Siku ya wanawake duniani

Nawatakia kujitambua kwa haraka kuwa wao hawawezi kuwa wanaume, wautumikie umwanamke wao kikamilifu bila kinyongo.
A good joke I read somewhere, and I like telling it over and over.

3 fellas came across a Genie. The genie promised to grant each, one wish.

1st guy said; "I wish I was 25% smarter. The genie blinked, and the man exclaimed! "I feel smarter already".

The 2nd one said; "I wish I was 50% smarter. The genie blinked, and the man exclaimed! "I know all I want to do now".

The 3rd one said; "I wish I was 100% smarter. The genie blinked, and the man turned into a woman.

Happy women's day to the only 2 women that get that joke. No, I'm just playing. Happy women's day.
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