Who will play second fiddle?

Nyani Ngabu

Platinum Member
May 15, 2006
Once again it’s on. Election fever is here.

The presidential candidates from the ‘main’ parties have all been nominated.

The trepidation, mostly from the opposition camp, is palpable.

Political talk is seeping through in all facets of society. From the streets to the workplace, social media, and everything in between.

However, there is still a lingering question out there.

That is, who is going to play second fiddle to the other?

A couple weeks ago we saw the rah rah welcome that Bernard Membe received from the ACT-Wazalendo faithful. They handed him the nomination to run for president on a silver platter.

It’s fair to say a lot of people were excited by his arrival to the party and his subsequent nomination to run for president in the upcoming general election.

We already know who was the shoo-in for CCM. It should go without saying much.

But yesterday, it was CHADEMA’s turn. Although it was expected, I can’t say the same about their candidate as I did for ACT.

Tundu Lissu has gone to hell and back, to be where he is, and, he’s got the scars to prove it. Or, as they say in the streets, he’s got the receipts.

There have been talks to once again join forces in order to take on the CCM juggernaut.

However, this year, that idea seems to be facing an insurmountable challenge given who’s involved.

I don’t envisage Tundu Lissu ceding that number one spot to Bernard Membe.

Inversely, it’s hard for me too see Membe doing the same thing.

So the question becomes: who is going to budge and play second fiddle to the other?

I don’t have the answer to that question right now. But I believe time will tell.

I see both of them deciding to go it alone. Which, if that happens, it will clear the way for an easy re-election win for President Magufuli.

What say you good folks of JamiiForums? Do you see it the way I see it?

Drop your comments below and let me know what you think..
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