The test of love.

Kambi ya Fisi

JF-Expert Member
Feb 3, 2018
Brenda alikuwa na wapenzi wawili ambao ni Mike pamoja na Deno na wote walikuwa wanaonekana kumpenda lakini Brenda alitaka mmoja tu awe wake wa maisha hivyo alifanya hii test of love ili kumbaini ni yupi hasa kati ya Mike na Deno anayempenda kiukweli na anafaa kuwa wake wa maisha.....

The test of love inaanza hivi.....

Brenda: Hae Beb(Mike)?
Brenda: Hae Beb(Deno)?
(Sem message forwarded to Deno)

Mike: Hi to honey(Immediately replied)

Brenda: kwa kweli Mike kuna issue inabidi nikushow though najua itakuhurt but inabidi.

Mike: We nambie tu.

Brenda: Mike Naomba unisamehe kwa kukuwastia time yako, najua unanipenda but am sorry sikukuambia mapema najuta kutokukuambia ukweli mapema.Mike kusema kweli hiyo yote tumekua tunadate nilikua na boy mwingine but sikuwahi kuambia juu yake, niliogopa kukuambia may be ungeniacha tu hata huyo boy pia sikuwa namtrust Sana but as time went by nimejipata nimempenda zaidi ya yeye ananipenda na tayari tushaelewana next month am getting married to him.I know it will hurt you but I just have to tell you,but please Naomba unisamehe kwa kutokujulisha mapema please. But nakuombea pia upate mwingine atakayekupenda na utakaye mpenda zaidi yangu.Bye bye.

Brenda: (Forwads the same message to Deno her 2nd boyfriend)

Mike: (Mike reads the message and calls Brenda immediately)Hello Brenda nimeona message ni yangu ama Ni mistaken?

Brenda: (Replying.....kwa kweli Mike nilijua tu hutaamini but hio Message si mistaken ni yako tu nielewe tu hivyo.)

Mike: Okay ni Poa but me I don't trust phone communications. Na pia mapenzi hayalazimishwi iwapo umempenda mwenzangu haina shida coz u have respected the voice of your heart of which I also do respect the same but please just make me believe this ,just make my heart get convinced please.

Brenda: Nilivyokuambia ndiyo hivyo hivyo.

Mike: Beb you know how much I love you and I can't just believe it that ease please do me the last favour.

Brenda: which favour?

Mike: Naomba tu umupatie huyo mwenzangu Simu niongee Naye at least niamini tu ni ukweli Umeenda.

Brenda: Hayuko karibu halafu pia huwezi kuongea naye maana itakua kesi nyingine tu. Naomba unielewe tu kufikia hapo.
(Brenda feels the depth of Mike's love she thinks of taking her phone to her brother for him to pretend to be her husband to be but again she fears doing this as Mike could believe the prank as she was only trying to know of her two boyfriends who loved her most and could marry her so she paused).

(After six hours.)

Mike: Mike calling to confirm it's true Brenda is planning to get married.

Brenda: (Ignores Mike's call).

Mike: (Sends numerous messages which reveals how he was emotionally disturbed)


Deno: (Replying to Brenda)Hi to you

Deno: (Replying to Brenda's forwarded Similar message as to that of Mike's breakup message After four hours).Okay ni sawa tu.

Brenda: Op sijakuwastia time yako.

Deno: Not time, you have wasted my money, umekula hela zangu nyingi sana we malaya.

Brenda: Yaani hadi ukinitumia hizo Pesa zako zote ulikua Unataka tu kuni keep hata hukua unanipenda. Ulikua tu na interest zako, na leo unaniita malaya!

I thank God for the method he has given me to know the right man to get married to.Good bye.

Brenda: (Immediately calls Mike to explain everything to him.)Hello Mike am sorry I judged you wrong but now I know you really love me much.
Mike you never used to send me money regularly, you never took me out for enjoyment, you never gifted me the way others did so i got confused and thought that you didn't love me but surprisingly you are the man I was looking for am ready to settle with you as your wife right now.

Mike:In disbelief "How much is your fare from your place to where I am.I am marrying you right now and not tomorrow.


Mungu azidi kuwabariki Mike na Brenda katika ndoa yao.

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