Dalili 7 kujua kama Mwanamke wako ni champion kwenye kitanda cha malovee


JF-Expert Member
Oct 21, 2012


One of the biggest let downs for a guy is to find that the girl you have been chasing for months is a total let down in bed and lies there as if she’s in pain, not being vocal, moving or even making eye contact with you. Believe it or not, there are actually plenty of ways to tell if a woman is good in bed based on certain observations. Here are 7 key factors to consider
1: She’s A Great Kisser - Anabusu bashasha
The way a woman kisses is basically a preview of the way she will behave in bed. So, if the woman you’re dating begins running her hands over your body as she kisses you while gently biting your lip, pressing herself into you and creating sexual anticipation, chances are she’s going to be a great lover.
2: She Is Confident and Comfortable Within Herself - Anajiamini na kujitambua
If the woman you’re dating offers flirtatious or coy looks and has chosen to reveal some of her body by wearing a low cut dress, a tight skirt or is sowing off her legs around you, she is happy about her appearance and has a healthy amount of self-worth. If a woman is confident about her body, chances are she’ll be great in bed and will actually let you see her naked with the lights on.
3: She Enjoys The Taste Of Food - Ana furahia utamu wa chakula
Another trait that can translate exceptionally well to the bedroom is how a woman eats. If she puts food in her mouth sensually, delights in her meals and takes the time to savor the flavors, she may have a deep appreciation for carnal pleasures. If she lingers over a meal, she may just take her time in bed as well.
4: She Openly Talks About S!x - Anaongelea wazi mambo ya wakubwa
A woman who openly discusses what she likes/does in bed is probably good at s.e.x and has the confidence to do what she wants in the bedroom. If she makes too many se.xu.al references, however, she may be overcompensating and could just be a tease.
5: She Initiates Touching On A Regular Basis - Anamtomasatomasa mwenza wake mara kwa mara
A great lover is one who values sensuality both in and out of the bedroom. So if you’re seeing a woman who is willing touch your hand, your face or your body without you making a similar movement first or initiates a game of footsie with you under the table on dates, she probably enjoys initiating physical contact. That’s a great sign that she both enjoys sex and is good at it because it shows that she will follow her instincts instead of repressing them.
6: She’s Flexible and Works Out - anafanya mazoezi na ni mwepesi kuakufanya vitu mbalimbali
Physical conditions is fundamental to good s!x and there are some aspects of s!x that are like athletic contests, therefore, a flexible woman who is in good shape and involves herself in things like yoga or ballet will likely be able to exhibit more endurance in lovemaking. Furthermore, the ability to move her body in a flexible fashion allows for more possibilities in bed and can provide great thrills for both of you.
7: She’s A Great Dancer - ni mchezaji mzuri wa mziki
A woman’s dancing prowess along with her rhythm can not only suggest her energy and creativity, it can give a hint to what she moves like in the bedroom. So, watch her moves on the dance floor and you’ll get a good idea of her skills between the sheets
NB: Even if a woman gives off sexual vibes in any of the ways mentioned here, remember that these are just signs, not foolproof clues of a woman’s sexual abilities. Also remember that what works for one guy isn't always another.
Mnajifunza mapenz mitandaoni ndoa haziwez dumu anaekufunza mtandaoni anaweza kua msaliti kiongoz ila anajifanya kujua mapenz.sawa bwan ila njia pekee jifunze kwa waliodumu ndoani mwao kwa mda wote ndani ya jamii ilokuzunguka mitandaoni ziadatu
Hiyo number 7..Nimekubaliana naye anaposema ni sign tu na si lazima anavyokta mauno jukwaani akakata hivyo kwenye 6*6...Nilishadhibitisha hilo kipindi cha nyuma..
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