Chelsia's Ashley Cole in trouble!!!


JF-Expert Member
Oct 4, 2007
Ndio yale yale...Ucelebrity nao ni noma most of the time, si unaona wazee wazima kama sisi twajilia vitu vyetu taratiiibu wala hakuna anayetughasi, kimya kimya.....

PRETTY blonde Aimee Walton told last night of her "wild" sex romp with Ashley Cole - then admitted: "It was a big mistake, I feel so sorry for Cheryl."

Aimee, 22, revealed the Chelsea and England defender cheated on pop star wife Cheryl after a night out drinking with pals.

In revelations that shatter Cole's image as a happily married man who rarely drinks, mum-of-one Aimee told how he:

CHATTED up girls as he downed vodka cocktails;

SLAPPED her bottom so hard his platinum wedding ring left a mark;

VOMITED in a girl's car - then said she should feel "privileged";

MADE absurd claims that Girls Aloud singer Cheryl "didn't mind" him cheating as long as he kept it secret, and

INTERRUPTED their sex session to be sick again.

Aimee said: "He's wild - really rude in bed. He knew exactly what he was doing and was pretty good, despite not being very big.

"But it was a big mistake and I regret it. I feel so sorry for Cheryl. I'd drunk too much and went along with what he wanted. Now I feel really guilty. She should know what he's really like."

The sex session took place at a posh flat belonging to one of Cole's pals in the Princess Park Manor complex in Friern Barnet, North London.

The sun la leo linakupa reaction ya Cheryl.......

SOBBING Cheryl Cole was "inconsolable" yesterday after discovering love rat hubby Ashley had humiliated her by sleeping with a hairdresser.

Pop star Cheryl, 24, vowed never to forgive the England footballer after hearing about his seedy sex session.

A source said the furious Girls Aloud singer yelled at her husband: "How could you humiliate me like this in front of everyone?"

In her rage, she ordered him to pack his bags, saying: "Get out. It's over - you've ruined it all."
Atamrudia tu huyo anataka abembelezwe kidogo tu basi.

Mshikaji Cole hapo naona kimemuwakia, huyo mdada atataka waachane wagawane utajiri wa Ashley... ingekuwa Bongo hapo ni kuita wazee na na washenga kuombana msamaha, mama anarudi maisha yanaendelea. Watani zangu wa Tanga Cole angepongezwa, na mkewe wala asingelalamika angeishia kusema wacha aahangaike atarudi tu nyumbani ...

Cheryl Kicks Out Cheating Cole

Girls Aloud Cheryl Kicks Out Cheating Footie Star Husband

GIRLS Aloud singer Cheryl Cole kicked cheating footballer husband Ashley out of their home yesterday.And friends say heartbroken Cheryl is seriously considering ending their 18-month marriage.

Cheryl, 24, only discovered the Chelsea star had betrayed her with hairdresser Aimee Walton on Thursday night when it was revealed Aimee had sold her story. Tearful Cole, 27, begged for her forgiveness as they rowed through the night. But Cheryl told him to pack his bags, saying she "needed time to think".

Her mum Joan rushed down from Newcastle to comfort her and will stay with her daughter at her s3.5million home in Surrey over the weekend. Last night, a close friend said: "Cheryl is in total shock and needs to make some difficult decisions about her future. "She's got some serious thinking to do. She's always been very outspoken on the subject of infidelity.

"Now she has to decide whether she wants to stay with Ashley or end their marriage. "She has been through a lot of relationships in the past where the men have treated her badly.

"She thought she had found the man of her dreams in Ashley. But now those dreams have been crushed. "She had no idea this news was about to break and she is utterly devastated."The worst thing about it all was that it was totally unexpected.

"She is angry, but mostly stunned by his betrayal. She has always been happy for him to go out with his mates.She never worried about what he was getting up to as she had total faith in him."

The friend said Cheryl, who only two months ago unveiled a prominent "Mrs Cole" tattoo on the nape of the neck, ripped into her husband after learning of the newspaper revelations.

The pal said: "Ashley was crying and promised her it was a one-off. Cheryl was crying too. But it is difficult to see where they go from here."England defender Cole, who will play for Chelsea at Wigan in the FA Cup today, was an hour late for training with his club yesterday.

Bandmates Nicola Roberts and Kimberley Walsh phoned Cheryl to comfort her during the day. The pal added: "No one can believe Ashley has done this. Everyone thought their relationship was rock solid."

Single mum Aimee said she had "wild sex" with Cole after meeting him in a nightclub - despite him having to stop to throw up.
And she claimed the s90,000-a-week defender told her Cheryl "would not mind" him cheating as long as it was kept a secret.
Neighbours in London yesterday described her as a "WAG wannabe" who would do anything to achieve fame.

Source: Daily record
Ndio yale yale ya Beckham na Victoria, demu atakuwa anamchemsha tu kidogo lakini kwa kweli ingekua ni vigumu kwa mwanamke yoyote kumtosa mume mwenye kipato cha £70,000 kwa wiki (at least!). Hamuachi ng'ooooo hakyanani.
Mhh, nilijua tu, usifanye mchezo na pesa, dogo kumbe analamba £90,000 kwa wiki? Haachwi mtu hapo...

I'll stand by Ashley

DEVASTATED Cheryl Cole has pledged to stand by disgraced husband Ashley and honour every word of her solemn wedding vows - despite his drunken night of shame with a blonde.

In a searingly frank world-exclusive interview, the stunning Girls Aloud star spoke for the first time of her pain and anguish at the scandal surrrounding the England ace.

"When I married Ashley I made my vows and promised we'd be together for better or worse," she said. "This has to be the worst it gets."

And we can reveal Cheryl is CONVINCED her husband never had sex with 22-year-old Aimee Walton, BELIEVES his story and is still DETERMINED they can make their marriage work.

Although Ashley's shame only hit the headlines on Friday, Cheryl, 24, admitted she has known about Chelsea defender Ashley's boozy night with Aimee for six heart-breaking weeks.

He confessed to his wife just hours later and since then the couple, married just 18 months, have battled to save their relationship.
Mh?? yamekuwa haya tena, valentine chungu kwa wengine kumbe?

PENCIL-THIN CHERYL COLE battles her marriage heartbreak on the other side of the world — as love rat husband ASHLEY shares a training ground laugh with his team-mates yesterday.

While the England defender clowned with Chelsea pals in Surrey, friends of his devastated missus voiced fears that her weight has plunged to a terrifying SIX STONE

The 24-year-old GIRLS ALOUD pin-up has been refusing to eat and chain-smoking on a Thai island as she fades into a sad shadow of the pop world beauty.

She fled her marital home three weeks ago after The Sun revealed Ashley had cheated on her. And in the first pictures taken since then, her agony was clear to see.

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