Kenya on the verge of being last in a region it once ruled


JF-Expert Member
May 26, 2014
By Makau Mutua Updated Sun, May 29th 2016 at 00:00 GMT +3

For all of its post-colonial history, Kenya has been the top dog in East Africa. Nairobi has been the political and economic pivot of the region. When Kenya coughs, all of East Africa catches a cold. Kenya’s commanding position has been due to a number of factors. Key among these was the state’s pro-Western orientation. The British colonialists favoured it as the entry-port for capital. Mzee Jomo Kenyatta – the Burning Spear himself – was an unabashed agent of free markets.

While some of our neighbours experimented with versions of command economies, Mzee tethered us to London and Washington. It paid off by attracting capital and developing a local entrepreneurial class. Our troubled neighbours never caught up. But that’s about to change. At one point, Kenya’s economy was larger than most of East African states put together.
Folks in Dar and Kampala spoke of Nairobi as though it were London. They would come to Nairobi to marvel at the skyscrapers by day and revel in its raunchy night life. Expats (wazungu) would fight their employers in the West to post them to Nairobi. For a while, Kenya Airways, also known as KQ — once the Pride of Africa – ruled African skies. Politically, Kenya went democratic first, even though the elite were dragged along kicking and screaming. Kenya was the first to hold American-style presidential debates. Kenya’s civil society was a pioneer. The country is a manufacturing giant.

Some of these things are still true, but KQ is on its deathbed. Like its national carrier, Kenya is now partially prone – writhing in pain. The sheen has come off, and Kenya’s glory is receding. The sun appears to be setting on Kenya. The eclipse may be just over the horizon. A national gloom hovers over the land. A cursory glance at the daily press reveals a deeply tortured country. The only bright spots are our athletes who continue to shine abroad. We seem to think we are still relevant because world leaders like President Barack Obama and Pope Francis have hopscotched to Kenya in the recent past. But methinks they came only for reasons best known to them.

In the region, two countries are kicking our rear end. Tanzania has slowly been stealing Kenya’s thunder. Visit Dar, if you haven’t lately, and you will see a city on the move. Give Dar a decade and it will totally outstrip Nairobi. President John Pombe Magufuli is a truly new breed. He doesn’t do PR. A throwback to the austere Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, he’s fired up the imagination of Tanzanians. He’s Mwalimu 2.0 No, he’s not digital – he’s better than that. That because he guillotines the corrupt without pity.
He’s taken Africa by storm – he’s truly kusema na kutenda (not just talk but action). I’ve heard some Kenyans pining for Mr Magufuli. He’s Rwanda’s Paul Kagame without autocracy.

The other country eating Kenya’s lunch is Ethiopia. Once the butt of international pity, Ethiopia is turning the corner.
On a recent visit, I was shocked by the growth of Addis. Out in the countryside, once dry districts are being turned into oases of irrigation. Famine is becoming a distant memory. The middle class is growing exponentially. Whereas Kenya still has larger middle and entrepreneurial classes than either Tanzania or Ethiopia, the latter two are fast closing the gap. I think East Africans are no longer sending their kids to school in Kenya in the large numbers they did in the past.

Once a regional power, we are becoming an afterthought. Our decline accelerated after post-poll chaos in 2008. The question is why we’ve lost our groove – our mojo. I choke it up to several unarguable reasons. First, our elites have become myopic. Our leaders don’t dream big anymore. Instead, they are busy out-stealing each other, and in the process stealing our future. They have borrowed us into insolvency. Politically, their brains have atrophied. In contrast, leaders in Tanzania and Ethiopia are dreaming and acting large. Even in tiny Rwanda, Mr Kagame is trying to create a little Singapore. He may just succeed. Au contraire, our role model is Uganda’s Yoweri Museveni – who by the way stabs Kenya in the back every chance he gets. With friends like Mr Museveni, who needs enemies? Finally, although Kenya was the first to intellectually accept political democracy, it’s failed to internalise the concept. That’s why our state is stuck in reverse.

Unlike Tanzania, we really have no political parties. CCM in Tanzania and EPRDF in Ethiopia are true ideological behemoths. Our political parties are like T-shirts that are changed every day. We need political maturity to avoid being wiped out in the region. Excuse me, but I am not holding my breath.

Source: Standard Digital
By Makau Mutua Updated Sun, May 29th 2016 at 00:00 GMT +3

Unlike Tanzania, we really have no political parties. CCM in Tanzania and EPRDF in Ethiopia are true ideological behemoths. Our political parties are like T-shirts that are changed every day. We need political maturity to avoid being wiped out in the region. Excuse me, but I am not holding my breath.
Read more at: Kenya on the verge of being last in a region it once ruled

TanZania bila CCM Imara, nchi yetu itayumba
- Mlm.Nyerere!

Tanzania is coming ...
TanZania bila CCM Imara, nchi yetu itayumba- Mlm.Nyerere!​
JPM is on the right track, he offers the brand of leadership that the pipo of Africa have been hankering for for decades. However, what may drag him down is that CCM party.
As long as its upper echelon leadership consists of the same old guards from the 70s and 80s, who still harbor the old ways of doing things....he may very well antagonize those very pipo with his radical leadership style.

I'm afraid he may not achieve that much as long as the polity within the CCM remains the same.
Like the current sugar crisis in Tz, could it be that it is all stage-managed in order to perhaps whittle-down his popularity with the masses? He is surely treading on dangerous grounds.
JPM is on the right track, he offers the brand of leadership that the pipo of Africa have been hankering for for decades. However, what will drag him back is that CCM party.
As long as its upper echelon leadership consists of the same old guards from the 70s and 80s, who still harbor the old ways of doing things....he may antagonize those very pipo with his radical leadership style.

I'm afraid he may not achieve that much as long as the polity within the CCM remains the same.

Wewe subiri utaona, CCM ndiyo waliomleta Magufuli, na asikudanganye mtu CCM walijua walichokuwa wanakifanya na walimleta kwa makusudi kabisa kwani wanamjua Magufuli jinsi alivyo tangu zamani na staili yake ya Uongozi hivyo kama wangekuwa hawamtaki basi wasingemruhusu kuwa Mgombea Uraisi kwani wangeweza kumzuia mara moja lkn walimuhitaji, wanamuhitaji na bado watazidi kumuhitaji!

CCM wanafahamu kwamba nchi ilikuwa imefikia pabaya sana na ilimuhitaji Raisi wa kaliba ya Magufuli hilo liko wazi hivyo hakuna wakumzuia CCM Raisi Magufuli kufanya kazi yake watakaopiga kelele ni Mafisdi tu lkn hawana effect yoyote kwani watashugulikiwa haraka sana!
This is Good... Let's be like Western Europe

Kenya nikama Britain The loudest noisemaker in The West but France and Germany have larger economies than the UK.... am good with that as long as we all develop without war!!!
JPM is on the right track, he offers the brand of leadership that the pipo of Africa have been hankering for for decades. However, what may drag him down is that CCM party.
As long as its upper echelon leadership consists of the same old guards from the 70s and 80s, who still harbor the old ways of doing things....he may very well antagonize those very pipo with his radical leadership style.

I'm afraid he may not achieve that much as long as the polity within the CCM remains the same.
Like the current sugar crisis in Tz, could it be that it is all stage-managed in order to perhaps whittle-down his popularity with the masses? He is surely treading on dangerous grounds.

Magufuli is very passionate, strong willed and very energetic. However, he seems to lack strategy and doesn't seem to trust those CCM hyenas, meaning he doesn't listen to anyone and is coming up with his own rules and regulations that he is concocting on his own. Spend a moment reading through the various threads started by Tanzanians on the ground, like this one Anayejua Magufuli anatupeleka wapi atuambie naona kama tumepotea!

I saw another thread that JWTZ soldiers are stopping everyone and forcing people to participate in cleaning the streets and towns. Imagine you've just stepped out, dressed smartly on your way to attend a crucial meeting and suddenly you're flagged down by a gun totting soldier, who forces you to pick a spade and sweat the hell out cleaning some heap of garbage. Something isn't adding up, read this thread by a once ardent proponent of Magufuli Kulazimishana usafi ni halali kikatiba?

But what Makau is saying, there might be some truth in it, I am not so sure about where Kenya is headed, especially politically. Leaders are tearing each other apart and causing so much acrimony in the country. Now the fire has shifted from IEBC demos to Madaraka day venue and celebrations, the exact event that was always meant to bring us together is the very one tearing us today.

If we survive 2017, then we can survive anything. All the vultures and hyenas that have been waiting to see Kenya turn into carcasses, should close their fists and wait as the events are unfolding.
I tend to avoid anything Makau Mutua writes.I am not sure of his sanity.The things he writes,its like the ramblings and hallucinations of a mad man.He thinks because he hates Uhuruto with an abnormal intensity,that if he writes even lies and out of the world weird things about Kenya he is hurting Uhuruto.Kenya is the ultimate looser and if he is not Kenyan let him stick in Newyork and live his dirty sodomite life in peace.This gay men have an abnormality in their brains,methinks.
pingli-nywee, ouch., easy that's the most accomplished acamedician! U can't dismiss him like that, u ought to have respect on others opinion as none of learned people r naked n blind nationalists like u ! Him n Dr Ndii r in another level together..they know what they r talking about n see the impact of juakali leadership by Uhuru!
I don't have time for the ideas of loose Canon for hire like Makau Mutua, he can seek Tanzanian citizenship for all i care
Dhuks, that's a Harvard graduate aside being a dean n a vice chancellor of reputable universities in the US! Even Obama picked him for some important commissions for human rights. Nearly to none (with exception of Amina Mohammed) have accomplished his achievement among Uhuru people as cabinet members.
I tend to avoid anything Makau Mutua writes.I am not sure of his sanity.The things he writes its like the ramblings and hallucinations of a mad man.He thinks because he hates Uhuruto with an abnormal intensity,that if he writes even lies and out of the world weird things about Kenya he is hurting Uhuruto.Kenya is the ultimate looser and if he is not Kenyan let him stick in Newyork and live his dirty sodomite life in peace.This gay men have an abnormality in their brains,methinks.
This is a sure insult to the author. I think you need a step to maturity, if you can't draw a line between the writer and the writing.
Bwahahah, Tanzania is kicking/whipping Kenya's rear ends! This will be my new quote! Those Kenyan tanyees must be in pain soiled, soured n swollen!
Wewe subiri utaona, CCM ndiyo waliomleta Magufuli, na asikudanganye mtu CCM walijua walichokuwa wanakifanya na walimleta kwa makusudi kabisa kwani wanamjua Magufuli jinsi alivyo tangu zamani na staili yake ya Uongozi hivyo kama wangekuwa hawamtaki basi wasingemruhusu kuwa Mgombea Uraisi kwani wangeweza kumzuia mara moja lkn walimuhitaji, wanamuhitaji na bado watazidi kumuhitaji!

CCM wanafahamu kwamba nchi ilikuwa imefikia pabaya sana na ilimuhitaji Raisi wa kaliba ya Magufuli hilo liko wazi hivyo hakuna wakumzuia CCM Raisi Magufuli kufanya kazi yake watakaopiga kelele ni Mafisdi tu lkn hawana effect yoyote kwani watashugulikiwa haraka sana!
Inawezekana hawakuwa wanamuelewa na sera zake wakati walimchagua kuania urais kwa tikiti cha CCM. Amewashtukizia tu. Back then he seemed like a good, humble obedient chap whom they could easiy wrap around the pinky finger.

Magufuli is very passionate, strong willed and very energetic. However, he seems to lack strategy and doesn't seem to trust those CCM hyenas, meaning he doesn't listen to anyone and is coming up with his own rules and regulations that he is concocting on his own. Spend a moment reading through the various threads started by Tanzanians on the ground, like this one Anayejua Magufuli anatupeleka wapi atuambie naona kama tumepotea!

I saw another thread that JWTZ soldiers are stopping everyone and forcing people to participate in cleaning the streets and towns. Imagine you've just stepped out, dressed smartly on your way to attend a crucial meeting and suddenly you're flagged down by a gun totting soldier, who forces you to pick a spade and sweat the hell out cleaning some heap of garbage. Something isn't adding up, read this thread by a once ardent proponent of Magufuli Kulazimishana usafi ni halali kikatiba?

But what Makau is saying, there might be some truth in it, I am not so sure about where Kenya is headed, especially politically. Leaders are tearing each other apart and causing so much acrimony in the country. Now the fire has shifted from IEBC demos to Madaraka day venue and celebrations, the exact event that was always meant to bring us together is the very one tearing us today.

If we survive 2017, then we can survive anything. All the vultures and hyenas that have been waiting to see Kenya turn into carcasses, should close their fists and wait as the events are unfolding.
His actions are well intended, but I think he should also take his time to think things thru before embarking on any action. He strikes me also as quite an impetuous chap, who wants to accomplish things almost overnight. He is a young man in a hurry.
The challenges in Tanzania are huge as they are numerous. They require very well calculated measures and time to resolve.
Iconoclastes, he was known even back then he used to fire shoddy constructors on the spot. What happened during CCM nominations is what made him a President. Since the rival btn heavy weights Lowassa n Membe was to weaken if not to break up the party, the only way to save CCM from collapse was to settle for a neutral person esp. after Lowassa was unfairly axed aside the fact there was no way Lowassa supporters would hav voted for Membe knowing he is JK's choice n a reason for Lowassa being barred.
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