This is how the Democrats stole the American Election

You are the uninformed lot.The "maamuma." America is the World and if it falls, it falls with the rest of the World.Who rules America from behind the scenes,rules the rest of the World,so you cannot ignore what happens in America.
Stealing of votes was done by using the Dominion Balloting System,which is easy to manipulate and therefore cheat.This system should never have been used.The other voting system used was the Absentee Postal Balloting System.This balloting system has obvious loopholes for cheating and therefore should not have been used in the first place.Trump expressed his reservations about the two systems even before voting started, but was never listened to,obviously because the aim was to steal the election.
You are the uninformed lot.The "maamuma." America is the World and if it falls, it falls with the rest of the World.Who rules America from behind the scenes,rules the rest of the World,so you cannot ignore what happens in America.
Not all information is worth paying attention.There are so many secret societies that are said to run the world: the formidable and the opposite. But they have a little impact on human life! The Ku klux klan,Mosad,Freemasons etc have all being there for some times now but what have they made/done to twist the world the way they like?
Ndio maana nimesema wewe ni maamuma.Kama huijui how the Freemasons have shaped the World,kaa kimya utachekwa.Do not expose your ignorance.
Ndio maana nimesema wewe ni maamuma.Kama huijui how the Freemasons have shaped the World,kaa kimya utachekwa.Do not expose your ignorance.
Hivi wewe kuelewa kwako kidogo juu ya hayo kunakusaidia nini?Maamuma usiyejitambua!

That can’t be possible my guy, just because Biden is gay now the whole world has accept and practice LGBT things.. It is of no wonder you can’t see the fact that the someone’s background is not tied up to whatever he wanna do so long as he is want to make America really great and world a better place for everyone..”
I like the way America acts to other countries who don’t respect human rights and Democracy..! No way I am just gonna like it whatever the America will do these selfish and Barbaric leaders who can not agree to the fact “ We can not all agree or cheer up what you do because we had a better way to do that better “
Bravo Biden, Bravo America..! America is not evil, but it’s a issue you view it from your side
1.What computer system should have been used instead of dominion computer system which is not easy to manipulate and therefore not possible to cheat?
2.Why Trump didn't win Georgia after hand recounts of votes(without dominion computer system)?
3.How many states used dominion computer system? How many Trump won with dominion system? How many Biden won with dominion system
4.Whose mandate is to procure the computer system for election?
5.What is absentee postal balloting system?
6.Why is absentee postal balloting used in US election?
7.When was absentee postal balloting started to be used in US?
8.How many states use absentee postal balloting? How many Trump won and how many Biden won?

The prophecy must be fulfilled! It is end times
Just prepare yourself as Jesus Christ is around the corner.He is soon coming back to take His Church! Will you be among the Church?
(1Thesalonike 4:13-17),(Acts 2:38,46-47
Which prophecy?
The prophecy must be fulfilled! It is end times
Just prepare yourself as Jesus Christ is around the corner.He is soon coming back to take His Church! Will you be among the Church?
(1Thesalonike 4:13-17),(Acts 2:38,46-47
The prophecy must be fulfilled! It is end times
Just prepare yourself as Jesus Christ is around the corner.He is soon coming back to take His Church! Will you be among the Church?
(1Thesalonike 4:13-17),(Acts 2:38,46-47
Hizi ni dalili za utungu tu mkuu,ule mwisho bado!Soma Mathew 24:1-12.
The prophecy must be fulfilled! It is end times
Just prepare yourself as Jesus Christ is around the corner.He is soon coming back to take His Church! Will you be among the Church?
(1Thesalonike 4:13-17),(Acts 2:38,46-47
I know,all these things have to happen,ila the end bado.This is the beginning of birth pangs(Mathew 24:1-12.)
The prophecy must be fulfilled! It is end times
Just prepare yourself as Jesus Christ is around the corner.He is soon coming back to take His Church! Will you be among the Church?
(1Thesalonike 4:13-17),(Acts 2:38,46-47
I know,all these things have to happen,ila the end bado.This is the beginning of birth pangs(Mathew 24:1-12.)
I think you should be informed that vote rigging is the norm in America,it is not an exception..How ever this years rigging has been unprecented because of the desire to instill Biden in the oval office by the Deep State.May be you need to visit

to see for your self the level of vote rigging varied out by agents of the Deep State on behalf of Joe Biden.This link has many articles showing clearly the ballot theft carried out.
If vote rigging is a norm in US as you say and is done by so called deep state, does that mean the 2016 election that saw Donald Trump become president was also rigged?
You haven't answered my questions.
Maybe you need to informed what Trump own DoJ,CISA , Republicans Governors and other officials in the state where he lost what they are saying.
Maybe you also need to be informed how is losing in the courts with Republicans appointed judges,some of whom are his appointees!
Maybe you're just conspiracist freak with very sad life.
If vote rigging is a norm in US as you say and is done by so called deep state, does that mean the 2016 election that saw Donald Trump become president was also rigged?
Yes,it was.China was involved and also Russia.I believe you still remember the Russia US row.You see FEM, the Deep State believed than that Donald Trump was their man some how,but turned against them at some point.Yoda it's not only me who is saying there is vote rigging in America,the information is awash in the internet,you just have to locate it in the right places.

Finally the ridicule you are making that I am a freak with a sad life is funny.Why should a person with a sad life concern himself with an election in America.I believe the opposite is true.Anyway be informed that I am a person with an extremely successful life.As for you I believe your are an agent of the Deep State,State Capture Agent or a secret society member,and most likely a Freemason.So you are a child of dark forces defending his farther Lucifer.
And who is Biden,do you know him?
Yes , he grew his political life with the civil rights movement! Wewe hujui hayo!! Je unajua Trump alikuwa haruhusu watu weusi kupanga katika nyumba zake? Huyo ndio Trump usiyemjua!!

DNI Ratcliffe Says Election ‘Issues’ Must Be Resolved Before Winner Declared​

by Jack Phillips
The Epoch Times
The top U.S. intelligence official suggested on Sunday that election lawsuits and other issues need to be resolved first before the winner of the Nov. 3 presidential election is declared.

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe told Fox Business that issues brought up by President Donald Trump’s legal team have to be heard in court.

“These election issues, we’ll see who is in what seats and whether there is a Biden administration,” he told the broadcaster.
Ratcliffe said that due to the unprecedented expansion of mail-in voting, many questions remain about the results.
In the interview Sunday, Ratcliffe made note of allegations that were brought up in recent days, including a truck driver who claimed to have transported hundreds of thousands of apparently completed mail-in ballots from a town in Long Island, New York, to Pennsylvania. He also referred to recent footage obtained by Trump’s team that shows election workers pulling out black, suitcase-like ballot containers from beneath a table after poll observers and other election workers were apparently told to go home for the night at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta.
Georgia election officials said the video showing containers being pulled from the table is not unusual, while Trump’s team said it is evidence of fraud. Officials in Fulton County, Georgia, and election officials have provided conflicting accounts of what happened on the night of Nov. 3, with one Fulton County spokesperson, Regina Waller,telling ABC News and other outlets at 11:30 p.m. on Election Night that vote counting was done for the night.
Later that week, other Fulton County officials confirmed that counting had continued for several hours longer. Georgia’s Republican Party chief, David Shafer, has said that poll observers were not present during this time period.
As a result, Ratcliffe said numerous Americans don’t believe “the votes were counted fairly, that the processes at the state and local level weren’t administered fairly.”
DNI Ratcliffe Says Election 'Issues' Must Be Resolved Before Winner Declared

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