These are some things a woman should learn about Men


JF-Expert Member
Jun 14, 2011
  • Men are straight forward

When you ask a man “Do you want to grab a coffee thursday at noon with me?” And he says “no” that means either he doesn’t want to go with you, or he doesn’t want to grab coffee, or he doesn’t have time thursday at noon, but we will deny that entire sentence if even one of those things is wrong.

Men are just that simple.

  • Most men will follow their purpose over their relationship
For a man his purpose is the most important thing, and he usually values it even over the relationship. If you know that, then the best thing you can do is to fully support him in his purpose because he will want to repay that debt.

  • Men will not notice until you point it out directly to them
We are very simple. If you try to tell us something without directly speaking about it, chances are almost 100% that we will miss it. On the other hand, if you simply ask exactly what you want we will most likely give it to you.

The more specific you can be the better, and the more vague the less likely it will be.

  • Men will always be children
Because we are so simple, it is quite easy for us to play around, screw around, and do stupid things all the time. In that aspect, we are very stupid, but that is because we like it simple.


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