Mtizamo wa Blogger Mkenya juu ya Operation Ondosha Wageni


JF-Expert Member
Mar 4, 2015
Robert Alai Onyango

#OperationTimua : President Magufuli has ordered that all foreigners with or without work permits MUST surrender their jobs to the Tanzanians. In the launched "operation timua" Tanzanian immigration officials are carrying out door to door and workplace raids to get out the foreigner be it from the East African countries or not.

The biggest group victimized are the teachers in private schools, and if you apply for permit as a teacher they tell you that the work belongs to Tanzanians alone.

President Uhuru should pull a move. Either we are in EAC or not. If Kenyans are being deported then Tanzanians should also be deported from Kenya. We have enough Tanzanians doing the most menial jobs in Kenya while Kenyans are mostly working as professionals in Tanzania.
huyo bloger nae ni mtu wa ajabu umeambiwa wanaofukuzwa ni ambao hawana kibali ila mwenye kibali hafukuzwi
kuhusu hao walimu ni sahihi sasa unakuta mkenya anafundisha kiswahili au biology ambayo kuna wabongo kibao wanafanya hizo kazi.........
Wikipedia inamfafanua blogger mwenyewe kama ifuatavyo:

Robert Alai is a Kenyan blogger, internet entrepreneur and cyber-activist. Alai, who runs his own information technology weblog at[1] has earned notoriety for his relentless stream of social media opinions that inform, entertain and, not unusually, embarrass public officials in Nairobi. He has been sued and briefly incarcerated for his highly opinionated political and sometimes personal attacks on politicians, government officials and business leaders. professionals waombe vibali.. hata kuchimba dawa serengeti lazima uwe na kibali.
Robert Alai Onyango

#OperationTimua : President Magufuli has ordered that all foreigners with or without work permits MUST surrender their jobs to the Tanzanians. In the launched "operation timua" Tanzanian immigration officials are carrying out door to door and workplace raids to get out the foreigner be it from the East African countries or not.

The biggest group victimized are the teachers in private schools, and if you apply for permit as a teacher they tell you that the work belongs to Tanzanians alone.

President Uhuru should pull a move. Either we are in EAC or not. If Kenyans are being deported then Tanzanians should also be deported from Kenya. We have enough Tanzanians doing the most menial jobs in Kenya while Kenyans are mostly working as professionals in Tanzania.
....upuuzi...! Zoezi haliko kama anavyozungumza huyu mzushi...nyang`au....hata sasa, wakenya wenye fani ya ualimu wa hisabati na sayansi wanapewa vibali vya kufanya kazi wakiwa na mikataba ya ajira! Jamhuri ya muungano iko sawa kulinda ajira za raia wake kwa kuhakikisha zile kazi ambazo watanzania wanazimudu hazifanywi na wageni, na wageni wote walio nchini bila vibali na kinyume cha sheria wanatimuliwa, bila kujali ni raia wa wapi...
Magufuli anawatia pressure,hawa wakenya waligoma kuipa Fastjet kibali cha kufanya kazi kwa miaka karibu 4,wamekubali juzi baada ya Magufuli kuingia madarakani
Kina falcon mombasa , kaxi za kukata ticket mziache kwa wakenya
Robert Alai Onyango

#OperationTimua : President Magufuli has ordered that all foreigners with or without work permits MUST surrender their jobs to the Tanzanians. In the launched "operation timua" Tanzanian immigration officials are carrying out door to door and workplace raids to get out the foreigner be it from the East African countries or not.

The biggest group victimized are the teachers in private schools, and if you apply for permit as a teacher they tell you that the work belongs to Tanzanians alone.

President Uhuru should pull a move. Either we are in EAC or not. If Kenyans are being deported then Tanzanians should also be deported from Kenya. We have enough Tanzanians doing the most menial jobs in Kenya while Kenyans are mostly working as professionals in Tanzania.

Huyo aliyeandika hii makala anaitwa Robert Alai Onyango je unamjua ni nani

Robert Alai Onyango is the Nairobi based Gay representative for Newyolk Gay Society.

Watanzania tusipoteze muda kujadiliana na hilo shoga la nairobi
Tusiingize siasa kwenye elimu,as much as I like to my fellow countrymen occupying jobs but ebu tujiulize,shule za serikali (mostly ward schools au shule za kata) zinafundishwa na wazawa na matokeo yake kila mtu anayaona,wanafunzi wanamaliza darasa la saba au form four hawezi ku_locate Egypt ipo upande gani wa Africa? Ni tofauti kabisa na private schools ambazo nyingi zimewaajiri Ugandans na Kenyans and very few competent Tanzanian teachers. Magufuli awe makini ktk hili or else he will take our education to the pit of hell.
Robert Alai Onyango
Squinted opinion. Tanzania like any other countries including Kenya has labour laws guiding employment of foreign employees including filling positions which can not be filled by Tanzanians because they lack requisite qualifications (education and exprience). There are few positions which which can not be occupied by Tanzanians but the following conditions are used to employ Kenyans: 1. Teaching in English Medium Schools because of perceived notion that they have good command of English. The iron is that most of these teachers are not pedagogically trained teachers and have no added value in teaching other subjects but force their way to justify their emplotement. 2. Most Kenyans firms doing business in Tanzania bring their business wares and unjustifiably import their fellow Kenyans jobs which can be done by Tanzanians. Possibly it is a hidden policy of the Government of Kenya to export labour through firms doing business in foreign countries. 3. Kenyans argue that they are entitled to employment in the EAC but overlook the guiding principles to access employment in other member states. After all the protocol on free movement and employment has not been concluded and it will more than certain stipulate conditions for such employment opportunities. 4. Kenyans carry an environment of aloofness in what they do outside their country and is a manifestation of their alignments. I am always comfortable working with Kenyans from the coast, north eastern and south western. I find myself in a smog in the central part of the country.
#OperationTimua : President Magufuli has ordered that all foreigners with or without work permits MUST surrender their jobs to the Tanzanians. In the launched "operation timua" Tanzanian immigration officials are carrying out door to door and workplace raids to get out the foreigner be it from the East African countries or not.

The biggest group victimized are the teachers in private schools, and if you apply for permit as a teacher they tell you that the work belongs to Tanzanians alone.

President Uhuru should pull a move. Either we are in EAC or not. If Kenyans are being deported then Tanzanians should also be deported from Kenya. We have enough Tanzanians doing the most menial jobs in Kenya while Kenyans are mostly working as professionals in Tanzania.
Tusiingize siasa kwenye elimu,as much as I like to my fellow countrymen occupying jobs but ebu tujiulize,shule za serikali (mostly ward schools au shule za kata) zinafundishwa na wazawa na matokeo yake kila mtu anayaona,wanafunzi wanamaliza darasa la saba au form four hawezi ku_locate Egypt ipo upande gani wa Africa? Ni tofauti kabisa na private schools ambazo nyingi zimewaajiri Ugandans na Kenyans and very few competent Tanzanian teachers. Magufuli awe makini ktk hili or else he will take our education to the pit of hell.

So you are trying to tell us that these people can not locate Egypt simply because they were not taught by foreigners? pathetic, with this kind of thinking and reasoning, and I assume you were either taught by foreigners or you are a foreigner, we have a long way to go. I schooled a long time ago and I was taught by pure Tanzanians and I can rank myself higher than those who are now being taught by those whom you submit yourself before them.

There are many factors attributing to poor performance of our young girls and boys and not only who are teaching them, the instability of education policy itself is a major drawback
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Tusiingize siasa kwenye elimu,as much as I like to my fellow countrymen occupying jobs but ebu tujiulize,shule za serikali (mostly ward schools au shule za kata) zinafundishwa na wazawa na matokeo yake kila mtu anayaona,wanafunzi wanamaliza darasa la saba au form four hawezi ku_locate Egypt ipo upande gani wa Africa? Ni tofauti kabisa na private schools ambazo nyingi zimewaajiri Ugandans na Kenyans and very few competent Tanzanian teachers. Magufuli awe makini ktk hili or else he will take our education to the pit of hell.

Kwa nini ninyi watu huwa ni wagumu kuelewa namna hiyo? Hivi Shule mliwezaje kusoma na kufaulu? Serikali haijakataza wala haifukuzi wageni bali inataka wageni wote wanaofanya kazi TanZania wawe na vibali vya kazi ambavyo vinatolewa na Wizara ya Kazi na Ajira kwa kushirikiana na Uhamiaji, sasa hapo unacholalamikia ni kipi?
Kama kuna Mwalimu ktk Kenya au sijui Misri ambaye anataka kufanya kazi TanZania basi awe na kibali, ni kipi kigumu hapo kuelewa?
Huwo ndiyo utaratibu wa Dunia nzima!
Robert Alai Onyango

#OperationTimua : President Magufuli has ordered that all foreigners with or without work permits MUST surrender their jobs to the Tanzanians. In the launched "operation timua" Tanzanian immigration officials are carrying out door to door and workplace raids to get out the foreigner be it from the East African countries or not.

The biggest group victimized are the teachers in private schools, and if you apply for permit as a teacher they tell you that the work belongs to Tanzanians alone.

President Uhuru should pull a move. Either we are in EAC or not. If Kenyans are being deported then Tanzanians should also be deported from Kenya. We have enough Tanzanians doing the most menial jobs in Kenya while Kenyans are mostly working as professionals in Tanzania.

Have never seen a 2mbaf blogger like this one
Jamani mngejua wakenya ni shida katika hili.

Ili upate working permit kenya kuna li fomu unajaza, unaenda kufanya kazi gani, pia anayekuajiri anatakiwa athibitishe kwamba ameshatangaza kazi hiyo kwa wakenya akakosa wenye sifa ya kufanya kazi hiyo.

Nao waondoke tu, mimi kwao nilikosa kazi namna hii na nikarudi kiroho safi kabisa.

Victoria kama unaniskia, kibao kimegeuka na sisi twawatimua ndugu zako kama mlivyonitimua mimi.

Wellcome to the party
Unajua Tanzania ilishaweka msimamo wake kwamba kazi atakayopewa mgeni awe anatoka EAC au kwingineko ni lazima iwe ni kazi ambayo hakuna Mtanzania anayeweza kuifanya. Sasa kwa sababu ya corruption, wageni wamepewa hata kazi zinazoweza kufanywa na Watanzania. Mfano Kiswahili kinahitaji mwalimu toka Kenya? Biology inahitaji mwalimu toka Kenya? Meneja wa kiwanda cha Azam ni lazima atoke Kenya? Mhasibu ni lazima atoke Kenya?
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