JF-Expert Member
- Jul 28, 2011
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Romans Chapter 3: 21-31 21 But now apart from the law the righteousness
of God has been made known, to which the
Law and the Prophets testify. 22This righteousness
is given through faith in j Jesus Christ to all
who believe. There is no difference between Jew
and Gentile, 23for all have sinned and fall short of
the glory of God, 24and all are justified freely by
his grace through the redemption that came by
Christ Jesus. 25God presented Christ as a sacrifice
blood—to be received by faith. He did this to
demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance
he had left the sins committed beforehand
unpunished— 26he did it to demonstrate his justice
at the present time, so as to be just and the one
who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.
27Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded. Because
of what law? The law that requires works?
No, because of the “law” that requires faith. 28For
we maintain that a person is justified by faith
apart from observing the law. 29Is God the God of
Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too? Yes,
of Gentiles too, 30since there is only one God, who
will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised
through that same faith. 31Do we, then,
nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we
uphold the law.
The message of this passage of scripture is that you are saved by God's grace as a gift! The emphasis of this passage is Righteousness by Faith, alone! Apart from works of the law. Or human attainment or achievement.
What's the meaning of Righteousness? Righteousness means "right standing before God". That's its meaning throughout the book of Romans.
Righteousness by faith means "right standing before God by believing in Jesus and accepting His sacrifice for my sins and depending on that sacrifice and that sacrifice only for salvation.”
Righteousness by faith is a transfer of righteousness from Christ to you.
He gives it freely to you. You simply take it and say thank you Jesus. And when you do, you have Christ's righteousness - Right standing before God. I am happy to announce to you this today that I've got it, beloved, I've got it, And it feels real good. Right standing before God. Paul say we are justified by God's grace as a gift! (Present tense!)
It's a foreign righteousness!
Beloved, that is true of many of our people even today. The message of Righteousness by faith in Romans is strange and new to them.
Q. What is Righteousness by faith?
A. It is depending entirely upon Christ's Righteousness for your salvation.
1. That's the only way we can have assurance of salvation now.
2. That's the only reason I can say I've got it. Thank you Jesus.
3. And that is the message of Romans! The major thrust.
That's exactly what Rom 3:21-24 is saying!
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
to receive Honor
and Power
and Riches
and Glory
and Dominion
and Majesty
Christ gets all the glory! Where is boasting? It's excluded!
I have nothing to boast about because I haven't accomplished anything.
Verse 31, what about the law! Is it null and void? Do we throw away because we have been saved apart from the law. No. As a matter of fact that righteousness by faith - establishes the law because the law requires righteousness, perfect righteousness. And the only way I can get that is as I receive Christ's righteousness which is a free gift to me.
When God looked on Calvary hill He saw two perfect sons nailed to crosses. He saw His Son Jesus and another clothe in the perfect righteousness of Jesus.
The law does its job in making you realize that you are a hopeless sinner. And by coming to Christ by faith, you receive righteousness. You are declared righteous. Christ righteousness is imputed to you, as a gift.
Two thoughts as to conclude:
(1) The main emphasis of salvation is that it is a gift, not a reward. If you understand that you have understood the message.
Salvation is a free gift that you receive by faith. It is not a reward.
(2) The One to receive the glory for your salvation is Jesus, not you. Jesus alone is to be praised.
I close with this and I want you to think about it.
If God had added one requirement the thief on the Cross couldn't qualify, but because it’s a gift he could receive it.
If you follow the thief’s example and accept Jesus today, He will clothe you in His Righteousness and God will declare you righteous,
Justified and
Finally, the words of Paul, Romans 3:21-24:
“But now right standing before God has been manifested apart from law, although the law and the prophets bear witness to it - right standing before God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction, I since all have sinned and fall (present tense) short of the glory of God, they are declared righteous by His grace as a gift, through the Redemption which is in Christ Jesus.
of God has been made known, to which the
Law and the Prophets testify. 22This righteousness
is given through faith in j Jesus Christ to all
who believe. There is no difference between Jew
and Gentile, 23for all have sinned and fall short of
the glory of God, 24and all are justified freely by
his grace through the redemption that came by
Christ Jesus. 25God presented Christ as a sacrifice
blood—to be received by faith. He did this to
demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance
he had left the sins committed beforehand
unpunished— 26he did it to demonstrate his justice
at the present time, so as to be just and the one
who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.
27Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded. Because
of what law? The law that requires works?
No, because of the “law” that requires faith. 28For
we maintain that a person is justified by faith
apart from observing the law. 29Is God the God of
Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too? Yes,
of Gentiles too, 30since there is only one God, who
will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised
through that same faith. 31Do we, then,
nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we
uphold the law.
The message of this passage of scripture is that you are saved by God's grace as a gift! The emphasis of this passage is Righteousness by Faith, alone! Apart from works of the law. Or human attainment or achievement.
What's the meaning of Righteousness? Righteousness means "right standing before God". That's its meaning throughout the book of Romans.
Righteousness by faith means "right standing before God by believing in Jesus and accepting His sacrifice for my sins and depending on that sacrifice and that sacrifice only for salvation.”
Righteousness by faith is a transfer of righteousness from Christ to you.
He gives it freely to you. You simply take it and say thank you Jesus. And when you do, you have Christ's righteousness - Right standing before God. I am happy to announce to you this today that I've got it, beloved, I've got it, And it feels real good. Right standing before God. Paul say we are justified by God's grace as a gift! (Present tense!)
It's a foreign righteousness!
Beloved, that is true of many of our people even today. The message of Righteousness by faith in Romans is strange and new to them.
Q. What is Righteousness by faith?
A. It is depending entirely upon Christ's Righteousness for your salvation.
1. That's the only way we can have assurance of salvation now.
2. That's the only reason I can say I've got it. Thank you Jesus.
3. And that is the message of Romans! The major thrust.
That's exactly what Rom 3:21-24 is saying!
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
to receive Honor
and Power
and Riches
and Glory
and Dominion
and Majesty
Christ gets all the glory! Where is boasting? It's excluded!
I have nothing to boast about because I haven't accomplished anything.
Verse 31, what about the law! Is it null and void? Do we throw away because we have been saved apart from the law. No. As a matter of fact that righteousness by faith - establishes the law because the law requires righteousness, perfect righteousness. And the only way I can get that is as I receive Christ's righteousness which is a free gift to me.
When God looked on Calvary hill He saw two perfect sons nailed to crosses. He saw His Son Jesus and another clothe in the perfect righteousness of Jesus.
The law does its job in making you realize that you are a hopeless sinner. And by coming to Christ by faith, you receive righteousness. You are declared righteous. Christ righteousness is imputed to you, as a gift.
Two thoughts as to conclude:
(1) The main emphasis of salvation is that it is a gift, not a reward. If you understand that you have understood the message.
Salvation is a free gift that you receive by faith. It is not a reward.
(2) The One to receive the glory for your salvation is Jesus, not you. Jesus alone is to be praised.
I close with this and I want you to think about it.
If God had added one requirement the thief on the Cross couldn't qualify, but because it’s a gift he could receive it.
If you follow the thief’s example and accept Jesus today, He will clothe you in His Righteousness and God will declare you righteous,
Justified and
Finally, the words of Paul, Romans 3:21-24:
“But now right standing before God has been manifested apart from law, although the law and the prophets bear witness to it - right standing before God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction, I since all have sinned and fall (present tense) short of the glory of God, they are declared righteous by His grace as a gift, through the Redemption which is in Christ Jesus.