Watu 250,000 watakiwa kuhama makwao Japan


JF-Expert Member
Aug 19, 2012
Watu karibu 250,000 wametakiwa wahame kutokana na wasiwasi wa kutokea kwa mitetemeko zaidi ya ardhi nchini Japan, shirika la kutoa misaa limesema.

Naoki Kokoawai, mshauri wa Shirika la Msalaba Mwekundu la Japan, ameambia BBC kwamba makundi zaidi ya matabibu yanatumwa maeneo ya kusaidia waathiriwa.

Mitetemeko miwili mikubwa ilitikisa kisiwa cha kusini magharibi cha Kyushu wiki iliyopita na kuua watu 42.

Idara ya utabiri wa hali ya hewa imetahadharisha kwamba kuna uwezekano mkubwa wa mitetemeko zaidi huenda kutokea siku chache zijazo.

Watu zaidi ya 1,000 walijeruhiwa na miundo mbinu mingi kuharibiwa.

Wafanyakazi karibu 30,000 wa uokoaji wanasaidia kutafuta manusura. Polisi wamesema watu 11 bado hawajulikani walipo, kwa mujibu wa shirika la utangazaji la serikali la NHK.

"Bado kuna watu ambao hawajulikani walipo. Tunataka kufanya juhudi zaidi na kuwaokoa watu,” Waziri Mkuu Shinzo Abe aliambia Bunge mapema Jumatatu.

Amesema anataka kutangaza eneo lililoathiriwa kuwa eneo la janga.

Mwanamke wa umri wa miaka 61 alipatikana akiwa amefariki karibu na nyumba yake iliyoporomoka eneo la Kumamoto mnamo Jumapili, gazeti la Japan Times liliripoti.

Tetemeko la ardhi la nguvu ya 7.3 lilitokea karibu na jiji la Kumamoto, ambalo lilikuwa limeathiriwa na tetemeko jingine la nguvu ya 6.4 Alhamisi usiku.

Mitetemeko hiyo miwili ilisababisha uharibifu mkubwa.

Jeshi la Marekani limesema liko tayari kutoa usaidizi wa ndege kusaidia juhudi za uokoaji.

Nearly 250,000 people have been told to leave their homes amid fears of further quakes in Japan, an aid agency says.

Naoki Kokawa, advisor to the Japanese Red Cross Society, told the BBC that more medical teams were being dispatched to evacuation centres.

Two powerful earthquakes hit the south-western island of Kyushu last week killing at least 42 people.

Japan's meteorological agency has also warned that more tremors are likely to hit in the coming days.

More than 1,000 people are injured and there has been widespread damage to buildings, houses, roads and bridges.

About 30,000 rescue workers are looking for survivors. Police said 11 people are still missing, public broadcaster NHK reported.

Some evacuees have complained about limited food supplies, saying they had just two rice balls for dinner, reports said. Others complained about a lack of water.

"Without water and electricity, we can't do anything. Without the TV, we can't even get information about disaster relief operations,'' Megumi Kudo told the Associated Press while queuing for water at a community centre in Aso city.

"We can't take a bath - not even a shower.''

But, responding to opposition criticisms of the relief effort in parliament, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe insisted the government was doing its best.

"We are striving to improve living conditions for the people who have sought refuge," he said.

"Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, we will be working toward a full recovery."

A 61-year-old woman was found dead near her collapsed house in Kumamoto prefecture on Sunday, Japan Times reported.

Saturday's magnitude-7.3 quake struck at 01:25 (15:25 GMT on Friday) close to the city of Kumamoto, which had been hit by a magnitude-6.4 quake on Thursday night.

Both quakes were shallow, causing huge damage to roads, bridges and tunnels. Big landslides cut off remote mountain villages.

The US military said it was preparing to provide aerial support for Japan's relief efforts. America has several military bases and about 50,000 troops in the country.

The earthquakes are the biggest to have hit Japan since 2011 when a 9.0 magnitude quake caused a huge tsunami, leaving more then 19,000 dead and missing.

Japan is regularly hit by earthquakes but strict building codes mean they usually cause minimal damage.

Source: BBC
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