Tanzania is led under superficial constitutionality


JF-Expert Member
Nov 10, 2022
Hope we all have a great morning!

Tanzanias for all these years have traditionally lived under the umbrella of kingship leadership realistically, though the state has its rubber stamp constitution, barely has it had any ideal manifestation to it's core meaning, the country has all along and traditionally been a state with superficial constitutionality.

The higher ranks holders have always elevated themselves above the the law, most often fronting their satanic powers at the expense of constitutional abuse or rather constitutional contempt.

Dead people would oftenly keep quiet on issues that matters. This produces society members that would galvanize prospective massive graves.

Kupanga ni kuchagua kwa hizo arbitrary speeches mtavuna mema. You have to be smart upstairs to shine with haphazard utterances.


Higher ranks baboons unamanisha nini?
Baboons can be anything if you wish you can substitute, do you know how baboons behave? The greedy part represent my diction choice, the powerful and greedy individuals.
Reading your opening remarks makes it look lucrative, but when it comes to principles of constitutionalism in Tanzania such as freedom, justice, fraternity and concord it's where we draw the line .

We have all witness the government disregarding the rule of law over and over , government officials have accumulated wealth via stolen taxpayers money siphoned through personal bank accounts. And no one has been charged with embezzlement.

Prominent critics and opposition leaders are being arrested, detained incommunicado in staged moves orchestrated by the ruling party .

Until we stop pampering falsehoods it will be the great moment rebuild a country with integrity, transparency and respect to the rule of law.

Sovereignty belongs to the people , however supremacy belong to the constitution .
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