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Robots to declare war on humans within 25 years, claims intelligence expert
By Mirror Updated Thursday, January 7th 2016 at 15:27 GMT +3
Canada: Humans and robots could be locked in a brutal conflict by the year 2040, an artificial intelligence expert has claimed. Logan Streondj, a Canadian tech guru and sci-fi writer, has issued an ominous warning about the threat of war between man and machine. In The Terminator, this apocalyptic battle happened at some point before 2029, which is the year when a robot went back in time to try and kill the mother of John Connor, a resistance leader. But Streondj suggested this battle would happen at some point between 2040 and 2055. This is the point when "the number of robots and humans being produced per year will be the same".
See also: Scientists finally discover secret of resurrecting the dead.
At the time of its release in 1984, the Terminator film was dismissed as far-fetched. But to most movie buffs, the suggestion that its beefcake star, Arnold Schwarzenegger, would become governor of California would have seemed even more unlikely. If a bodybuilder can win elected office, is it really too much to claim that machines will soon destroy humanity?
Robots to declare war on humans within 25 years, claims intelligence expert
By Mirror Updated Thursday, January 7th 2016 at 15:27 GMT +3
Canada: Humans and robots could be locked in a brutal conflict by the year 2040, an artificial intelligence expert has claimed. Logan Streondj, a Canadian tech guru and sci-fi writer, has issued an ominous warning about the threat of war between man and machine. In The Terminator, this apocalyptic battle happened at some point before 2029, which is the year when a robot went back in time to try and kill the mother of John Connor, a resistance leader. But Streondj suggested this battle would happen at some point between 2040 and 2055. This is the point when "the number of robots and humans being produced per year will be the same".
See also: Scientists finally discover secret of resurrecting the dead.
At the time of its release in 1984, the Terminator film was dismissed as far-fetched. But to most movie buffs, the suggestion that its beefcake star, Arnold Schwarzenegger, would become governor of California would have seemed even more unlikely. If a bodybuilder can win elected office, is it really too much to claim that machines will soon destroy humanity?
Robots to declare war on humans within 25 years, claims intelligence expert