US stirring chaos in the Middle East to seize oil.


JF-Expert Member
Jan 4, 2017
Sun Nov 3, 2019 09:11AM [Updated: Sun Nov 3, 2019 10:17AM

Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani

Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani
Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani says the United States has been seeking to foment turmoil in the region in a bid to achieve its "ominous" goal of plundering its oil reserves.
Addressing the parliament Sunday, Larijani touched on President Donald Trump's announcement that the US plans to "secure" Syrian oilfields, saying it exposed "the most secretive polices of the White House" and laid bare their "real and ugly face" as well as their "inhumane and exploitative nature."
Trump said last week US troops would remain in Syria and put up “a hell of a fight” against any force that tried to take Syrian oilfields, citing ExxonMobil or another energy company as the entity that would tap Syrian oil reserves.
"Such shameful remarks have been made by the head of a regime, which is constantly worried about human rights in countries that think independently," Larijani said.
Trump, he noted, does not apparently realize that the Syrian soil and oil belong to its nation and government and that the US has no right to invade a country and capture its oilfields.
The top Iranian parliamentarian also blasted Trump's "insolence" regarding Iraq, saying the US tried to take hold of the Iraqi oil but its people, leaders and religious leaders did not allow it.
Likewise, Larijani said, the US government does not care about the Iranian nation but its oil and gas - which it is trying to seize through an economic blockade.
PressTV- ‘US to strike any party challenging its control of Syria oil’
PressTV- ‘US to strike any party challenging its control of Syria oil’
The Pentagon threatens to use ‘military force’ against any group -- including Syrian and Russian forces -- seeking to challenge the US military’s occupation of oil fields in Syria.

"Recently, the US regime has been foolishly trying to create chaos in the region" with the ultimate aim of controlling its oil, Larijani said in an apparent reference to a wave of violent protests in Iraq and Lebanon.
"There is no doubt that the vigilant people of the region will deliver a stronger response to this US plot after they eliminated Daesh which was a puppet of the Americans," he added.
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