Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology(DIT) - Special Thread

Wadai plse plse naombeni msaada wenu hata wa Mawazo ya kujenga
Ninamdogo wangu yeye amefaulu vizur sn mitihan ya O level .div 1.ndoto yake asome DIT anze ngaz za chin wala sio form five na six
Sasa matokeo ya kupangiwa akawa amepangiwa form five wakati yeye hakujaza aende huko
Je atapataje nafasi DIT with government sponsorship?
Hongereni kwa mfumo uliopo pale kwamba hakuna kum award mtu diploma au degree kama hatafanya project mwaka wa mwisho na kuvumbua ama kutengeneza kitu ambacho kitaisaidia jamii kulingana na kozi unayosoma na ukae mbele ya lecturers na kuitetea project yako na kama umecopy na kupesti lazima wakurudishe ukajipange upya la sivyo habari ya kuwa awarded degree ama diploma unaisahau!

Pia kumbe wanafunzi wa dit ndo wameprogam taa za barabarani za hapa dsm!

Hongereni vijana.
Hilo la taa ni kweli tupu. Kwa miaka ya 2000' nilikua nazijua zile za Mnazi Mmoja.
Nasikia kuna kozi za Mafuta na gesi pamoja na Madini,zikiwa na Affiliation na Idara ya Uhandisi Ujenzi(Civil Engineering Dept.)! Kwa hili nawapongeza DIT. Lakini pia nawapongeza DIT kwa kupanua wigo,kwani wameanzisha Campus kule Mwanza.
Jambo moja ningewaomba DIT pamoja na kumiliki eneo la chuo pale lilipo,ningeishauri Management kufikiria kufanya yafuatayo:-
1.Kutafuta eneo lingine kubwa nje kidogo ya Dar kama Muhimbili walivyofanya kule Nloganzila-Kibamba
2.Kuanzisha Campus nyingine miji miwili ya Kistratejia-Dodoma na Mtwara. Dodoma kwa sababu ni makao makuu ya nchi. Mtwara ni kwa sababu italisha kanda ya kusini. Kumbuka kwa kuwa Mwanza kuna Campus,Mbeya kuna MUST,Arusha kuna TCA hivyo hakuna ulazima wa kuanzisha Campus kwenye miji hiyo. Kiukweli kama vyuo hivi vinavyotoa wataalam wa Technology vitapanua wigo wa kuongeza wataalam,kama Taifa tutafika mbali sana.

Historically, DIT was established in 1997 by the Act of Parliament, "the DIT Act No.6 of 1997" to replace the Dar es Salaam Technical College, which had a long history of technical training in Tanzania. This history dates back to 1957 when its predecessor; the Dar es Salaam Technical Institute was established with the main task of providing vocational training in the country.

View attachment 86875

This section is equipped with a Linux based supercomputing cluster code named "PARAM Serengeti". The facility is for education and research in various scientific fields. The facility includes 20 TB of raw storage and 38 TB of tape backup along with relevant backup software. Currently the facility is installed with various scientific applications in:
  • Bioinformatics
  • Atmospheric Science
  • Oceanography
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Finite Element Analysis
  • Seismic Analysis
  • Materials Modeling
  • Data Visualization Tools
Other applications can be installed as needed.
View attachment 86876


The Department offers Ordinary Diploma (OD) at NTA level 6 and Bachelor of Engineering Degree (B. Eng) at NTA Level 8. Students admitted for OD may exit at NTA level 4 and 5 with the award of Basic Technician Certificate (BTC) and Technician Certificate (TC) respectively.

Successful students who complete Ordinary Diploma course are awarded an Ordinary Diploma at NTA level 6. While those for engineering degree courses may exit at NTA level 7 and are awarded a Higher Diploma (HD). Successful students who complete NTA level 8 are awarded Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Civil Engineering.

The Department supports Leeds Metropolitan University (LMU) of UK, in offering a Masters degree (MSc) programmer in Facilities Management since February 2005. To support the above programmers the department possesses adequate physical and human resources. This includes including lecturers, classrooms, laboratories and workshops.


This department offers Computer Engineering and IT at Ordinary Diploma (NTA Level 4-6) and B.Eng (NTA level 7-8) courses in Computer Engineering and Information Technology. It also provides services to other academic departments in the teaching of computer related modules/ subjects.

It possesses adequate facilities as well as 20 qualified teaching staff and 4 technical supporting personnel. The teaching facilities as well as staffing level both in terms of numbers and qualifications is constant being improved so as to support the delivery of the above courses. In the new directive from NACTE, Computer Engineering and IT students will study the same modules at levels 4 and 5 and separate at level 6.


The Department offers NTA Ordinary Diploma and Bachelor of Engineering level 4-8 programmes in Electrical Engineering. The department has adequate resources which include laboratory and teaching facilities, 20 qualified teaching staff members with various qualifications and one competent and experienced Technician. Details of the courses are provided below.


The Department offers Ordinary Diploma and Bachelor of Engineering (NTA level 4-8) programmers in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. It has adequate resources to run its programmers which include well-equipped laboratories and classrooms, 18 teaching staff and 2 technical support staff members.


The Department offers Ordinary Diploma and Bachelor of Engineering (NTA level 4-8) in Mechanical Engineering. The Department has adequate physical resources to include classrooms, laboratories and workshops. In addition, the Department has 30 teaching staff and technical supporting personnel consisting of 9 members.


This Department offers Ordinary Diploma (NTA Level 4- 6 in Science and Laboratory Technology. It also provides services to all academic departments in the teaching of Physics. The department has adequate classrooms and laboratory facilities. In addition, it has 16 teaching staff members who are supported by 3 technicians.


This is a service Department that provides services to all academic departments for the teaching of Mathematics Research Methods, Communication Skills and Entrepreneurship. It has 24 teaching staff members on full time basis.

The Institute Consultancy Bureau (ICB - DIT) is established/transformed from former RCB to administer and coordinate all Consultancy and Continuing Education including Pre-Entry Courses activities carried out by DIT.

Specifically, it has been established with the following main objectives.

a) To coordinate and promote Consultancy and Continuing Education and Pre-Entry Course activities among members of the DIT
b) To oversee the quality of Consultancy and Continuing Education and Pre-Entry Course services and related assignments undertaken by DIT
c) To develop DIT's human capacity in Consulting Skills
d) To coordinate and facilitate multi-disciplinary Consultancy activities being executed at the institute by staff members
e) To link DIT-Consultancy, Continuing Education and Pre-Entry Course activities with Industries, National and International Professional Association.


The objective of the Bureau is to enhance the capability of Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology in order to contribute effectively to the industrial development of Tanzania through the provision of professional engineering consultancy services, expert professional services and conduct and administer continuing professional development programmer by using resources at the institute and hence generate revenue for the institute and its staff.

The specific objectives of the bureau shall be to:

i) Promote and administer the implementation of consultancy policies and procedures for all commercial activities in the institute that fall under its jurisdiction.
ii) Enhance the capability of DIT to contribute effectively in the industrial development of Tanzania through the provision of consultancy, expert professional services and professional advancement (or development engineers and technologists.
iii) Enable the institute to generate funds to subsidies grants from the government and other donors for the institute to meet its financial needs.
iv) Enable the staff in DIT to supplement their income thus enhancing staff retention.
v) Optimize the use of DIT expertise and resource to resource to solve engineering, technology and related problem.
vi) Make available DIT training facilities to the general public through short term and medium course for the purpose of ensuring that engineers keep abreast with the rapidly advancing technology
vii) Acquire knowledge on new development and needs in the trade and adjust curriculum accordingly
viii) Provide expert technical support to existing industry operations and to facilitate developments of new industries and their products.
ix) Establish and offer regular professional development program for the advancement of local engineering personel in the industry.
x) Facilitate establishment and enhancement of contract and related between
xi) Provide a plat form through which DIT staff can transfer their knowledge and skills to industry

List of Staff in the Institute Consultancy Bureau


Main Objective:
The main objective of the department is to provide guidance for efficient and effective coordination of Industrial Practical Training (IPT), career counseling for the Institute's students, job placement and follow up of Institute's graduates.

To accommodate the objectives, the department has two functional sections namely:
- IPT Coordination
- Career Counseling

The main link between the ILCG Department and other academic departments is through the Departmental IPT and Career Coordinators.

Main duties and responsibilities:

a) IPT Coordination Section:

i. Soliciting IPT placements for all students at the Institute
ii. Planning and coordinating IPT supervision
iii. Coordinating study visits for students and staff to industries and companies
iv. Coordinating study visits for students and staff from other Institutions
v. Coordinating professional lectures for students in and outside the Institute
vi. Coordinating staff professional attachments to industries and companies
vii Coordinating employment opportunities for the Institute's graduates

b) Career Counseling Section:

i. Identifying and providing solutions to existing potential recruitment problems for the graduates
ii. Identifying, coordinating and streamlining professional requirements against industry employer's needs and demands
iii. Organizing and coordinating job placements and career guidance services
iv. Organizing and managing database on DIT graduates
v. Locating the whereabouts of the DIT graduates in the industry
vi. Soliciting feedback information on DIT graduate's performance at their respective work stations and establishing a benchmarking system
vii. Coordinating matters related to facilities in exhibitions and publicity

Industrial Practical Training (IPT)
IPT is one of the modules included in all academic programmes at the Institute. It is therefore an essential integral part of the entire training. The main objective is to provide an opportunity to students to merge theory and practice.
Nilikuwa nataka kujua taratib za evening class hapo chuon
Utaratib wake n.k

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Matokeo ya application za mwaka wa masomo 2017/2018 diploma in mechanical engineering yanatoka lini tujuzane wakuu.

"the best never rest"
Long live DIT!

From Mtafya, Mwansele to Msumba, Mama Nzowa, Ngomuo, Mtangoo to Mburuma, Malongo, Msigala to Tesha. Mambo ya Mzee wa "Conjugate", Kibani Mzee wa Kazi.... Daah! Long live "Mawasiliano Angani" na Mama Kabadi.

Missing you mtaalam wa TDTS na TV and Video Technology marehemu Ngole.... How is Korea mzee Paeng Kim? Nijiandae niende DH lakini dada Vicky atanipa msosi wa kutosha kweli? Au acha niende tu Canteen....lakini ni CBE au DIT? Nikasomee C2 au B14? Au niende A-Block? Library iko wazi leo?

Nitapita nimsalimie Pascal Chisongela na Alex Bunzu halafu nitapita block V nimcheck Booz mzee wa Arsenal anipe matokeo ya EPL. Kabla ya hapo nitapitia kwa Buchwechwe Muchunguzi kisha nitamtext mwalimu Omary nione kama Basic Telecommunication nina supp au nimepita. Wapi Justice Lubuwah, John Bomba? Kesho test ya Hesabu za mzee wa white suit dah!...

Nitapita block II ili niwasalimie Upendo wa Kenneth, Happy, Ikunda na Vale: halafu nitapitia block III nicheck watu wa Mecha kama hawajagombana leo ili niende zangu A block nimplekee madaftari mzee wa kutoboa ........

Salute to all Departments: Mecha, Tele, LabTech, Electrical, Civil......!!
DIT!.... Long live DIT!
Rest In Peace Dave Luhala!

BH, DIT Alumni.

RIP mzee Mtangoo tutakukumbuka daima
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