This is how the Democrats stole the American Election

Huwa nikisoma thread zako naishia kucheka tu.
This is the usual ridicule of agents of the NWO.Si mmefundishwa?But message sent.Hata hivyo sishangai,mnachukia kwa kuwa tunafunua siri za the forces of darkness,of which you are part.
Democrat didnt steal election,
Trump was destined to be One Term President, even that was a favour, he was not fit for the position.
The issue of the US is a classic example of a direct confrontation of the forces of darkness and light,Biden being on the side of the forces of darkness.Wewe obviously upo upande wa the forces of darkness,either kwa kujua au kutokujua.Kama ni kwa kutokujua,get out quick,you are in the wrong side,the side of your enemy.
Your problems is that you dont know how GOD Operates. And the very racist people made you believe that they are followers of the Real GOD of Heaven and Earth while are not, wake up man and see the truth.
Do you know that Donald Trump is an avowed RACIST and ardent supporter of WHTE SUPPREMESISTS?

All the stuffs you’re trying to convince us believe is utterly ridiculous and none of these is making sense. You’re trying to find every way to blame election managers and the system as whole for the loss your friend Trump leaped.!
For me, America is good example of countries that i can make reference as Democratic country.
What troubles will you get if it happens that Biden is gay ?? It’s completely not making any sense
A gay Biden as President will force on the World to be gay and hence the possibity of a gay world.This will be a nightmare for the World.And frankly Biden could be gay, because in his acceptance speech for election, he thanked gays for electing him!To me there is nothing which Biden can't be and do,because his past is shadowed by evil.
It does not make sense because there is no sense in you in the first place.It only makes sense to those who are sensible.
Your worries are unfounded.The Americans have decided,spoken and "stamped" out the arrogant Trump. His goodness should have been seen and acknowledged by Americans.What you call a Deep state and covid 19 surrender/lockdown is of no importance to the rest of the universe! Trump is history now.
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