5 Reasons why you are not making progress in life

Mr What

JF-Expert Member
Oct 22, 2016

Do you feel stuck in life? Or maybe you feel like you are not moving at the speed you should, I'm going to show you some possible reasons why you are not getting on as you should in life.

If you believe that life is in stages then you should also know that some strategies and principles must be applied, progress in life is a function of determination, diligence and the right attitude, everything has to work at the same time. the right amount that triggers success. The purpose of this publication is to give you an insight into what could be hindering your progress in life.

Before blaming the country, the president, the senators, and the governors as one of the reasons you are not getting ahead in life, take the time to examine internally what may be the cause and external forces aside allow.

It's not just about finances, it's also about your career, your relationship or wherever you want to develop.

What could be some of the reasons you are still making progress in life?

This is the basis of all possible causes why you are still not getting on in life. This is the greatest enemy you will ever have in life. This will be the reason why others try and work hard to achieve a lot and you will be sitting in the corner of your room dreaming.

It is the basis for other progress killers like procrastination, excuses etc. life.

There are other products of laziness and they are used as other points to explain possible reasons why you are not getting on in life.


Lack of Discipline
Discipline yourself is one of the recipes for success. Many successful people have attributed the secret of their success to self-discipline. You can never overdo it. This is a life skill that will help you focus, be active, and get things done.

This is one factor that others use to judge you. Talent alone is not enough, discipline is the motto. It extends to your personal life, your work, your career, your lifestyle and your finances.

When the discipline is over you will see how distracted you become in life. In the long run, it can just implode and warn you what is the worst thing you ever wanted to experience.

No to personal improvement

Self-improvement is about creating added value for yourself. Two years shouldn't go by without your self-esteem improving.

On another thread, I wrote about the most important skills that would get you a job and improve your career too. Most people saw it and just left. You need to continuously add value to yourself and the results are very good.

If you prefer the latest fashion trends or the latest technological gadgets to skills that would open doors for you, how are you going to make progress in life?

There are no clear goals

90% of people wake up every morning with no plan for what they want to achieve that day. You spend time with time killers (social media, gossip, and television). You need to set goals every night before the next day. It helps you achieve a lot.

Here are the goal-setting exercises to consider
Make a list of 10 goals to be achieved
Pick the most important
Set a deadline

Talk about it all day until you get there
Focus on it (Guidance Excellence)

Lack of optimism

Optimistic people are happy people, they believe that things will be good and they work hard to achieve it, they talk about what they want, how they want it and how they will achieve it.

Non-optimistic people are very unhappy. They are not happy with themselves, with their life, with the country, with everything that surrounds them, their unhappiness prevents them from seeing the positive side of life, they only talk about what they do not want and give to others blame for their misfortunes.

A lack of optimism could be one of the reasons why you are still not making progress in life. This is because you miss opportunities when they arise. After all, you assume nothing good will come of them.
How to Get Optimistic

Think What You Want To Achieve And How You Want To Achieve It
Look For The Good In Any Situation
Seek The Valuable Lesson In Any Situation
Feed Your Mind With Good Things

Try It more off; even if it fails, keep trying


Be Persistent

Another reason could be any of the following;
No plans
Game of blame
Finding excuses, etc.

As you work at the earlier points in your life you will become more productive and content with yourself. But most of all, you cultivate discipline and work hard to achieve your goals. and success would haunt you in your pants.
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