Youths urged to unite in building a new Kenya


JF Admin
Feb 26, 2006
President Mwai Kibaki acknowledges greetings on arrival for the Vijana na Kibaki Youth Rally at Uhuru Park, Nairobi.
President Mwai Kibaki has urged the youth to shun tribalism and unite in supporting him to build a new Kenya that will be prosperous and free of retrogressive vices.

Addressing thousands of youths at Uhuru Park who attended the Vijana na Kibaki youth rally as a show of their support for his re-election, President Kibaki reaffirmed his personal commitment to promoting unity and serving Kenyans diligently.

"We should all unite and shun tribalism. We want to build a new Kenya that will be developed even further for the benefit of all Kenyans and where there is no place for tribalism and other vices that will divide the country," President Kibaki said.

The President, who was accompanied by First Lady Mrs. Lucy Kibaki, expressed optimism that he will win the coming elections as the youth and majority of Kenyans were with him.

President Kibaki said he was proud of the country's youth who have decided to use their various talents to improve the country, adding that the youth are the most valuable asset that Kenya had and his Government will continue giving priority to their empowerment.

He advised the youths to uphold peace and not to allow themselves to be incited into engaging in electoral violence during the campaigning period.

"There is no need to fight because of the elections. You must remain friendly to other Kenyans at all times," the Head of State said.

Stating his vision for the country and his development agenda for the youth in the next five years, the President said his Government will direct all available resources towards ensuring that economic growth increases from 7 per cent to 10 per cent annually and ensure that the youth are educated and have skills that will empower them economically.

He said having succeed in implementing the free primary education program that has ensured Kenyan children are not denied primary education, his Government will from January next year start the free secondary education that will guarantee the youth access to secondary education.

"Ensuring that all the youth have access to secondary education is possible and the Government has already set aside funds towards that goal," President Kibaki said.

President Kibaki said his Government has been constructing road and implementing the rural electrification program in all parts of the country without discrimination as a way of stimulating economic growth in the rural areas and provide employment opportunities to the country's youth.

Speaking during the rally, Youth Affairs Minister Mohammed Kuti commended President Kibaki for establishing the Youth Affairs Ministry, saying for the first time in the country's history there is a national youth policy that will ensure that issues affecting the youth are adequately addressed.

He said President Kibaki's Government is working on measures to establish a labour export policy that will ensure that the country's youth have easy access to jobs from other countries, adding that the Government has also put up and equipped a model youth polytechnic in all constituencies so as to equip the youth with the necessary skills to engage in self employment.

Other speakers included Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, Assistant Minister Cecil Mbarire and Stanley Livondo who urged the youth to use their vote in ensuring that the President is re-elected.

They said by voting for President Kibaki, they will not only be voting for their future but also the future of their children as the President had a vision of making Kenya a great country that will remain strong economically for many years.

Source: KBC
Written by: PPS
President Mwai Kibaki acknowledges greetings on arrival for the Vijana na Kibaki Youth Rally at Uhuru Park, Nairobi.

Source: KBC
Written by: PPS

2.5Zitto Kabwe = 1Mwai Kibaki
young = Old
Kibaki mwenyewe Mzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? 80s
President Mwai Kibaki acknowledges greetings on arrival for the Vijana na Kibaki Youth Rally at Uhuru Park, Nairobi.
Source: KBC
Written by: PPS

It doesnt matter how many youths from Central province where Kibaki hails from were transported to the venue. What does matter is that Kibaki is headed for retirement and Raila will pick up from where he has reached on all issues, youth matters included.

Truth be said, there is one really good thing for Kenya in the forthcoming elections. We all know that this is not an election choice between the good (Raila) and the bad (Kibaki). Rather, it is an election between the good (Kibaki) and the better (Raila).

So in any case, even if Kibaki wins, as his slogan suggests, "Kazi itaendelea tuu". However, with a Raila vitory kazi itaendelea kwa kasi na nguvu mpya ili tuweze recover quickly from the 24 years loss that was Moi's tenure as Head of State.

Hail Kibaki, Hail Raila Amolo Odinga, Hail the Republic of Kenya
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