Behold what the West and Israel has done by overthrowing Assad in Syria


JF-Expert Member
Jan 4, 2017

Behold what the West and Israel has done by overthrowing Assad in Syria​

America, Europe, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the three brief videos below demonstrate what YOU have done, by overthrowing President Bashar Al-Assad of Syria. This is who YOU actually are .

The HTS Terror group, whom each of the countries above supported, overthrew President Bashar al-Assad of Syria last weekend. Here are just some of the initial results:

Cousin of Bashar Assad HUNG publicly, by crane(below)

Average, everyday Syrians grabbed off the street by HTS, and Machine-gunned to death in public(below)

Wounded Syrian Soldiers, in a hospital, machine-gunned to death in their hospital beds(below)

SURRENDERING Syrian Soldiers, unarmed with hands-up, machine-gunned to death(below)

This is just on day one of the new HTS "government" of Syria.
Want to laugh? The British government is now fast-tracking the REMOVAL of HTS from the list of Terrorist organizations!

That's how degenerate the British government has actually become. You folks in the UK must be so proud. After all, YOU elected these people! The videos above, are the results of your vote.

Similar moves are expected in the United States, lead by the US State Department which declared HTS an international terrorist organization, and even promoted a $10 Million Bounty on the head of the HTS Leader, Mohammad al-Jawlani, who the State Department NOW recognizes as the new "Leader" of Syria.

So the degeneracy is certainly not limited to the British government, we've got more than our share of degenerates working in the US Government, too.

Oh, and they already know, that WE know they've turned over an entire country to these types of people, so our trusted government public servants, are now lying to our face as they tell us "These are moderates that run Syria now."

You've just seen what the reality is; do they look like "moderates" to you?

You folks in governments all over the world, who decided that overthrowing Assad was so necessary, facilitated the acts shown in the videos above. YOU are as guilty as the people who perpetrated the acts.
You're disgusting to me. I don't respect you, I spit at you.

The morons in the White House (Biden and his appointees) just issued a statement:

" We are reaching out to all Syrian groups in ways that include mediators to support the transition process."
That's how disconnected from reality these people in the White House actually are.

In my view, they are classic examples of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Look it up. It's when people of low intellect are so amazingly stupid, they actually start to believe THEY know better and are superior.

Put simply, the Dunning-Kruger effect is when people who are so stupid, they are too stupid to even realize they're stupid, so they think they're smart. THAT is the United States Federal Government.
Behold What We Have Done by Overthrowing Assad in Syria

Behold what the West and Israel has done by overthrowing Assad in Syria​

Hal Turner World December 10, 2024
Behold What We Have Done by Overthrowing Assad in Syria

America, Europe, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the three brief videos below demonstrate what YOU have done, by overthrowing President Bashar Al-Assad of Syria. This is who YOU actually are . . .
The HTS Terror group, whom each of the countries above supported, overthrew President Bashar al-Assad of Syria last weekend. Here are just some of the initial results:
Cousin of Bashar Assad HUNG publicly, by crane(below)

Average, everyday Syrians grabbed off the street by HTS, and Machine-gunned to death in public(below)

Wounded Syrian Soldiers, in a hospital, machine-gunned to death in their hospital beds(below)

SURRENDERING Syrian Soldiers, unarmed with hands-up, machine-gunned to death(below)

This is just on day one of the new HTS "government" of Syria.
Want to laugh? The British government is now fast-tracking the REMOVAL of HTS from the list of Terrorist organizations!
That's how degenerate the British government has actually become. You folks in the UK must be so proud. After all, YOU elected these people! The videos above, are the results of your vote.
Similar moves are expected in the United States, lead by the US State Department which declared HTS an international terrorist organization, and even promoted a $10 Million Bounty on the head of the HTS Leader, Mohammad al-Jawlani, who the State Department NOW recognizes as the new "Leader" of Syria.
So the degeneracy is certainly not limited to the British government, we've got more than our share of degenerates working in the US Government, too.
Oh, and they already know, that WE know they've turned over an entire country to these types of people, so our trusted government public servants, are now lying to our face as they tell us "These are moderates that run Syria now."
You've just seen what the reality is; do they look like "moderates" to you?
You folks in governments all over the world, who decided that overthrowing Assad was so necessary, facilitated the acts shown in the videos above. YOU are as guilty as the people who perpetrated the acts.
You're disgusting to me. I don't respect you, I spit at you.

The morons in the White House (Biden and his appointees) just issued a statement:

" We are reaching out to all Syrian groups in ways that include mediators to support the transition process."
That's how disconnected from reality these people in the White House actually are.
In my view, they are classic examples of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Look it up. It's when people of low intellect are so amazingly stupid, they actually start to believe THEY know better and are superior. Put simply, the Dunning-Kruger effect is when people who are so stupid, they are too stupid to even realize they're stupid, so they think they're smart. THAT is the United States Federal Government.
You gonna reap just what you Saw ooh ooh

Luckydube 1996
Behold What We Have Done by Overthrowing Assad in Syria

Behold what the West and Israel has done by overthrowing Assad in Syria​

Hal Turner World December 10, 2024
Behold What We Have Done by Overthrowing Assad in Syria

America, Europe, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the three brief videos below demonstrate what YOU have done, by overthrowing President Bashar Al-Assad of Syria. This is who YOU actually are . . .
The HTS Terror group, whom each of the countries above supported, overthrew President Bashar al-Assad of Syria last weekend. Here are just some of the initial results:
Cousin of Bashar Assad HUNG publicly, by crane(below)

Average, everyday Syrians grabbed off the street by HTS, and Machine-gunned to death in public(below)

Wounded Syrian Soldiers, in a hospital, machine-gunned to death in their hospital beds(below)

SURRENDERING Syrian Soldiers, unarmed with hands-up, machine-gunned to death(below)

This is just on day one of the new HTS "government" of Syria.
Want to laugh? The British government is now fast-tracking the REMOVAL of HTS from the list of Terrorist organizations!
That's how degenerate the British government has actually become. You folks in the UK must be so proud. After all, YOU elected these people! The videos above, are the results of your vote.
Similar moves are expected in the United States, lead by the US State Department which declared HTS an international terrorist organization, and even promoted a $10 Million Bounty on the head of the HTS Leader, Mohammad al-Jawlani, who the State Department NOW recognizes as the new "Leader" of Syria.
So the degeneracy is certainly not limited to the British government, we've got more than our share of degenerates working in the US Government, too.
Oh, and they already know, that WE know they've turned over an entire country to these types of people, so our trusted government public servants, are now lying to our face as they tell us "These are moderates that run Syria now."
You've just seen what the reality is; do they look like "moderates" to you?
You folks in governments all over the world, who decided that overthrowing Assad was so necessary, facilitated the acts shown in the videos above. YOU are as guilty as the people who perpetrated the acts.
You're disgusting to me. I don't respect you, I spit at you.

The morons in the White House (Biden and his appointees) just issued a statement:

" We are reaching out to all Syrian groups in ways that include mediators to support the transition process."
That's how disconnected from reality these people in the White House actually are.
In my view, they are classic examples of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Look it up. It's when people of low intellect are so amazingly stupid, they actually start to believe THEY know better and are superior. Put simply, the Dunning-Kruger effect is when people who are so stupid, they are too stupid to even realize they're stupid, so they think they're smart. THAT is the United States Federal Government.
Hii video ya kunyonga Mtu hadharani ni matokeo ya Extremism aliyowaonesha Assad watu wa Syria ili kuwaogopesha wapinzani dhidi yao.

Sometimes akiwashuti hadharani wakosoaji ili kutisha wengine.

Sasa imefika mahali watu wameshazoea.

It is very bad very bad kwamba binadamu anaweza kufanya kitendo kam hiki. Lakini ndio matokeo.
Assad alisambaza vikosi vya wasiojulikana Nchi nzima.

Wa Syria waliishi kama Jehanamu ndani ya Nchi yao.

Uzuri ni kuwa chochote mtu anachofanya dhidi ya wenzake dunia huwa inaona. Hakunaga siri. Ni swala la muda tu.
So unaona wanachofanya hawa magaidi ni sawa kwa kuwa Assad alifanya?I don't think so,uovu ni uovu tu,who ever does it.Naomba niseme hivi,hawa watu ni waovu,hakuna cha kumsingizia Assad.Mtu mwingine akiwa muovu haikufanyi wewe kuwa mwovu,never.
Hao ni ISIS waliotengenezwa na mmarekani na ndio mwanzoni kama mnakumbuka walikua wakichinja shingo kuanzia nyuma sasa mtu kama huyo unampa vipi serikali
So unaona wanachofanya hawa magaidi ni sawa kwa kuwa Assad alifanya?I don't think so,uovu ni uovu tu,who ever does it.Naomba niseme hivi,hawa watu ni waovu,hakuna cha kumsingizia Assad.Mtu mwingine akiwa muovu haikufanyi wewe kuwa mwovu,never.
Mkuu hao makamanda wanaochinjwa ndio walikuwa ma Director wa kuteka, kuua, na kuchinja Raia wa syria waliokuwa wakilalamikia Utawala Mbovu wa Assad.

Sasa mimi hapo sioni kosa liko wapi. Unless kama wameonewa sawa itakuwa ni kosa baya.
A stupid comment indeed.Elimu yako yenyewe kidogo uliyo nayo kama unayo ni ya ku-copy na ku-paste.Anyway, mimi nadhani jambo la maana ni taarifa,whether taarifa ni copied and pasted sio issue.
Haha naona unapiga mayowe. Punguza kuleta habari za copy and paste.

Civil war ya USA inaendeleaje mkuu?
Assad alisambaza vikosi vya wasiojulikana Nchi nzima.

Wa Syria waliishi kama Jehanamu ndani ya Nchi yao.

Uzuri ni kuwa chochote mtu anachofanya dhidi ya wenzake dunia huwa inaona. Hakunaga siri. Ni swala la muda tu.
Kwa hio Bibi kizee apashe misuli kidogo?
Bashar anamaovu lakini hao jamaa ni nuksi asee.
Kwa kuwa wamenrudishia alichofanya ndio wamekuwa Nuksi?

Kwanini Mtu aje kwako akucharange mapanga wewe na watoto wako tena kwa kosa dogo au kwa ukatiri tu bila kosa. Ila yeye aliyefanya kwa kukusudia huku akitamba akirudishiwa mumivu yale yale anaonekana kaonewa?
Imeniuma sana kuuwa binadani hadharani namna hiyo.kwa Nini wasingemfunga jela tu na siyo kufanya huo ujinga walioufanya.Hii serikali mwisho wake utakuwa mbaya.
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