Call To All Professionals To Buy Nmb Shares Jointly

Jul 14, 2008
To all TPN Members, all Interested Professionals and the Public in general
The NMB (National Microfinance Bank) IPO share offer is finally here. The following are the initial details from the media:

• Share Price: 600Tshs/share
• Number of shares offered: 105,000,000
• Offer size: 63bn Tshs
• Opening Date: 18 August, 2008
• Closing Date: 08 September, 2008
• Listing Date: not known *

*Listing date is when shares actually start trading at the Dar Stock Exchange

For additional information visit:

TPN should is strongly recommending all its Members, all Interested Professionals and the Public in general who wish to invest, to do their own research prior to engaging in applying, buying or selling of shares.

TPN is suggesting to you to collect your application forms from Dar Stock Exchange, NMB or any other authorized agent. For those who will not able to do so, TPN can scan the application forms and email to all interested parties. Those interested to buy shared on a joint umbrella of TPN (i.e TPN Members as well as other interested people) can fill out the forms and submit to TPN with necessary documents which will qualify them to buy the NMB IPO along with the required payment after only you are confident and satisfied that you money will be secured.

TPN is confident that there will be more benefits of buying shares collectively under the Umbrella of TPN because:

  • Buying collectively would make us have a significant voice in NMB
  • Buying collectively would strengthen our TPN which advocates Economic Empowerment and Wealth Creation
  • It will be much easier to assist first time buyers of shares

General becoming TPN Member has the following benefits:

  1. Opportunity for Professional and Business Networking in the regular monthly events
  2. 50% subsidized fees to the Monthly Mentorship Seminars and
  3. Joint Marketing Campaign for owned members companies products and services
  4. Joint Wealth Creation Initiatives - We have just finished a framework to Establish TPN Fund which can assist members to get loans
  5. Networking for Job Opportunities for those in need of employment
  6. Networking for Further Career Development for those in need of further studies
  7. Discussion Forum for Professional and National Key Issues in Networking Events
  8. Funding Options and Guarantees Initiatives for Members Projects from Institution which recognizes TPN.
  9. Networking for Business Establishment and Investment (Others has already established companies through TPN Networking)
  10. TPN is in the process of Establishment Tanzania Professionals Data Bank of which all members will be listed for any possible professional assignment(s)
  11. TPN includes Tanzanians in Diaspora and within the country making a better possibilities of having serious joint projects and investments
  12. The ultimate goal is to make TPN a Trusted and Respected Organization, through this TPN trusted members are expected to have many benefits
For further information on collective efforts to buy NMB shares please contact:

Layla Mohamed
Senior Administrative Officer
Tanzania Professionals Network (TPN)
Pugu Road, Dar Group Building, 1st Floor
P.O.Box 21605, Dar es Salaam
Tel:+ 255 754 277 335 255, 0713 201 204
Wazalendo wenzangu;

It is our choice now . . . tusipofanya kweli, of course "wengine" watanunua na sisi tutabaki kulalamika tu. NMB seems to perform well. lakini pia inaonekana tukiunganisha nguvu, walau tunaweza kuwa na kasauti fulani ndani ya NMB ambako katasaidia wote walioungana. Tuanze sasa, hatujachelewa sana . . .

Tukianza vizuri, bado tunaweza kujipanga kuhusu NIC ambayo huenda muda si mrefu nayo ikafuata . . . .

Why should I buy NMB shares? Can you give more information on their past earnings, dividends and future projections please. Asante mkuu.
I'm in though sceptically

Mujuni2; you may be right and you may be wrong, thats why we have recommended you do your own research . . . .

"TPN should is strongly recommending all its Members, all Interested Professionals and the Public in general who wish to invest, to do their own research prior to engaging in applying, buying or selling of shares".

However, due to the good performance in the previous three years, we hope it could be a worthwhile investment altthough anything might happen
Kaka kweli umedhamiria. Tupo pamoja katika hili na natumaini pamoja tutafikia malengo

Mzalendo Mzozo, harakati za kujiwezesha ni muziki mzito . . . Wazee wetu wa NICO wanafanya vizuri na wanatuacha hivi hivi . . . wamekuwa ni mfano wa kuigwa, of course kuna mifano mingine mingi

Lakini pia wasiwasi wangu ni kuwa, tusiponunua sisi bado watu na makampuni makini na serious watanunua kama ilivyokuwa mara ya kwanza. Na kwa kuwa NMB inaelekea kufanya vyema, basi tutaishia kuangalia tu kama hatutachukua risk na kujitosa kununua hisa na hasa tukiunganisha nguvu . . .

Why should I buy NMB shares? Can you give more information on their past earnings, dividends and future projections please. Asante mkuu.

Mkuu MiratKad mimi si mtaalamu katika eneo hili, laakini here are the information which we can share together . . .

NMB pays Dividend to Shareholders
Published: 24. May 2008, Dar es Salaam

On Saturday 24th May 2008, NMB paid dividends to five shareholders from the profit realised in year 2007, the event was graced by Finance and Economic Affairs minister Hon. Mustafa Mkulo who challenged other companies in which the Government holds shares to emulate NMB in declaring and paying dividends to shareholders.

NMB paid Tsh 11 billion in dividends to its shareholders. NMB's CEO Mr. Ben Christiaanse commented that the dividend payment reflected the very good performance of the bank during 2007 and that this was only the third and consecutive year that NMB paid dividend to its shareholders (previous years being Tsh5 billion and Tsh8 billion).

The Government which has 51% shares received Tsh: 5.61 billion whilst Rabobank received Tsh3.839 billion as dividends from last year profit. Exim Bank, Nicol, and TCCIA received Tsh726 million, Tsh638 million and Tsh187 million respectively.

NMB's chairman Mr. Misheck Ngatunga presented the cheque to the Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, Hon. Mustafa Mkulo. Mr. Ngatunga said that NMB would continue its change process in the coming years and that it wants to be the bank of first choice for the agricultural community of Tanzania.

Hon. Mkulo thanked the NMB chairman and said that "NMB's dividend payment was a manifestation of the Government's success in economic restructuring". He noted that "economic liberalisation has resulted in a robust economy with the Government earnings more revenues in the form of taxes".
More information . . . .


NMB is a bank for business customers all over Tanzania. NMB provides services to small local companies, large multinational customers and everything in between. Wherever your business activities are and wherever your customers are located, NMB is nearby!
Unlike other banks, NMB serves the financial needs of all types of business customers. NMB has numerous branches throughout Tanzania which reach far into the districts and rural areas of the country.

Agriculture makes up about 80% of the economic activities in Tanzania. All over Tanzania, millions of people are employed in this sector. Given NMB's extensive network, it is in the best position to provide financial services to the citizens working and businesses operating within this sector. NMB has a special research department analysing the agricultural industry and the supply chain of various commodities.

Within the Tanzanian economy, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises are the engine for future growth. As such, NMB has a specific focus on the needs of these customers and provides services to them through its large network of branches all over Tanzania. From its Dar es Salaam head office, NMB serves the Large Corporates located in Tanzania. This type of customer sometimes requires tailor-made solutions, which our head office can provide.

NMB's microfinance expertise and its ambition to reach out to as many people as possible puts it in an excellent position to assist other Micro Finance Institutions and Saccos. As such, NMB has a specific department which handles these customers.
Thanks,good Idea...the price of shares shocked me( siku walipotangaza) but doing jointly that makes sound.
Thanks,good Idea...the price of shares shocked me( siku walipotangaza) but doing jointly that makes sound.

Mlio na experience mnaonaje hilo swala la bei ya share? Sikuwa mfuatiliaji huko nyuma; Twiga Cement, TBL na makampuni mengine share zao ziliuzwaje?

Kwa nini serikali inauza share zake, kuna shinikizo kutoka sehemu fulani au ndio ku-raise fund?

Bado bei ni nzuri sana,ila muda wameweka mfupi sana,hayo makampuni uliyotaja yaliuza bei chini kuliko hiyo,lakini wakati huo soda mtaani ilikuwa shilingi ngapi(ie thamani ya tsh imeshuka)? Watz hasa vijana tulio wengi hatukuwa/hatuna utamaduni wa kununua hisa iwe kabla au pale DSE. Kwa ufupi hisa za nmb zitaisha ndani ya siku tano za mwanzo. Na uhakika huo kwa sababu benki ya Makamba (Dsm Comm. Bank) imeuza hisa zake ndani ya mwezi mmoja na imevuka malengo sana kinoma. Nakumegea siri Watz wenye asili ya kiasia ni wazuri ktk biashara hii.

Kama una tusenti nakushauri nenda fasta kakusanye hisa nmb usichelewe.
1) Why should we buy through TPN ? Why shouldnt i just go and buy from the brokers ?
2) What exactly can TPN do for me ?
3) What other services does TPN offer to business people ?
1) Why should we buy through TPN ? Why shouldnt i just go and buy from the brokers ?
2) What exactly can TPN do for me ?
3) What other services does TPN offer to business people ?

smak78611; si lazima ununue shares kupitia TPN. In fact TPN is not an authorized agent ya kuuza shares. You can buy shares from appointed receiving agents which are all DSE brokers like: Tanzania Securities; Orbit Securities; Solomon Stockbrokers; Vertex Securities; Rasilimali and CORE securities. Others are NMB and CRDB banks.

What TPN can do, is just motivating members and other people to wake up, do research and buy shares if they get convinced. However for those people who are BUSY or ABROAD you can authorize TPN to buy you shares on your behalf.

Those interested members can decide to combine their shares at a later date by registering an Investment Compnay (for example). This may give them advantage of having significant share although it may not be more than 20% (The maximum % allowed for entities). The advantage you will have in combining your shares is to have a significant voice within NMB. You can also decide to reinvest your dividents in future the way you think fit.

Also Buying collectively would strengthen our TPN which advocates Economic Empowerment and Wealth Creation and It will be much easier to assist first time buyers of shares.

Your question number three, please refer to the first post in this thread. General becoming TPN Member has the following benefits:

  1. Opportunity for Professional and Business Networking in the regular monthly events
  2. 50% subsidized fees to the Monthly Mentorship Seminars and
  3. Joint Marketing Campaign for owned members companies products and services
  4. Joint Wealth Creation Initiatives - We have just finished a framework to Establish TPN Fund which can assist members to get loans
  5. Networking for Job Opportunities for those in need of employment
  6. Networking for Further Career Development for those in need of further studies
  7. Discussion Forum for Professional and National Key Issues in Networking Events
  8. Funding Options and Guarantees Initiatives for Members Projects from Institution which recognizes TPN.
  9. Networking for Business Establishment and Investment (Others has already established companies through TPN Networking)
  10. TPN is in the process of Establishment Tanzania Professionals Data Bank of which all members will be listed for any possible professional assignment(s)
  11. TPN includes Tanzanians in Diaspora and within the country making a better possibilities of having serious joint projects and investments
  12. The ultimate goal is to make TPN a Trusted and Respected Organization, through this TPN trusted members are expected to have many benefits
Mzalendo Mzozo, harakati za kujiwezesha ni muziki mzito . . . Wazee wetu wa NICO wanafanya vizuri na wanatuacha hivi hivi . . . wamekuwa ni mfano wa kuigwa, of course kuna mifano mingine mingi

Lakini pia wasiwasi wangu ni kuwa, tusiponunua sisi bado watu na makampuni makini na serious watanunua kama ilivyokuwa mara ya kwanza. Na kwa kuwa NMB inaelekea kufanya vyema, basi tutaishia kuangalia tu kama hatutachukua risk na kujitosa kununua hisa na hasa tukiunganisha nguvu . . .


Mafanikio ya NICO ni yapi? Kama unayajua tafadhali tuelemishe wengine. Je kuwepo kwao kule NBC kumesaidia nini?

Kama NICO wanafanikiwa kwanini msijunge na hao NICO ili kuendelea kufanikiwa na kuwa na ngumu moja kubwa?

Kama kuna watu wanataka kuungana kujenga viwanda vya kusindika matunda na kuendeleza kilimo, huko wengine tutajiunga, hii ya shares za NMB? Mmmhhh!! tunawaachia wengine mutengeneze vijisenti. Mafanikio mema!
Nenda nmb penyewe utapewa,au nenda kwa muuzaji ye yote aliyetajwa utapata,kimsingi unatakiwa usome hiyo prospectus ndo utumbukize tujisenti.
Kwa individuals sidhani kama ni rahisi hivyo ila makampuni yenye shughuli zenye tija inawezekana.Pili hisa zenye ushindani mkubwa mkopo sio rahisi. Ikiwa hivyo mafisadi/waasia watakopa zote kwa sababu wana coleratelal(spelling) za nguvu.

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