The Best Fruits and Veggies for Your Body ...

Mr What

JF-Expert Member
Oct 22, 2016

The Best Fruits and Veggies for Your body.​

1 Apples​


This is obvious, right? Apples are full of fiber and antioxidants that are great for keeping you healthy and fighting illness.

2 Bell Peppers​

Bell Peppers

Not only are bell peppers full of vitamin C, but they are also a great way to protect your skin from infections.

3 Carrots​


The bright orange color of carrots tells you that they contain a lot of beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in your body.

4 Dandelion Greens​

Dandelion Greens

Did you know you can eat dandelion greens? You can! And they’re a great way to satisfy your vitamin K intake, which is important for healthy blood clotting.

5 Eggplant​


This delicious veggie is delicious when it’s grilled. Eating it will help you get antioxidants that help fight certain types of cancer.

6 Fennel​


If you’ve never had fennel, it’s time to change that. It has a pleasant flavor in salads and soups and contains vitamin C, potassium and fiber.

7 Grapefruit​


Because it’s a citrus fruit, grapefruit is a great way to get more vitamin C. It’s also packed with antioxidants.

8 Huckleberry​


Huckleberries aren’t as easy to find as other kinds of berries, but they contain loads of antioxidants and a really great flavor.

9 Ice Plant​

Ice Plant

Many people consider this a weed and you might even have some growing in your yard. It contains vitamins A, B and C. Never eat a plant without making sure you know what it is first.

10 Jicama​


This crunchy little treat is great in salsas and salads. When you eat it, you boost your intake of vitamin C and calcium.

11 Kiwi​


I could have included kale, but we all know the benefits of that veggie. A single kiwi satisfies nearly your entire vitamin C intake for the day.

12 Leeks​


Leeks look like giant green onions and are a good way to get some antioxidants in your daily meal plan.

13 Mangoes​


This tropical fruit has a really wonderful flavor, but they are also loaded with potassium and vitamins A and C.

14 Nectarines​


This stone fruit is seasonal in the summer and makes a great tart. Nectarines also contain plenty of nutrients and antioxidants to protect your health.

15 Orange​


Here’s another prime citrus fruit that is loaded with vitamin C, which you need to protect your immunity.

16 Plums​


According to experts, plums have the second highest antioxidant content of any fruit or veggie. They also contain vitamins A and C, as well as calcium.

17 Radishes​


There are no fruits and veggies that start with “Q” so here we are at the next letter. Radishes contain potassium and iron.

18 Squash​


Roasted squash is one of the best foods in the world. Not only does it taste heavenly, but it also loads you up with vitamin A and potassium.

19 Tomatoes​


Tomatoes are one of the best sources of the antioxidant, lycopene, which fights prostate problems and other health issues. They also contain plenty of vitamin C.

20 Upland Cress​

Upland Cress

This leafy green contains potassium and vitamins A and C, making it something new for you to try today.

Which of these is your favorite?

The Best Fruits and Veggies for Your body.​

1 Apples​


This is obvious, right? Apples are full of fiber and antioxidants that are great for keeping you healthy and fighting illness.

2 Bell Peppers​

Bell Peppers

Not only are bell peppers full of vitamin C, but they are also a great way to protect your skin from infections.

3 Carrots​


The bright orange color of carrots tells you that they contain a lot of beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in your body.

4 Dandelion Greens​

Dandelion Greens

Did you know you can eat dandelion greens? You can! And they’re a great way to satisfy your vitamin K intake, which is important for healthy blood clotting.

5 Eggplant​


This delicious veggie is delicious when it’s grilled. Eating it will help you get antioxidants that help fight certain types of cancer.

6 Fennel​


If you’ve never had fennel, it’s time to change that. It has a pleasant flavor in salads and soups and contains vitamin C, potassium and fiber.

7 Grapefruit​


Because it’s a citrus fruit, grapefruit is a great way to get more vitamin C. It’s also packed with antioxidants.

8 Huckleberry​


Huckleberries aren’t as easy to find as other kinds of berries, but they contain loads of antioxidants and a really great flavor.

9 Ice Plant​

Ice Plant

Many people consider this a weed and you might even have some growing in your yard. It contains vitamins A, B and C. Never eat a plant without making sure you know what it is first.

10 Jicama​


This crunchy little treat is great in salsas and salads. When you eat it, you boost your intake of vitamin C and calcium.

11 Kiwi​


I could have included kale, but we all know the benefits of that veggie. A single kiwi satisfies nearly your entire vitamin C intake for the day.

12 Leeks​


Leeks look like giant green onions and are a good way to get some antioxidants in your daily meal plan.

13 Mangoes​


This tropical fruit has a really wonderful flavor, but they are also loaded with potassium and vitamins A and C.

14 Nectarines​


This stone fruit is seasonal in the summer and makes a great tart. Nectarines also contain plenty of nutrients and antioxidants to protect your health.

15 Orange​


Here’s another prime citrus fruit that is loaded with vitamin C, which you need to protect your immunity.

16 Plums​


According to experts, plums have the second highest antioxidant content of any fruit or veggie. They also contain vitamins A and C, as well as calcium.

17 Radishes​


There are no fruits and veggies that start with “Q” so here we are at the next letter. Radishes contain potassium and iron.

18 Squash​


Roasted squash is one of the best foods in the world. Not only does it taste heavenly, but it also loads you up with vitamin A and potassium.

19 Tomatoes​


Tomatoes are one of the best sources of the antioxidant, lycopene, which fights prostate problems and other health issues. They also contain plenty of vitamin C.

20 Upland Cress​

Upland Cress

This leafy green contains potassium and vitamins A and C, making it something new for you to try today.

Which of these is your favorite?
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