A letter From mother to Son

Big Dy

JF-Expert Member
Dec 23, 2015
“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future. She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue,” Proverbs 31:25. Dear son, Can you imagine what it would be like to wake up next to a woman who “smiles at the future” every morning for the rest of your life? A woman who so fully trusts God that even when life is hard and not what she expected, she could find hope and rest? And then spill that bright vision of possibility all over you… and your children… and everyone who steps into her circle of relationship? Can you imagine what it would be like to live with a woman who is fascinated by you?
Who knows who you are with all your flaws and failures, and focuses on the good? Who watches when you mess up and instead of condemning or correcting or sighing or exploding, wraps her arms around you and loves you as you are right then and there? Can you imagine?
Is that even possible?
Yes, I believe it is. I believe that a woman can choose to be kind. She’ll mess up sometimes, no doubt, but I believe that God has given every woman who fully gives her life to Him “everything pertaining to life and godliness”. (2Peter 1:3) Which means, no woman has to give in to all those surging emotions we are born with. We can choose, instead, to bring those wild feelings to prayer and let God help us work through to wisdom. It’s not easy. But it’s doable because we serve a redeemer who never stops redeeming all those raw, wounded, stubborn, self-willed parts of us as long as we let Him.
That said, my dear son, watch out for any woman who has not chosen that path of full surrender. She may be nice and charming and alluring and compelling, but if she’s not fully submitted her will to Him she has the capacity to make your life miserable. How will you know? A woman who is still determined to protect herself will be all about herself.
A woman who is determined to submit herself to God will be all about others. It’s that simple. Now here are my lists.

The drama queen
1. The drama queen always brings the conversation back to herself, her stories, her accomplishments, her feelings.
2. The drama queen decides how much attention she needs from you and lets you know in no uncertain terms if you’ve failed to give her what she needs.
3. The drama queen is thrilled with your successes because it makes her look good, but she’s intolerant of any areas of your life that she deems less than worthy of her approval.
4. The drama queen thinks the world revolves around her needs and therefore your life must revolve around her needs.
5. The drama queen can be incredibly generous, but in the end, all her giving is with the expectation of attention and recognition.

The kind woman
1. The kind woman is all about you. Whoever she’s with gets the full focus of her attention and interest.
2. The kind woman does not demand more than you are able to give, though she may gently and honestly bring her needs to your attention.
3. The kind woman waits a while before she acts on how she feels. She is distrustful of her own emotions and hesitant to make judgments based on how she feels. Instead, she brings her feelings before the Father and asks for wisdom.
4. The kind woman is not critical. She sees you in the best possible light, openly admiring the man you are.
5. The kind woman adapts herself to you while remaining fully who she is. She brings her beauty to your vision and enhances your life while delighting in her own.
I do believe such women exist, Jonan, and here’s why: I know these kinds of women. They’re not perfect, but my goodness, they’re wonderful to be around. They are women like your grandmother Ruth. They can often be found serving somewhere behind the scenes, stroll through the children’s area at church and you’ll find a whole bevy of kind women. Women who are willing to wipe bottoms and carry babies with a smile on their faces.
Sometimes you can spot a kind woman loving on “the least of these”, people who are different or annoying or less than ideal. May I respectfully offer one more word of caution?
Kind women are not always beauty queens. They are inclined to be understated rather than flashy. Their beauty may take a second look to discover. I have seen so many of these kind women emerge into breathtaking beauty because of the love of their good husbands. There is something about a man finding you worth pursuing that often causes a woman to do more to enhance her beauty, to do her own version of a makeover in recognition of a man’s love of beauty.
You know I am praying for you, son and for the other men who are in this process of preparing for a wife. Be wise. Be kind yourself. Pay attention. Don’t be passive. There is a woman out for you.
Kidhungu shida sana

Bazazi hajaelewa kitu. Hebu tafsiri basi hata kama ni kiziduo (executive summary)1

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