JF-Expert Member
- May 10, 2012
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Donald Trump found his signature voice Monday afternoon in Iowa's second largest city, urging rally attendees on Iowa's presidential caucus day to 'knock the c**p out of' any anti-Trump activists who try to hit him with vine-ripened produce.
And then he said he'd pay to defend his loyal fans in court.
'So I got a little notice, in case you see it,' he said after former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin introduced him in a packed hotel ballroom in Cedar Rapids.
'We have wonderful security guys. They said, "Mr. Trump, there may be somebody with tomatoes in the audience." So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the c**p out of 'em, would you? Seriously. Okay?'
'Just knock the hell – I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees,' he pledged. 'I promise. I promise. There won't be so much, because the courts agree with us too. What's going on in this country?'
'KNOCK THE C**P OUT OF 'EM': Donald Trump told rally attendees Monday afternoon in Cedar Rapids, Iowa that security suspected protesters would pelt him with tomatoes before he was done – and offered to pay for lawyers if anyone beat them to a pulp
CLOSING ARGUMENT: 'He's a doer,' Sarah Palin said of Trump as she introduced him; 'He builds thing. Big things. You have to ask yourself: What have his opponents ever built? Big vocabularies. Big debts'
Trump's high-energy closing argument, coming less than five hours before Iowa Republicans take the nation's first step toward nominating a presidential candidate, was in marked contrast to a lackluster morning speech before a half-empty convention center an hour to the northwest.
But in Cedar Rapids, Trump was on fire and letting it all hang out.
'To have a crowd like this on our final day, can you believe it? This is the day!' he boomed.
'This is the day we take our country back! Remember that!'
Trump is wrapping up the first stage of the most improbable presidential run in generations, turning his position nine months ago – where only 17 per cent of Republicans had a favorable view of him – into a national polling lead and seemingly insurmountable advantages in two of the three first primary stages.
New Hampshire and South Carolina seem in the bag for The Donald. Iowa, though, is a much tighter contest.
Trump leads Texas Sen. Ted Cruz by 7 percentage points in a Quinnipiac University poll released Monday morning.
'Three weeks ago I was 11 points down. Now I'm 7 points up,' he said Monday.
'I want to win Iowa. It's going to send such a great message that we're not going to take it anymore! We're going to take our country back. ... We're going to be proud to say that we're from the USA and we are the best and there's nobody like us.'
But it's unclear whether his screaming throngs will turn up at precinct caucus sites in the evening to vote for him over the other GOP White House hopefuls – the only measure that counts.
Trump was in rare form Monday afternoon, even though no grocery-chucking protesters materialized.
Only one anti-Trumper interrupted his speech by shouting slogans.
Get 'em out!' he barked at security agents. And then, after a pregnant pause: 'Do you have a tomato?'
BIG BOAST: 'We're going to make our country rich as hell!' Trump said hours before the Iowa caucuses begin
Trump's political enemies, too, took it in the teeth one last time before Iowans will vote.
Speaking of Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, he said: 'We're going to beat her badly' in November.
'I think the Democrats are protecting her,' he said of the legal peril surrounding the classified materials found on her personal email server.
HITTING HILLARY: 'How many lawyers need to go on television and say she's guilty?' Trump asked of the Democratic presidential front-runner
'How many lawyers need to go on television and say she's "Guilty," "Guilty," "Guilty"?' he asked.
At the mention of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's name, 1,000 people laughed in unison.
'Did any phrase ever hit a human being like "low energy" hit Jeb Bush?' Trump asked, recalling the damage he has done to the onetime presumptive GOP nominee by rebranding him as a sluggish laggard.
The tens of millions of dollars Bush has spent on attack ads targeting him, Trump said, is 'the only reason I don't feel bad about it.'
Palin, who endorsed Trump two weeks ago, introduced him in an often rambling word-mash that drew sidelong looks from some in the hall.
'Are you ready for peace through strength?' she asked in a verbal windup, 'and that Reaganesque posture that will tell any enemy, "Nuh-uh, we're America, so we win, you lose!"'
'He's a doer,' she said of Trump. 'He builds thing. Big things. You have to ask yourself: What have his opponents ever built? Big vocabularies. Big debts. Big war chests.'
Taking aim at conservative Iowa Congressman Steve King, Palin blasted him for suggesting in a morning TV interview that Trump had paid her to choose him over Cruz.
'He has a massive amount of assets and resources that he can deploy when it comes time to convince someone,' King, who has endorsed Cruz and stumps with him, said Monday morning on MSNBC. 'And that has to affect the way people think.'
Palin was spitting nails.
'Politics being a kind a brutal business, you find out who your friends are. That's for sure,' she said.
'NUH-UH!': A word-salad-speaking Sarah Palin asked if Trump fans were 'ready for peace through strength and that Reaganesque posture that will tell any enemy, "Nuh-uh, we're America, so we win, you lose!"'
REBRANDED: Trump reflected on how calling Jeb Bush a 'low energy' candidate damaged his candidacy beyond repair
'NOT TRUE': Palin slammed conservative Republican Iowa Congressman Steve King for suggesting on television that she was paid to endorse Trump
'We got your good old Representative Steve King ... Whoooo! Here I see that just a bit ago he's accused me on MSNBC – First, MSNBC, really? – of selling my support to Mr. Trump.'
She said King 'knows it isn't true.'
'Maybe he's forgotten some of his heart in the heartland and got a touch of that Potomac fever,' she said. 'Maybe he's been in the cornfield too long, huffing ethanol.'
Palin insisted that 'Mr. Trump promised me that he will Make America Great Again, and that's the only thing.'
Trump put it differently.
'We're going to make our country rich as hell!' he boasted.
'And we can't do anything else! Once we make it rich, then it becomes great!'
Trump to audience: 'Knock the c**p out of' TOMATO-throwing protesters
And then he said he'd pay to defend his loyal fans in court.
'So I got a little notice, in case you see it,' he said after former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin introduced him in a packed hotel ballroom in Cedar Rapids.
'We have wonderful security guys. They said, "Mr. Trump, there may be somebody with tomatoes in the audience." So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the c**p out of 'em, would you? Seriously. Okay?'
'Just knock the hell – I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees,' he pledged. 'I promise. I promise. There won't be so much, because the courts agree with us too. What's going on in this country?'

'KNOCK THE C**P OUT OF 'EM': Donald Trump told rally attendees Monday afternoon in Cedar Rapids, Iowa that security suspected protesters would pelt him with tomatoes before he was done – and offered to pay for lawyers if anyone beat them to a pulp

CLOSING ARGUMENT: 'He's a doer,' Sarah Palin said of Trump as she introduced him; 'He builds thing. Big things. You have to ask yourself: What have his opponents ever built? Big vocabularies. Big debts'
Trump's high-energy closing argument, coming less than five hours before Iowa Republicans take the nation's first step toward nominating a presidential candidate, was in marked contrast to a lackluster morning speech before a half-empty convention center an hour to the northwest.
But in Cedar Rapids, Trump was on fire and letting it all hang out.
'To have a crowd like this on our final day, can you believe it? This is the day!' he boomed.
'This is the day we take our country back! Remember that!'
Trump is wrapping up the first stage of the most improbable presidential run in generations, turning his position nine months ago – where only 17 per cent of Republicans had a favorable view of him – into a national polling lead and seemingly insurmountable advantages in two of the three first primary stages.
New Hampshire and South Carolina seem in the bag for The Donald. Iowa, though, is a much tighter contest.
Trump leads Texas Sen. Ted Cruz by 7 percentage points in a Quinnipiac University poll released Monday morning.
'Three weeks ago I was 11 points down. Now I'm 7 points up,' he said Monday.
'I want to win Iowa. It's going to send such a great message that we're not going to take it anymore! We're going to take our country back. ... We're going to be proud to say that we're from the USA and we are the best and there's nobody like us.'
But it's unclear whether his screaming throngs will turn up at precinct caucus sites in the evening to vote for him over the other GOP White House hopefuls – the only measure that counts.
Trump was in rare form Monday afternoon, even though no grocery-chucking protesters materialized.
Only one anti-Trumper interrupted his speech by shouting slogans.

Get 'em out!' he barked at security agents. And then, after a pregnant pause: 'Do you have a tomato?'

BIG BOAST: 'We're going to make our country rich as hell!' Trump said hours before the Iowa caucuses begin
Trump's political enemies, too, took it in the teeth one last time before Iowans will vote.
Speaking of Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, he said: 'We're going to beat her badly' in November.
'I think the Democrats are protecting her,' he said of the legal peril surrounding the classified materials found on her personal email server.

HITTING HILLARY: 'How many lawyers need to go on television and say she's guilty?' Trump asked of the Democratic presidential front-runner
'How many lawyers need to go on television and say she's "Guilty," "Guilty," "Guilty"?' he asked.
At the mention of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's name, 1,000 people laughed in unison.
'Did any phrase ever hit a human being like "low energy" hit Jeb Bush?' Trump asked, recalling the damage he has done to the onetime presumptive GOP nominee by rebranding him as a sluggish laggard.
The tens of millions of dollars Bush has spent on attack ads targeting him, Trump said, is 'the only reason I don't feel bad about it.'
Palin, who endorsed Trump two weeks ago, introduced him in an often rambling word-mash that drew sidelong looks from some in the hall.
'Are you ready for peace through strength?' she asked in a verbal windup, 'and that Reaganesque posture that will tell any enemy, "Nuh-uh, we're America, so we win, you lose!"'
'He's a doer,' she said of Trump. 'He builds thing. Big things. You have to ask yourself: What have his opponents ever built? Big vocabularies. Big debts. Big war chests.'
Taking aim at conservative Iowa Congressman Steve King, Palin blasted him for suggesting in a morning TV interview that Trump had paid her to choose him over Cruz.
'He has a massive amount of assets and resources that he can deploy when it comes time to convince someone,' King, who has endorsed Cruz and stumps with him, said Monday morning on MSNBC. 'And that has to affect the way people think.'
Palin was spitting nails.
'Politics being a kind a brutal business, you find out who your friends are. That's for sure,' she said.

'NUH-UH!': A word-salad-speaking Sarah Palin asked if Trump fans were 'ready for peace through strength and that Reaganesque posture that will tell any enemy, "Nuh-uh, we're America, so we win, you lose!"'

REBRANDED: Trump reflected on how calling Jeb Bush a 'low energy' candidate damaged his candidacy beyond repair

'NOT TRUE': Palin slammed conservative Republican Iowa Congressman Steve King for suggesting on television that she was paid to endorse Trump
'We got your good old Representative Steve King ... Whoooo! Here I see that just a bit ago he's accused me on MSNBC – First, MSNBC, really? – of selling my support to Mr. Trump.'
She said King 'knows it isn't true.'
'Maybe he's forgotten some of his heart in the heartland and got a touch of that Potomac fever,' she said. 'Maybe he's been in the cornfield too long, huffing ethanol.'
Palin insisted that 'Mr. Trump promised me that he will Make America Great Again, and that's the only thing.'
Trump put it differently.
'We're going to make our country rich as hell!' he boasted.
'And we can't do anything else! Once we make it rich, then it becomes great!'
Trump to audience: 'Knock the c**p out of' TOMATO-throwing protesters