Roles of social Media reporters


Senior Member
Aug 18, 2017
1. Encourage and moderate discussion among the audience.

2. Provide the audience with the opportunity to maintain relationships among themselves.

3. Build and maintain a relationship to the audience.

4. Share positive ideals.

5. Inform the audience as fast as possible.

6. Show new trends and highlight new ideas.

7. Point out interesting topics to the audience and show them where to get further information on them.

8. Criticize problems and grievances.

9. Give the audience the opportunity to express opinion on topics of public interest.

10. Explain and convey complex issues.

11. Inform the audience as objectively and precisely as possible.

12. Get into conversation with the audience
about current events and topics.

13. Present my/their own opinion(s) to the audience/to the public.

14. Provide useful information for the audience and act as advisor/guidance.

15. Provide people with opportunity to publish their own content.

16. Give the audience topics to talk about.

17. Monitor politics, the economy and society.

18. Offer the audience entertainment and relaxation.

19. Concentrate on news that is interesting to an audience as wide as possible.
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