Understanding your woman

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Senior Member
Mar 23, 2022

Many men make the mistake of wanting their wives/women to be like them, forgetting we were not created with the same raw materials. A man was formed from the dust but a woman was made from bone, hence we cannot behave or think alike.

An average woman wants to be teased, cared for and pampered. Even if she's horny she still wants her man to ask her for sex, this makes her feel like a woman.

Her frequent sickness is not her fault, it is the nature of her body. You must learn to live with this truth. In fact, she wants you to pity her and give her special care when she's sick. Stop getting angry anytime she complain to you about one pain or the other. Sometimes the pain may not be as much as she presents it but she love to act that drama to get your attention. Her need for attention is really a function of nature and not because she wants to disturb you.

She wants a man who will listen to all her jagons and stories. Some of these stories may not be interesting but if you don't listen another man will listen and steal her heart away from you. An average woman will willingly give her heart to a man who listens to her. Even if you don't have solution to her stories, share her pain and fear.

Did you find her behaving like a child? Yes, she is your first child. Even her godmother played childishness at the Garden of Eden - she played with the enemy and traded their estate to the devil. You will have peace if you see her as your first child.

Her tear is a way of communication, don't ignore it. Each drop of tear is a message. If you ignore her tears, they will metamorphose into bitterness, anger, nagging and emotional depression. If not well managed it could lead to witchcraft.

She doesn't want to share you with anyone. Her excessive jealousy is not a crime, it is because she loves you and wants to protect you. If you kill that zeal, you will never enjoy her love again. She will never trust you again. Appreciate her jealousy, make her proud and clear all her doubts. Don't accuse her of being over jealous.

Tell her you love her. Say good things about her. Even if it's flattering she doesn't mind. Talk about her dress, complement her hairstyle, appreciate her shape and shout about her sense of humor. Those sweet words bring out the best out of her.
She is a woman, she is not a man.
Peaceful home is our concern.


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Many men make the mistake of wanting their wives/women to be like them, forgetting we were not created with the same raw materials. A man was formed from the dust but a woman was made from bone, hence we cannot behave or think alike.

An average woman wants to be teased, cared for and pampered. Even if she's horny she still wants her man to ask her for sex, this makes her feel like a woman.

Her frequent sickness is not her fault, it is the nature of her body. You must learn to live with this truth. In fact, she wants you to pity her and give her special care when she's sick. Stop getting angry anytime she complain to you about one pain or the other. Sometimes the pain may not be as much as she presents it but she love to act that drama to get your attention. Her need for attention is really a function of nature and not because she wants to disturb you.

She wants a man who will listen to all her jagons and stories. Some of these stories may not be interesting but if you don't listen another man will listen and steal her heart away from you. An average woman will willingly give her heart to a man who listens to her. Even if you don't have solution to her stories, share her pain and fear.

Did you find her behaving like a child? Yes, she is your first child. Even her godmother played childishness at the Garden of Eden - she played with the enemy and traded their estate to the devil. You will have peace if you see her as your first child.

Her tear is a way of communication, don't ignore it. Each drop of tear is a message. If you ignore her tears, they will metamorphose into bitterness, anger, nagging and emotional depression. If not well managed it could lead to witchcraft.

She doesn't want to share you with anyone. Her excessive jealousy is not a crime, it is because she loves you and wants to protect you. If you kill that zeal, you will never enjoy her love again. She will never trust you again. Appreciate her jealousy, make her proud and clear all her doubts. Don't accuse her of being over jealous.

Tell her you love her. Say good things about her. Even if it's flattering she doesn't mind. Talk about her dress, complement her hairstyle, appreciate her shape and shout about her sense of humor. Those sweet words bring out the best out of her.
She is a woman, she is not a man.
Peaceful home is our concern.


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Absolutely I agree
Nimeelewa hapo tu kuwa tumetengenezwa na raw material tofauti
But all in all i agree with you
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