Beyonce kaanzisha kanisa lake?


JF-Expert Member
Mar 14, 2013


Umewahi kusikia kuhusu kanisa jipya linanoitwa 'The national church of Bey'?

Msanii Beyonce knowles wa Marekani ameacha maswali mengi baada ya kuanzisha kanisa lake na kuliita "The national church of Bey" means church of Beyonce.
Ambapo yeye ndio Mungu wa kanisa hilo na maelfu ya watu wanamuabudu kwa jina la "mother Bey"

Katika kànisa hilo kuna picha ya Beyonce akionekana na Vazi la yesu, na nyingine akiwa na vazi LA papa wa dhehebu LA RC.

Amekuwa akiitwa Mungu wa kike.. Na dini yake inaitwa "Beyism" ambapo pia wanatumia biblia yao inayoitwa Beyble, inamzungumzia Beyonce kama mwanamke mwenye uwezo wa ajabu kama Mungu na kuamua kumuita Goddess..

Dini hiyo ya Beyism ina waumini maelfu ambapo inaonesha baadhi ya wafuasi wa Mungu huyo Beyonce, watu maarufu kama Kanye west, Mariah carrey na wengine.

Tazama baadhi ya picha hzo


Does Beyoncé Really Have Her Own Church? — It Appears So (well, sort of)
– “Beyism”, “Mother Bey”, and even the “Beyble” all seem to be real components of the National Church of “Bey” –

Beyonce's Church of Bey

Atlanta, GA — The rumors are true. The National Church of Bey, an organization that recently formed the new religion Beyism (based on pop star Beyoncé Knowles), is a real organization based in Atlanta, Georgia. Although Beyoncé herself is not believed to be a part of it, she is the foundation of it and has so far not made a statement denouncing it.

The church’s founder, Pauline John Andrews, recently stated, “We are very disappointed in the failure of the public to recognize the existence of a divine Deity walking among them. Deity’s often walk the Earth in their flesh form. Beyoncé will transcend back to the spirit once her work here on Mother Earth has been completed.”

They believe that Beyonce “sits among the throne of Gods”

He continued, “As our congregation continues to swell, we ask that you consider what is more real; an invisible spirit on high, or a walking, talking, breathing Goddess who shows you her true form daily? Beyoncé’s spirit is entrancing. We know that she was sent to this place to spread love, peace, and joy. While we do not believe Beyoncé to be the Creator, we recognize that she still sits among the throne of Gods.

There is a lot of false information being spread about our beliefs, but we will correct all of the vicious lie-tellers. As Beyoncé spreads her gospel through song and dance, her message provides uplifting, loving, and many times real-life happenings. We humbly ask you to respect our beliefs, just as you want those to respect yours. Open your mind to new possibilities and you will see, just as we did, that Bey is a true higher power. Surfbort!”

They have their own version of the Bible — the Beyble

He adds, “We have published the Beyble and it will soon be available for free to the public. Donations have poured in and we will soon have enough to build a temple in honor of Mother Bey. We will invite her to speak to her flock, once the doors are open.”

Reportedly, The National Church Of Bey is also looking to expand outside of the Atlanta area. According to them, they already have parishes popping up all over the United States, Canada, and England.

Their official web site can be found on Tumbler at:
The National Church Of Bey

Can you believe it? Can this really be happening?

Source: Does Beyoncé Really Have Her Own Church? -- It Appears So (well, sort of)
Hilo kanisa na waumini wake wanaamini katika kitu gani? kwamba wanamwamini Mungu au shetani? na ili malengo yao yatimie inatakiwa wafanye nini?

Mfano mimi namwamini sana Yohana mbatizaji na nategemea imani ya yohana ndo imani yangu na kama Yohana alikuwa katika njia za haki za Mungu, basi na mimi niko katika njia za haki
Sidhani kama ni kweli
Hio ni art work Hakuna kitu kama hicho
Inawezekana ni background picture ya cover ya album yake.. Hawezi fanya hivo
Bora waanzishe makanisa mengi ili waumini tuamue kwa kwenda ili kuwe na ushindani na mitume na manabii wa sasa.
Jana nilicomment kuhusu kwamba ulimwengu kma umekabidhiwa sheta baada jmaa mmoja kuandka upotoshaji kwamba kuna mambo cta hayakuumbwa na mungu naombajamii ielewe hiv ndo ilivyo na haiwez kuishia hapa na wanaingia kwenye imani zaid
Pia iv vtu vkitokea unaona kma mchezotu unaweza uciamini but haipo kimashara shetani anachukua ulimwengu
Nani kakuambia shetan atachukua ulimwengu?waislam wapo na ndio wapinzani wakubwa wa shetani sasa vita inaendelea islam vs shetan subir mpira uishe.
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