Why investing in business is possible for everyone only if,.....!


New Member
Apr 9, 2012
Referring to several finance and business intellectuals, Investment has several definitions: In finance, it is referred to as the purchase of a financial product or other item of value with an expectation of complimentary future returns.
In general terms, investment means the use money in the hope of making more money.
In business, it is defined as the purchase by a producer of a physical good, such as durable equipment or inventory, in the hope of improving future business.
As viewed, those definitions of investment we saw and many others are based on material and physical activities in terms of money in connections to a positive future and successful life. Unlike success which is relative and might be viewed in a different perspective, and a philosophical understanding of every individual; investment is a key to achieving any kind of success being material, spiritual and/or intellectual attainment.
Having enough income to live the life you want. No longer worrying about day-to-day expenses and knowing that you and your family will have enough to maintain that lifestyle in the future does not need just investment but inter-moral and socio-investment. The lesson prepared here under is therefore meant to give you the most ignored but highly important part of investment. Not only about capital, stock exchange, banking, demand and supply, and all other business and financial terms but personality and proper business environment based on an individual positive or negative investment and financial behaviour must be of a great emphasis.

You must be in a situation where you have to be physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy, feeling energetic and alive at any age; having happy and rewarding relationships with family, friends, and colleagues.

It means to be fully engaged and passionate about life, facing every day with a feeling of expectation and excitement.

It does not surprise therefore that only few people invest in such behavioural environment and enjoy a unique lifestyle. It does not just happen. It takes learning the specific investment skills that are present in all high achievers. Unfortunately, these are not the skills taught in schools and universities anywhere in the world. These skills are a life time progressive school that one must attend every morning.

If you want to be ahead of the pack, take time to learn about yourself and steps you can take to “Live among the few.”

According to various experts, there are about five distinct categories, or character traits, that ultimately determine the likelihood of one's achievement. Majority of the people are failures because they are weak in those categories, or they are not serious about personal life principles or not focused at all.
If you find yourself among people whose profile lack stability in the five categories described below, you just have to revisit your investment areas to become economically reliable.

Discipline is the vital key and/or padlock for almost everything
It might turn out that you believe to be "free-spirited.” Yet if your personal, family, social, spiritual and professional life lack discipline like having a tendency to avoid planning and procrastinate important issues, using your money unnecessarily, wasting time unreasonably, then you will significantly improve your future outlook if your first investment will focus on addressing discipline problem in areas of planning and holding to accomplishment of your priorities.

Discipline is your ability to set goals, manage your time, money and accomplish what is important; measure the results, and maintain an overall balance in life. Without discipline, achievement grinds to a halt.

Embrace your Passion prudently
Although some poor people are worried and have either lost hope or are almost losing it, the truth is that majority of those struggling are always enthusiastic about their goals, they also tend to be practical in approach to accomplishing them. However, it must be realised that passion can lead to disaster if there is no prudence.

Hard work will start you toward your goal. But it is the passion to press on no matter what obstacles are in your way that is going to lead you to achieving everything that is good for a life well lived. Those who live among the little successful class of people have a continuous flow of passion.

Risking is unavoidable
If you are among of those who are always up for new adventures, you must learn to wisely temper the thrills with a bit of discretion. Perhaps one of your past risks might have made you less likely to "dive in without testing the water" first these days.

Risk is a measure of willingness to step out of "comfort zone." Investing for success often requires change, and the road is often paved with new challenges that defy complacency. The rule is just transparent: Those not willing to change live a life like everyone else. And those who accept risk get to live like no one else.

Optimism should be the kind of everyday prayer
Only a mad person would choose to invest his money, asserts, time or in anything without hope. It is known that the death of hope is the worst death; nevertheless, a pretty good attitude about life is what matters. You have to find ways to enjoy the time you spend with others even you are not used to, because those moments when you just wish to be alone have to be for recollection but not a life style.
People who prefer to surround themselves with a smaller group of positive people who are not expected to raise any challenge will never have a productive investment unless accept that change is the only permanent thing under the sun. It is as well known that if you want to be provident.

You are what you think about, so it is no surprise that happy people are, well, just happier. And those who tend to be more positive usually benefit from more successful investment, more satisfying relationships, and more wealth. This category of optimism includes both internal and external sources of positive affirmation (for-instance, self-esteem, confidence, self-image, spirituality) and the like.

Interpersonal Skills
Although you are a person by nature and have the ability to perform when pressed, there are just some situations for which every individual would sometime prefer to be in the background. There are those who are viewed by others as confident in abilities, but secretly they wish to be even more confident; an indication of some inferiority complex.

Investing in health (positive) relationships before thinking of any material investment is pivotal to your overall success. It includes not only your personal relationships, but also your ability to deal with people in your business like Negotiating, Selling, Public speaking and any other business persuasion regardless of your trade or carrier. These factors are all necessary for proper investment and ultimate success.

Moreover the reader is not subjected to this theory which has no intentions to directly affect any individual but it is a general socio-economic lecture that is based on moral strength behind any successful investment and wealth security. If I may repeat, there can never be tangible achievement in any business if there is lack of discipline, passion, prudent risk taking, interpersonal skills and optimism though it is not a guarantee and you may be weak in some aspects while strong at other points that might outweigh the weakness.
now; i think al transfer this to my clipboard, some students need this lesson or be reminded so often. I love the explanation, smooth and motivating.
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