Building a disciplined nation

Dec 18, 2023
The Role of Key Institutions in Shaping Society

Following a recent discussion in parliament, Dr. Dorothy Gwajima, the Minister of Community Development, Gender, Women, and Special Groups, has called upon Tanzanians to build a disciplined nation through the efforts of various institutions. A disciplined nation is crucial for societal progress, fostering a harmonious environment where citizens adhere to shared values and exhibit personal responsibility.

In recent times, many societies have witnessed a decline in discipline, leading to social unrest and a breakdown of communal harmony. Addressing this challenge requires a concerted effort from several key institutions that play crucial roles in shaping the character and values of individuals. This article explores the significance of these institutions and how they can contribute to fostering a more disciplined society.

Family as an Institution
The family is the foundational institution where discipline and values are first instilled. It is within the family that children learn about respect, responsibility, and the importance of following rules. Parents and guardians serve as role models, setting the tone for acceptable behavior and guiding their children toward moral and ethical conduct. By fostering a nurturing environment that emphasizes discipline, families can lay the groundwork for a society where respect and responsibility are valued.

Schools and Learning Institutions
Education plays a critical role in shaping the discipline of a nation. Schools and other learning institutions are responsible for not only imparting academic knowledge but also teaching life skills and social values. Through structured environments, rules, and expectations, schools provide students with opportunities to develop self-discipline, teamwork, and respect for authority. Teachers, acting as mentors, can significantly influence a student's character, reinforcing the lessons learned at home and preparing them for responsible citizenship.

Religious Institutions
Religious institutions have historically been a source of moral guidance and community cohesion. They offer spiritual teachings that often emphasize ethical behavior, compassion, and respect for others. By promoting these values, religious institutions can contribute to a disciplined society. Through religious practices and community activities, individuals can develop a sense of purpose and commitment to a higher cause, encouraging them to lead disciplined lives in line with their beliefs.

The Government with Independence, Good, and Skilled Leadership
Governments play a crucial role in maintaining discipline through the enactment and enforcement of laws. A government with skilled and independent leadership can create a legal framework that promotes justice, fairness, and accountability. By ensuring that laws are applied consistently and without bias, the government can foster a sense of discipline among its citizens. Furthermore, government programs aimed at promoting civic responsibility and community engagement can encourage individuals to contribute positively to society.

Discipline is a vital component of a successful and harmonious society. The institutions responsible for shaping discipline—families, schools, religious institutions, and the government—must work in unison to promote shared values and encourage responsible behavior. By reinforcing the importance of discipline at every level, we can build a society where individuals respect one another, uphold the rule of law, and contribute to the common good. As these institutions play their respective roles effectively, the foundation for a disciplined nation will be firmly established, leading to greater social cohesion and collective prosperity.

The author, Respicius E. Mwijage (Advocate).
Mob: +255 688 526 718


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Si fikra/maoni/mtungo/mjengeko wa uono na 'tafsiri na mapelekeo yake' ulio na 'uzima' hasa.

Tuende mbali kupiliza mawaidha ama/na maarifa ya Elimu ya Kupeana darasani na 'Kustaarabishwa' na visomo mashudu.

Kufanya hivi, udumishaji wa usahihi wa kisiasa juu ya mambo, daima itakuwa ni sawa na kuimbiana ngojera na ukasuku wa fikra/maoni/maoni mushkeli.

Tuwe waangalifu na ukuhani wa visomo 1.0 na janja zake za ulimwengu wa kileo 2024--Elimu 1.0.

Ukiweza kutambua misingi ya UHURU, UDUGU, HAKI na AMANI--utashangazwa na kiasi ambacho Elimu iliyotamalaki ni mashudu matupu kwa kiasi kikubwa--bado hatujafikia kubaini 'Uwele' ama 'Pumba'--ndiyo maana tuna mabaraza, mazungumzo na majadiliano yasiyo na tija halisi ya maendeleo ya UTU.

Ndiyo ndugu,

Moja ya tunu nne za taifa ni 'HAKI'...

Haki ndiyo inayoinua taifa, inayoliponya taifa.

Unaweza kuzungumzia haki kwa sura ya nje -- kutaja umuhimu wa 'Elimu'...

Kiufundi 'Haki' ni jambo mtambuka lenyeasili ya 'Nuru ya Ufahamu' katika mtu.

Duniani, 'elimu ya kupeana', kimadarasa ama nini, bado si ile hasa yenye kuweza kutuletea 'UTU BORA'.

Kwa hivyo ukizungumzia mambo ya 'elimu kutolewa' ; akisi ndani yako mapungufu ya umma, maendeleo na ustawi.

Mwalimu Nyerere alikuwa na wito na mambo haya ya 'Nuru ya Ufahamu' lakini umma una yake ya kiza yanayoleta mikingamo.

Siku za mbele kidogo, mambo ya 'Nuru ya Ufahamu' yatamea mizizi katika taifa hili na ndipo mengi yataanza kusahihishika kitaasisi, maendeleo na ufahamu.

Uhuru ni fumbo la 'Nuru ya Ufahamu'

Haki ni zao la 'Nuru ya Ufahamu' kudhihiri kupitia 'Watu wenye Mapenzi mema'.

Udugu ni shani ya utu bora wenye kuyaishi kwa vitendo maisha yenye mapenzi mema.

Amani ni utukufu wa umma wenye ustawi wa ujamaa na kujitegemea--isivyokubidi harakati zenye dhuluma/maonezi/chuki duniani.

Sasa bado hatupo kwenye ulimwengu wa 'Uhuru, Haki, Udugu na Amani' hasa... Japo 'mbegu' ya taifa la namna hii ipo Tanzania...


Umechagua moja kati ya 'mada' nne (4) zilizo 'ma'dume ya shupaza' na kudadavua 'nia na mapenzi' yako.

Kwa mfano, kutaja 'Hofu' unakuwa umejinasibu na suala mtambuka kuhusu hadhi/sifa za mtu 'kuwa macho'--kuwa macho kwa kiasi gani/vipi(?)...

Lakini 'kuwa macho' ni mizania ya mawili--'vina vya tafsiri' na 'hisia/kujisikia' katika mtu/UTU.

Mizania ya 'vina vya tafsiri' na 'hisia/kujisikia' katika mtu/UTU ndiyo hujenga pembe muhimu ya 'ontolojia ya Taasisi' pale ambapo tunatafuta kubaini 'Sura na Mienendo ya Jamii' kupitia uelewa fasaha wa 'miundo' na 'vitendo' vya jamii yenyewe Kisomoni.

'Nuru ya Ufahamu' ndiyo inayohuisha 'dhamira' na 'miongozo' ya maisha ya mtu/jamii; kwa mintarafu ya haya, jamii ni utatusho wa 'Ontolojia ya Taasisi', 'Uono' na 'Sura na Mienendo ya Jamii'...

Uono haba/hafifu/wenye ukomo/mushkeli utazaa jamii yenye 'sura na utukufu wa namna hiyo hiyo-- jamii haba/hafifu/yenye ukomo/mushkeli...

Ili kuwa na UONO FASAHA, jamii inahitaji utatusho wa ELIMU 1.0, ELIMU 2.0 na Elimu 3.0...

Yote uliyoshauri ni Elimu 1.0...

Elimu 2.0 ni Uono na Ufikirifu Mifumo, utangamanisho wa 'mambo yenye vikomo' na yale 'yasiyo na ukomo'.

Elimu 3.0 ni 'Maarifa-UTU ya Mwenge'--'Nuru ya Ufahamu'.

Kwa hivyo, tukiongezea Elimu 2.0 na Elimu 3.0 ndiyo tutakuwa tumeweka karata ya shupaza mezani...


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