10 mistakes poor people makes that you should avoid...

Mr What

JF-Expert Member
Oct 22, 2016
Top 10 mistakes poor people make that you should avoid.

Allef Vinicius

Do you want to have a better financial life? Of course, you are; I assume that is why you are reading this. But the point is, if you are reading this, you have seen the title of this story, and you want to have financial abundance in your life.

If you want to have financial abundance in your life, you must first develop a wealthy mindset. I succeeded, especially by following the tips of T. Harv Eker and Robert Kiyosaki.

Let me anticipate that stopping having a poor mentality is not an easy task. You will have to stop believing in certain beliefs that you may think are absolute truth.
I cannot guarantee you the same level of success, or even any success at all in this endeavor.

All I can do is share with you the top 10 mistakes poor people make that, according to the opinions of the authors already mentioned above, are making it impossible for many people to succeed in their financial lives.
Let me make one thing clear when I refer to poor people, I mean poor-minded people, even if they were born into wealthy families.

1. Poor people are always full of usually negative opinions about the world.​

Poor people always want to let everyone know about their complaints instead of being humble to recognize that we know very little and still have a lot to learn.
Throughout my change of mindset, I discovered that the quest for success in your financial life does depend mainly on your resilience and your hunger for more and more knowledge.

You can shield yourself from negative opinions by not wasting your energy on issues that you can't change at the moment or that somehow put you in a victim position.
Another aspect is that poor people use their time to focus on the life of others while their life passes by.

In contrast to the above point, rich people are always learning, using their time to ask questions, listen, read books, and implement what they have learned. For this reason, they don't have time to criticize others or even pay attention to the lives of others.

Just as wealthy people know, you should also know that your income can only grow as your knowledge grows.
It reminds us that we are what we think. You will never be able to do anything about anything if you don't first change the way you think. Everything starts with thoughts, choose to change your thoughts, and the results will automatically improve.

2. Poor people believe that money is the root of all evil.​

The main difference between poor and rich people is that rich people believe that poverty is the root of all evil. It is not money that causes hunger, disease, the misery. It is the lack of cash that causes these things.

He recalls that the lack of money puts people in a vulnerable position, which is why crime, drugs, violence, and prostitution are commonplace in everyday life in the poorest parts of the United States.
Let me remind you that money does not change people. It simply amplifies the characteristics showing who they are.

If you are a kind person, then money allows you to amplify your kindness through donations to reach more people's lives, thus allowing more people to know who you are.
If you are an idiot who disrespects women inside his truck. with a lot of money, you will be a bigger idiot than disrespecting women inside a Lamborghini.

3. Poor people have a lottery mentality.​

Poor people expect to earn money, but without striving for money. They have the mentality that the only way they can get rich in this life is to buy a lottery ticket, even though they know that their chances are insignificant. Insignificant, they buy into their fantasy.
By armoring yourself with the above point, you should try to have the mentality of rich people, which is to think that your future depends only on you and not on luck.

The mentality of lottery, of chance, is the reason that makes the poor believe that the rich are lucky that they did not deserve their fortune.
Be careful! When you are judging a successful person. You haven't seen all the years she worked 70 hours a week without rest to realize her vision, haven't seen all the criticism, rejections, failures, and challenges she had to go through to get where she is today.

4. Poor people use credit cards or borrow money for useless things.​

There are only two scenarios in which you should use credit:
  • You have the money to pay in cash, but the installment plan is interest-free until you pay the installments.
  • You will use the credit to generate more money for you in the future than the debt you have constrained yourself.
The rule is simple if you borrow to buy things that don't make you more money than the loan, you are probably poor. Because you don't have the money to pay for these things in cash, so you pay in installments because it is a way for you to fulfill your short-lived consumer dream.
Let me remind you that when you have a debt, you are no longer working for yourself. Your life is no longer truly yours until you pay it off.

5. Poor people buy clothes or products on impulse.​

Have you ever seen someone walking through a mall or a fair who suddenly saw a window with some product at 30% off and decided to buy that product? Poor people look for excuses to spend the little money they have left, while rich people think about using the rest to increase their income by buying assets.

If you want to toast against these temptations, you should first invest your money and then bear your cost of living. It prevents any amount of money left over that leaves them tempted to spend on futility every month.
The only things you should buy in liquidation are stocks, cryptocurrencies, and real estate funds.
No, you don't need another iPhone case or pair of shoes, even if they are 30% off.
You know the things you need. Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad, said always pay yourself first.

First, you invest, and only then do you pay your living costs because if you spend and then invest, there will never be enough money left for you to invest.
Another negative aspect of poor people is that they are immediate and think in the short term. They can only see what is pertinent to them and what is part of their immediate reality.

Rich people know that saving and investing their money will allow living a much better quality of life in the future.

6. Poor people blame others for their problems.​

Let me remind you that we don't have total control over what happens around us. But there are three things we can always do:
  • We can choose where to focus;
  • We can choose the meaning of what happened to us;
  • We can choose what to do.
The difference is in how we react to what has happened to us.
When something evil happens, the poor choose to victimize themselves.
While the rich analyze the situation, study, try to understand what went wrong to know what they can do to make it right next time.
While one uses external circumstances to call himself a vulnerable victim, the other uses his problems as a growing point. So once again, the point here is not what happens but what you and I do about it.

Some people even blame their fate for being poor. I know that there is no way we can control who our parents are, where we are born or how society treats us. So, why beat our brains out about something that is totally out of our control?
The only thing you and I can control is the amount of time we put into our dreams.

Circumstances around us may influence us but do not determine our destiny.
Depending on your circumstances, they will probably require you to work more than other people, but still, your destiny is up to you.

7. Poor people don't proceed with the necessary attitudes to make their dreams come true.​

Poor people are afraid to take risks and start new things.
They are scared of the failure, rejection, criticism that they will receive. They don't understand that if they want their lives to change, they have to change.

Nobody wants to fail, but there is a big difference between people who follow their goals despite the fear of failure and those who let the fear of failure consume them.
Fear is the natural mechanism against things that are not within our control.

It mechanism worked very well when we were fighting mammoths and tigers when failure meant literal death. But today failure, means you have to start over. It means you have one more chance.

8. Poor people think that it is unfair that they work hard and remain poor.​

It doesn't matter how hard you work if the kind of work you do can't take you where you want to go.

We need to keep learning, developing the skills necessary to identify a problem, find a way to solve this problem, and make a profit out of it.
I understand that depending on one's social ideology, the thought of what is fair in our society can change completely.

For example, if you are a supporter of socialism might find it pertinent that a street sweeper receives the same salary as a surgeon.
Nothing against it, the two functions may be equally valuable for our society, but this brings us back to the issue of circumstances. The reality is not that, and quite possibly never will be.

So, are you going to focus only on how the society you live in should be and victimize yourself in the name of a utopia, or are you going to accept the way things are, hold your head up high, and find a way to thrive in that society?

9. Poor people believe that wanting to have money is the same thing as wanting to have the luxury.​

If you ask most people with a poor mentality what it means to be rich, they will probably say that it is to have a mansion, to have a luxury car, to wear expensive clothes, or flashy things.

Rich-minded people don't make money to have the above things. They make money to have the freedom to do whatever they want with their time.
A mansion, a luxury car, expensive clothes are just a few possibilities of this freedom.

When you are free financially, it allows you to be who you want to be. Being rich, you can use your time to be where you want to be with whom you want to be, doing what you love.

10. Poor people cannot differentiate good advice from bad advice.​

Have you ever noticed that some people have strange sayings that they seem to have heard from parents or friends but that they use to guide every

the action of your life, be yourself; it is the worst advice anyone can give you.
The advice above removes you from the need to develop if you don't need to leave your comfort zone to grow, to implement what you have learned.

If you follow this advice, you will continue to have the same results that you want to avoid.
Often people with good intentions can give us bad advice.

We worry too much, and everything that could go wrong forgets to remember that losses are limited and profits are infinite.
To face this bad advice, we must ask for advice from people we admire, who today are in positions we wish to be.
So, it's not the opinions of these people that you and I should listen to because they probably will discourage us, demotivate us, and will not add anything to you that will make us get closer to our goals.
A h
Vipi wewe upo upande upi. Maana mnasoma sijui akina olomide then mnaleta upupu hapa. Maisha siyo hayo usemayo. Jitafakari.
Kama huna point ya kuandika we nyamaza tu kuliko kutuwekea utumbo hapa bila kachumbari......
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