Kama ilivyo uwepo wa smart phone sasa kuna smart sex vibrator na ina app yake


JF-Expert Member
Mar 29, 2011
Hii vibrator baada ya kuitumia mara 20, ina collect data na ku establish matakwa ya mtumiaji ili afikie kilele cha nguvu (best orgasm). bei yake dola 230....Haya waungwana hakuna sababu ya kuyumbisha ndoa au mahusiano kwasababu ya kutoridhika au ufundi au vibamia....sasa mambo kwa smart toy na app. na hiki ndio walichosema hao waliokitengeneza;

''A new smart sex toy aims to empower and destigmatize women’s sexual health, all while tracking your body’s responses to help you achieve the best orgasm.''


''Embedded sensors will collect data while a person uses the device ‘as normal,’ and will record up to 20 sessions.

Then, when the vibrator and app are on at the same time, the data will sync.

The app can then make suggestions on different aspects of the sexual experience, including recommended foreplay time.

It also aims to help users understand how their sex drive changes in relation to their menstrual cycle.

Using the app, Lioness users can adjust the vibration strength and even share the data with a partner.''


Pia kuna hii mambo for viewing pleasure.

Kendrick Thomas, world operations manager for HoloFilm Productions, demonstrates on January 20, 2016, in Las Vegas, how a consumer could use Samsung goggles with virtual reality hardware to produce a new pornography viewing experience.
Yesu naona amekaribia mlangoni kabisa
hahaha mkuu umetafsirije, maana wanasema nikusaidia afya ya wanawake katika maswala ya kujamiiana ili kundoa malalamiko wanawake hawaridhishwi, vibamia, kutopewa unyumba, wanaume kwenda raundi moja chali, au kumaliza mapema.....
mie nimechukulia nikama misaada itolewayo kwenye maeneo mengine mfano miwani kwa wenye matatizo ya kuona, miguu ya bandia kama yule mwanariadha aliyeua girlfriend wake afrika kausini...au kuna wale wasio sikia vizuri huwa wanapewa vifaa fulani hivi wanavaa masikioni
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