Here is what the gape between your legs says about your love making skills.

Mr What

JF-Expert Member
Oct 22, 2016
How many times has a man examined you from head to toe? I'm pretty sure you stopped counting by now!

While the male gaze sweeping across your body may seem very creepy to you (unless you are prepared for it), it is your way of choosing your potential partner.

Evolution and biology force men to focus on every aspect of their appearance because they have a good idea of what their relationship with you would be like and whether or not you can father them as "healthy offspring". "

But despite their obsession with breasts, hips, and buttocks, it's still hard to see why men are curious to evaluate that space between the thighs. And we bet you want to know why too!

Well, the space between your thighs is a big factor in how you will be in bed. While there are no studies to support this, it still makes sense for men to base their decisions on human anatomy.

And the kind and how your body is built has a lot to do with your hormones.

So how do your lower limbs (or rather the space between them) determine your bed?

To find out, first stand in cycling shorts, Underwear or even your birthday outfit in front of a full-length mirror. Now, put your feet firmly on the floor and together.

What gap do you see?

What you see is the answer to that Kind of Sexual Energy You Would Bring into the Bedroom!


1. If you have the type A gap
Most of the time it is fastened from the thigh down and there is hardly any gap there. Except for the one that starts around the ankles and ends in the middle of the calves.

Well, it is believed that with such a bed gap you would be quite sensitive.

It also means that you are a gentle lover and that you are attracted to men because of your ultra-feminine and caring nature.

You can even play a shy girl in bed and you would rather your man take control than take the initiative himself. While this is great, it has its downsides.

While men are easily drawn to you, they lose interest as quickly as your shy nature in bed can bore them.

Tip: Try to spice it up and be more active than passive when making love.

2. If you have type B space

Oh, you don't have a long space! Your legs meet at a single point, near your ankles.


This open space means that you are "open" to trying new things and gaining new experiences. You like to bring a dose of fun and are also quite adventurous and fearless.

You are not one of those who lag when making love. No, it's just about taking responsibility.

Hell, you could even be a dominatrix if you want! But the point is, your excessive audacity can sometimes scare your partner. Hence, you must find the right balance in controlling yourself.

3. If you have the type C gap

Even though your thighs are close together, your shins never meet.

This makes you the perfect combination of a romantic lover who can turn into a wildcat when given the freedom to do what he wants.

You can shake the world of your men! What you bring to the table can make sure your man doesn't get bored too quickly. They don't have much to improve, to be honest!

4. If You Have the Type D Void

You may have a very common leg and thigh shape, but there is no regret.

Your legs are in different places, namely your ankles, calves, knees and thighs.

How you are in bed tend to take the traditional approach. You are technically not keen to experiment and prefer to stick to the few classic favourite positions.

However, you won't stop your husband from trying new things and you will go along with it.

Men cannot get enough of you because your support only gives them confidence. Plus, your long, slender legs are a bonus


Are you not satisfied with your result? Don't worry about it. This guide only suggests what your legs could say about your love skills, and it's by no means a safe bet!


He can be a roller coaster in bed despite type A legs or he can be shy despite type C legs. No matter who he is, just hug him and enjoy the fun time.

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