Call for concept note

Mar 22, 2016

The Secretariat of the Legal Services Facility (LSF) is inviting concept notes from organisations with their base in the following regions, Geita, Mtwara, Ruvuma, Njombe, Singida, Kigoma, Katavi, Rukwa, Manyara, Arusha, Simiyu, Mbeya and Songwe who are involved in the provision of legal aid, including paralegal services.

The LSF was established by DANIDA in September 2011 as a funding mechanism (basket fund) to expand and improve the quality of legal aid and paralegal services in Tanzania (mainland and Zanzibar) in order to promote and protect human rights for all, particularly for poor women, children, men and other vulnerable people. The fund became operational in May 2012 and was registered as company limited by guarantee in October 2013. Through the programme, the LSF promoted and developed good relations with government at all levels. The UKAID through DFID joined the fund in 2014 with specific focus on women rights protections.

The LSF strives for increasing access to justice for all in particular for women. Access to justice can be realised by increasing accessibility of legal services, in particular for women, promoting legally empowered community, creating conducive environment for legal aid and contributing to institutional sustainability of legal aid. Basic legal aid services are presently provided through district paralegals that ensure an increased level of legal aid accessibility.

For the past four-year the LSF issued 80 grants to 53 partner organisations (legal aid providers). Through that grants, partner organisations trained more than 4000 paralegals, 25 in each district, making a total of 168 paralegal centres 96 district paralegal centres are registered as non-governmental organisations and 72 district centres are not registered. The paralegals centres, despite being young organisations started to function reasonably well. They engage themselves in legal education, mediating disputes and empowering people about their legal, human and economic rights. Paralegal units are newly established and still fragile organisations of which the members are volunteers. They need capacity development assistance to function and render quality services to the community. To make paralegal centres more effective in implementing their activities and contributing to the sustainability of these young organisations is key element of the LSF approach for the years to come.

Further the LSF programme responds to limited access to justice by promoting and protecting human rights through accessibility of legal services for the poor and the vulnerable groups including women. Legal empowerment approach will be used as a tool toward legal aid accessibility. The LSF and its partners will work in collaboration with the local government authority in promoting and protecting human rights including the rights of women. We will select concept note that fits with one or more identified results areas. In general proposal needs to be in line with the priorities of this call/strategic focus of the LSF

Who is eligible?
Non-governmental organisations, which are not for profit and which have been and are involved in community mobilisation and women rights, provision of legal aid, including paralegal services, Community based organisations engaged in legal empowerment and established themselves as regional legal aid providers and or with proven capacity on mentorship skills, ability to work as sub- grantor, provide backstopping, trainer and capacity to improve collaboration with the lower level local government authorities and other informal leaders. In order to be eligible for this call for concept note which will result in a four year grant cycle, applicant organisations must demonstrate that:

· They are a non-governmental organisation, not for profit regally established

· Have a solid and transparent governance structure;

· Well established (financial, M&E) management systems and report writing skills;

· Experience with sub granting and grant management skills

· Experience with capacity building approaches to individuals, groups, organizations i.e. paralegals organizations and local government authority

· Have well-functioning office in the specific region

· Have worked as legal aid provider or on a capacity building roles for 4 - year or longer;

· Experience in working with paralegals and proven track record for providing support to the established paralegal units/organizations will be an added advantage

· Experience in working with women rights and legal empowerment approach

· Experience in working with the local government authorities at different levels and

· Experience in community mobilisation towards access to justice.

Those who are interested to mentor district paralegal units and fulfil the mentioned criteria are requested to submit their concept notes. Only concept notes that meet the requirements will be considered. It is only one concept note per organisation that will be accepted.

Priorities for the Concept Notes

The priority for this Call for Concept Notes is to increase access to justice by strengthening the capacity of paralegals in the country. This implies strengthening the capacities of the paralegal centres, improve women rights protection, strengthening collaboration’s with local government authorities, empower communities legally and increasing the sustainability of legal aid providers including paralegal organizations.


This call for concept note covers organizations with regional presence in the following regions; Geita, Mtwara, Ruvuma, Njombe, Singida, Kigoma, Katavi, Rukwa, Manyara, Arusha, Simiyu and Mbeya covering all districts in each region

Requirement for the applicant organization

In order to be eligible for this call for proposals which will result in a four year grant cycle, applicant organisations must demonstrate that:

· They are a non-governmental organisation, not for profit regally established

· A solid, transparent governance structure;

· Well established (financial, M&E) management systems and report writing skills;

· Experience with sub granting and grant management skills

· Experience with capacity building approaches to individuals, groups, organizations i.e. paralegals organizations and local government authority

· Have well-functioning office in the specific region

· Have worked as legal aid provider or on a capacity building roles for 4 - year or longer;

· Experience in working with paralegals and proven track record for providing support to the established paralegal units/organizations will be an added advantage

· Experience in working with the local government authorities at different levels.

Requirements for the action

Actions which may be financed under this call for proposals that:

  • Significantly increasing people’s awareness of their rights under the law through legal education, and thus contribute to empowering people and communities as well as creating demand for legal aid services. In addition how the legal education will be offered, number of groups that the program will be working with and how they will be engaged in the program

  • Describe approaches for the capacity development of paralegal units and other stakeholders such as local government leaders

  • Are directly contributing to the LSF objectives and results in all aspects and or specific aspects of the results

  • Demonstrate improved integration and partnership among legal aid providers and other stakeholders’ delivery of services as well as timely referrals and effective communication between providers.

  • Clearly demonstrate a specific change that they would like to bring in the community that would have positive effect to women and other vulnerable members of the community. This also include the process on how this change will be achieved

  • Demonstrate clearly how the change process will be measured and who will be involved in the measurement

  • Demonstrate a clear approach on how it’s going to develop the capacities of the paralegal units/organizations and measurable expected outcome i.e. resources that will be raised by units

  • Designed in such a way that it could be maintained at the community level in terms of direction and management and with secured resources in the foreseeable future.

  • Guarantee a high level of quality of legal Aid services include approaches to increase quality of legal aid provision in areas where the applicant is already operational.

  • Have a contribution to the improvement of legal aid services and measure satisfaction levels of clients to ensure quality of services in a cost effective and efficient manner.

  • Include in addition to the above a significant component of increasing people’s awareness of their rights under the law, legal education, and thus contribute to empowering people and communities as well as creating demand for legal aid services.

The following will not be considered:

· Credit or loan schemes

· Debts and provisions for losses or debts

· Purchases of land and buildings

· Scholarships, sponsorships and school fees

· Cash donations

· Political and religious activities

Application process

To assist in the preparation of concept note, LSF have developed a format that can be collected from the LSF office from Wednesday 01 June, 2016, from 12.00 onward at the address given below and or downloaded from our website as from Wednesday, 01 June, 2016 from 09.00 onward. Any questions can be addressed by email at:

Delivery of concept notes

- The deadline for receipt of Proposal is 15th June 2016 at 4:00 pm.

- Application must be submitted in English both in hard and electronic versions through CD or Flash Disk.

- Application submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

- Concept notes received before the deadline and deemed by LSF to be compliant with the requirements set out in this Call for concept notes will be evaluated in accordance with the process outlined herein.

All concept notes have to be submitted in a sealed envelope by registered mail, courier delivery or hand delivered (a signed and dated letter of receipt will be given to the deliverer) to the address below:

Chief Executive Officer,

Legal Services Facility,

Bima Street, Mikocheni B,

P. O. Box 31480,

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Physical address for hand delivery, or delivery by private courier service

Legal Services Facility

Bima Street-Nyati Road, Near Ushindi Primary School

Mikocheni B

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


  • CfP Advertisement Call for Concept Note -May 2016.pdf
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