukaa kwenye migomba. Tuachie jiji letu la Dar.
Dar Mpya.jpg
The guy can't read and understand English. That's why the nigger is busy out of topic.
Kwikwikwi. Sasa wewe unajua Lugha ya Malkia Elizabeth kweli!!? Wewe andika ki kikuyu tu aise. Maana hata kiswahili hukijui.
We nashuku ni form 4 dropout.. Wenzako wako shule we uko busy unatangaza ujinga yako jamii forum..
Hapo hakuna politics ndugu. Huu ni ukweli. Najua sasa hivi Kenya inajitahidi kwa hali na mali ilikujenga majengo marefu Nairobi ili iweze kushindana na Dar es salaam. Lakini Dar es salaam ni level za juu sana. Dar es salaam imeshushwa toka mbinguni.
If I tell you wewe ni form4 dropout... Inajitangaza yenyewe
If I tell you wewe ni form4 dropout... Inajitangaza yenyewe
Hebu nitajie elimu yako niweze kujua. Huenda unaelimu kubwa lakini umekosa maarifa. Kizungu: "You have Education without knowledge"
hahaa....vioja na vituko vya mbongo.huyu jamaa anaaibisha tz kiukweli.private companies zinakuja jenga Nairobi hayo majengo ye yuaongea kuhusu kushindana ili tuipiku dar.heheee
hahaa....vioja na vituko vya mbongo.huyu jamaa anaaibisha tz kiukweli.private companies zinakuja jenga Nairobi hayo majengo ye yuaongea kuhusu kushindana ili tuipiku dar.heheee
Uongo!!? Nioneshe majengo yaliyo Elegant toka Nairobi kama ya Dar
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