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UN World Food Programme
13 May 2016 — Photo © WFP/Tala Louieh
Help us raise awareness on the effects of hunger and malnutrition in Tanzania by sharing these ten facts.
1) With a population of 50 million, Tanzania is food self-sufficient at the national level. However, localised food deficits occur at regional, district and household levels mainly due to dependence on rain-fed agriculture and limited use of modern farming techniques.
2) Tanzania ranks 151 out of 188 countries in the Human Development Index (2015).
3) Tanzania’s economy has grown strongly in recent years, driven mainly by telecommunications, financial services, transport and construction. Despite this progress, nearly 3 Tanzanians out of 10 live in poverty, and 1 in 3 is illiterate.
4) Approximately 80 percent of the population relies on subsistence farming, which makes them vulnerable to climatic, economic and seasonal shocks. With its market access initiatives, WFP helps farmers transition from subsistence farming to market-oriented agriculture.
5) More than 200,000 refugees live in Tanzania. WFP assistance is their main source of food. Through its Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO), WFP provides a food basket of Super Cereal (fortified blended food), pulses, vegetable oil and salt to meet a minimum daily dietary requirement of 2,100 Kcal per person.
6) According to the National Nutrition Survey (2015), almost 35 percent of children under 5 in Tanzania are stunted.
7) Tanzania’s maternal mortality rate, while improving, remains high at 398 deaths per 100,000 live births. WFP is the only agency in the country to provide supplementary food to pregnant and nursing mothers and children under 5.
8) To treat moderate acute malnutrition (MAM), WFP provides a monthly take-home pack of fortified blended food to pregnant and nursing mothers and children under 5 through its Supplementary Feeding Programme (SuFP).
9) To prevent stunting, pregnant and nursing mothers and children under 2 receive a monthly take-home pack of Super Cereal under the Mother and Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN) Programme.
10) In 2016, WFP will assist half a million Tanzanians in chronically food-insecure regions, through its market access, food for assets, nutrition, school meal and refugee support activities.
Learn more about hunger and malnutrition from WFP's comprehensive list of Facts About Hunger and Malnutrition.
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Hunger can be eliminated in our lifetimes
This requires comprehensive efforts to ensure that every man, woman and child enjoy their Right to Adequate Food; women are empowered; priority is given to family farming; and food systems everywhere are sustainable and resilient.
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2017 © World Food Programme
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13 May 2016 — Photo © WFP/Tala Louieh
Help us raise awareness on the effects of hunger and malnutrition in Tanzania by sharing these ten facts.
1) With a population of 50 million, Tanzania is food self-sufficient at the national level. However, localised food deficits occur at regional, district and household levels mainly due to dependence on rain-fed agriculture and limited use of modern farming techniques.
2) Tanzania ranks 151 out of 188 countries in the Human Development Index (2015).
3) Tanzania’s economy has grown strongly in recent years, driven mainly by telecommunications, financial services, transport and construction. Despite this progress, nearly 3 Tanzanians out of 10 live in poverty, and 1 in 3 is illiterate.
4) Approximately 80 percent of the population relies on subsistence farming, which makes them vulnerable to climatic, economic and seasonal shocks. With its market access initiatives, WFP helps farmers transition from subsistence farming to market-oriented agriculture.
5) More than 200,000 refugees live in Tanzania. WFP assistance is their main source of food. Through its Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO), WFP provides a food basket of Super Cereal (fortified blended food), pulses, vegetable oil and salt to meet a minimum daily dietary requirement of 2,100 Kcal per person.
6) According to the National Nutrition Survey (2015), almost 35 percent of children under 5 in Tanzania are stunted.
7) Tanzania’s maternal mortality rate, while improving, remains high at 398 deaths per 100,000 live births. WFP is the only agency in the country to provide supplementary food to pregnant and nursing mothers and children under 5.
8) To treat moderate acute malnutrition (MAM), WFP provides a monthly take-home pack of fortified blended food to pregnant and nursing mothers and children under 5 through its Supplementary Feeding Programme (SuFP).
9) To prevent stunting, pregnant and nursing mothers and children under 2 receive a monthly take-home pack of Super Cereal under the Mother and Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN) Programme.
10) In 2016, WFP will assist half a million Tanzanians in chronically food-insecure regions, through its market access, food for assets, nutrition, school meal and refugee support activities.
Learn more about hunger and malnutrition from WFP's comprehensive list of Facts About Hunger and Malnutrition.
Thanks for reading this story. Please tell others about it.
Hunger can be eliminated in our lifetimes
This requires comprehensive efforts to ensure that every man, woman and child enjoy their Right to Adequate Food; women are empowered; priority is given to family farming; and food systems everywhere are sustainable and resilient.
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2017 © World Food Programme