Sura ya Mwafrika mtumwa Harriet Tubman, kuwekwa kwenye dollar


JF-Expert Member
May 11, 2013


Harriet Tubman will become first African-American on U.S. currency: Escaped slave and hero of the Underground Railroad is set to replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill
  • The Treasury originally planned to replace Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill with a woman
  • But in an announcement on Wednesday, officials said they are keeping Hamilton and getting rid of Andrew Jackson on the $20
  • Tubman was born a slave, escaped and then risked her life by returning to the South to lead others to freedom on the Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman will become the first African-American and woman on the $20 bill, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced on Wednesday.

Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson, the nation's seventh president, on the currency.

Tubman, who was born into slavery in the early part of the 19th century, escaped and then used the network of antislavery activists and safe houses known as the Underground Railroad to transport other slaves to freedom. After the Civil War, Tubman, who died in 1913, became active in the campaign for women's suffrage.

This file photo taken on April 29, 2015 shows an image provided by the 'Women On 20's' organization featuring abolitionist Harriet Tubman on the U.S. twenty dollar bill. Celebrated former U.S. slave Harriet Tubman will replace President Andrew Jackson on the $20 banknote, the first time an African-American has been featured on US money, a Treasury official said April 20, 2016

Last year, the treasury announced plans to replace Alexander Hamilton, the nation's first secretary of the treasury, on the $10 bill with a woman.

Tubman escaped slavery but then returned to the South to lead other slaves to freedom

But they have now decided to keep Hamilton after both Hamilton supporters and women's groups championed for the $20 bill to be changed to incorporate a woman instead.

In the past year, Hamilton has undergone a revival in popularity, with the success of Lin-Manuel Miranda's Pulitzer-prize winning Broadway musical named after the founding father.

Jackson, meanwhile, is a more complicated figure, and there is no doubt some symbolism in the former president - a slave owner - being replaced by a woman who was born into slavery.

When it was announced last year that the treasury would be printing a woman on U.S. currency for the first time in history, a women's group called Women on 20s organized a survey to select an appropriate figure.

Over the course of 10 weeks, the group collected 600,000 votes and Tubman came out on top.

Civil rights hero Rosa Parks, former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt and Wilma Mankiller - the first female chief of the Cherokee Nation - were among some of the other popular figures in the vote.

The $5 bill will also undergo change. The illustration of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the will be redesigned to honor 'events at the Lincoln Memorial that helped to shape our history and our democracy.' The new image will include civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., Eleanor Roosevelt and Marian Anderson.

The treasury originally planned to replace Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill with a woman. But now they are replacing Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill with Tubman, and keeping Hamilton as is

The $10 bill is the next note on Treasury's redesign calendar, and it aims introduce updated protections against counterfeiting. That redesign was scheduled to be unveiled in 2020, which marks the 100th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote. Lew had often cited that connection as a reason to put a woman on the $10 bill.

Various groups have been campaigning to get a woman honored on the nation's paper currency, which has been an all-male domain for more than a century.

The last woman featured on U.S. paper money was Martha Washington, who was on a dollar silver certificate from 1891 to 1896. The only other woman ever featured on U.S. paper money was Pocahontas, from 1865 to 1869. Susan B. Anthony and Sacagawea are on dollar coins.

Harriet Tubman will become first woman on U.S. currency


Harriet Tubman: Mwanamke mweusi ambaye Biden anataka kumuweka kwenye $20​

26 Januari 2021
Harriet Tubman

Maelezo ya picha,
Mwanaharakati wa Marekani Harriet Tubman mwaka 1885.
Utawala wa Joe Biden unasema utaona namna wataavyoweza kuharakisha kupitisha muswada wa kutaka dola 20 ya Marekani kuwa na sura ya Harriet Tubman baada ya utawala wa Trump kuchelewesha zoezi hilo baada ya utawala wa Barack Obama kuanzisha mswada huo.
"Idara ya fedha watachukua hatua ya kuanza tena jitihada za kumuweka bi. Harriet Tubman katika noti ya dola $20 ,"Jen Psaki amesema kutoka idara ya habari ya Ikulu ya Marekani.
"Wanataka kusema fedha zetu, zinaashiria historia yetu na utofauti wetu , na picha ya Harriet Tubman ikiwekwa kwenye noti mpya ya dola 20 itaweza kuleta taswira ya namna hiyo."
Utawala wa Obama ilitangaza mwaka 2016 kuwa wataenda kumuweka Bi.Harriet Tubman katika fedha hiyo ya $20 na kumuondoa Andrew Jackson.
Lakini utawala wa Trump ulisema mwaka 2019 kuwa mabadiliko hayo yatachelewa na yanaweza kufanyika labda mwaka 2028 kwasababu za changamoto za kiteknolojia.
Na sasa Jen Psaki anasema wataongez kasi ili zoezi hilo lifanyike haraka iwezekanavyo.
Harriet Tubman on the $20

Maelezo ya picha,
Namna ambavyo noti ya $20 inaweza kuonekana
Taarifa ya CNN inasema msemaji mmoja wa idara ya fedha anasema wanasubiri tu kupata uthibitisho wa kufanya hivyo.
Kama mabadiliko haya yakifanyika , Harriet Tubman atakuwa mwanamke wa kwanza mweusi kuwa katika fedha ya Marekani.
Harriet Tubman ni nani?
Harriet Tubman

Maelezo ya picha,
Harriet Tubman mnamo mwaka 1885.
Harriet Tubman alikuwa anafanya kazi kama mtumwa, mpelelezi na mwishoni alihusika kukomesha biashara ya utumwa.
Alikuwa mwanamke jasiri , alipokutana na changamoto nyingi.
  • Harriet Tubman, alizaliwa katika mazingira utumwa mwaka 1822 huko Mashariki mwa Maryland. Ni mtoto wa nne kati ya watoto tisa na wazazi wake walimuita Araminta au Ross
  • Harriet Tubman alifanya mahojiano ya kwanza ya kuanza kazi akiwa na miaka mitano tu.
  • Harriet Tubman alitoroka shambani ambako alikuwa mtumwa na kukimbilia Pennsylvania mwaka 1849 lakini alirudi kuiokoa familia yake pamoja na watumwa wengine 300 .
  • Baada ya mabadiloko ya katiba ya utumwa ya mwaka 1850 ambayo iliruhusu watumwa kuwa huru nchini humo, Harriet Tubman aliwaongoza watumwa kutoroka ilikuwa huru Canada kwa kutumia reli ya chini.
  • Harriet Tubman alijulikana kwa jina la Bi. "Moses" wa reli ya barabara ya chini, ripoti zinasema hakupoteza abiria wake hata mmoja.
  • Harriet Tubman ni miongoni mwa watumwa waliopambana kutokomeza utumwa.
  • Kwa mujibu wa muandishi mmoja, Fergus Bordewich, ameandika Harriet Tubman alikuwa na nguvu sana kwa Wamarekani na aliwapa motisha ya kukabiliana katika vita ya wenyewe kupinga utumwa.
  • Wakati wa vita, Harriet Tubman alitengeneza umoja wa jeshi katika wapishi , manesi na baadae wapepelezi.
  • Harriet Tubman alifariki kutokana na nomonia akiwa na umri wa miaka 91 huko Auburn, New York mwaka 1913 baada ya kutoa maisha yake yote katika harakati za kupinga utumwa.

Picha ya mtumwa mmoja aliyekata nyororo na kisha kusaidia mamia ya wenzake kutoroka utumwa sasa itatumika katika noti mpya ya dola 20 nchini Marekani.
Bi Harriet Tubman atakuwa Mwafrika Mmarekani wa kwanza kuangaziwa kwenye sarafu ya Marekani.

Vilevile ndiye mwanamke wa kwanza katika kipindi cha karne moja katika historia ya Marekani picha yakwe kuwekwa kwenye dola.

Picha hiyo itabadilishwa na ile ya awali ya rais wa saba wa Marekani Andrew Jackson ambaye alikuwa akimiliki watumwa enzi hizo.

Sasa picha ya Andrew Jackson itakuwa nyuma ya noti hiyo.

Noti hiyo itaanza kutumika mwaka 2020 lakini idara ya fedha nchini Marekani imesema ni mwanzo wa kuwakumbuka na kuwaenzi waliopigania haki za kibinadamu nchini humo.

Bi Tubman alizaliwa miaka ya 1800 utumwani jimbo la Maryland. Alifariki 10 Machi, 1913 akiwa eneo la Auburn, jimbo la New York.


Anti-slavery crusader Harriet Tubman will become the first African-American on the face of U.S. paper currency, and the first woman in more than a century, when she replaces former President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill.

The U.S. Treasury Department said on Wednesday that Tubman, who was born into slavery in the early 1820s and went on to help hundreds of slaves escape, would take the center spot on the bill, while Jackson, a slave owner, would move to the back.

Introduced alongside a slew of changes to the $5 and $10 notes as well, the redesign gives the Treasury "a chance to open the aperture to reflect more of America's history," Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said.

A new $10 bill will add images of five female leaders of the women's suffrage movement, including Sojourner Truth and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, to the back, while keeping founding father Alexander Hamilton on the front.

The reverse of a new $5 note will show former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt and civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., officials said. Former President Abraham Lincoln will remain on the front.

Lew said the designs should be unveiled by 2020 and go into circulation "as quickly as possible," although he declined to say when. He said the $10 bill was scheduled to go out first, citing security needs.

The long-awaited decision to replace the seventh president of the United States with Tubman followed months of outreach by the Treasury regarding which woman should be featured on a bill.

The debate began when the Treasury announced plans in June to feature a woman on the $10 note, prompted partly by a young girl's letter to President Barack Obama that criticized the lack of women on U.S. currency and a social media campaign last year called "Women on 20s."


Hamilton’s growing celebrity status, due largely to a Pulitzer Prize-winning Broadway musical about his life, “Hamilton,” created by Lin-Manuel Miranda, propelled an effort to keep the first U.S. Treasury secretary on the $10 note and to replace Jackson on the $20 bill instead.

Jackson, a hero of the War of 1812's Battle of New Orleans, was president from 1829-1837. But he has been criticized for his treatment of American Indians and ownership of slaves.

After considering hundreds of candidates, Lew said Tubman was chosen for her leadership and work helping others.

"It's the essential story of American democracy about how one person who grew up in slavery, never had the benefit of learning how to read or write, could change the course of history," he said.

Tubman grew up working on a Maryland plantation and escaped in her late 20s. She returned to the South to help hundreds of black slaves to freedom and worked as a Union spy during the Civil War. She died in 1913.

Women have not been depicted on U.S. bills since Martha Washington, who was on the $1 silver certificate from 1891 to 1896, and Pocahontas, who was in a group picture on the $20 bill from 1865 to 1869.

On coins, Sacagawea, a Native American who assisted the Lewis and Clark Expedition, is featured on the gold dollar, and suffragist Susan B. Anthony is on the silver dollar. Deaf-blind author and activist Helen Keller is on the back of the Alabama quarter.

Tubman became the top-trending hashtag on Twitter shortly after the news broke on Wednesday, with more than 100,000 tweets and mentions online.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who is campaigning to become the first female U.S. president, praised Tubman as "a woman, a leader, and a freedom fighter" on Twitter and said she could not think of a better choice.

Some Twitter users applauded Treasury’s decision to keep Hamilton on the $10 bill.

Actress Mara Wilson (@MaraWritesStuff) tweeted at Miranda, the "Hamilton" creator, saying: “@Lin_Manuel First you win a Pulitzer, now you're affecting US currency. Get some rest!"

Chanzo: Reuters


Harriet Tubman: Mwanamke mweusi ambaye Biden anataka kumuweka kwenye $20​

Imeboreshwa Saa 7 zilizopita
Harriet Tubman

Maelezo ya picha,
Mwanaharakati wa Marekani Harriet Tubman mwaka 1885.
Utawala wa Joe Biden unasema utaona namna wataavyoweza kuharakisha kupitisha muswada wa kutaka dola 20 ya Marekani kuwa na sura ya Harriet Tubman baada ya utawala wa Trump kuchelewesha zoezi hilo baada ya utawala wa Barack Obama kuanzisha mswada huo.
"Idara ya fedha watachukua hatua ya kuanza tena jitihada za kumuweka bi. Harriet Tubman katika noti ya dola $20 ,"Jen Psaki amesema kutoka idara ya habari ya Ikulu ya Marekani.
"Wanataka kusema fedha zetu, zinaashiria historia yetu na utofauti wetu , na picha ya Harriet Tubman ikiwekwa kwenye noti mpya ya dola 20 itaweza kuleta taswira ya namna hiyo."
Utawala wa Obama ilitangaza mwaka 2016 kuwa wataenda kumuweka Bi.Harriet Tubman katika fedha hiyo ya $20 na kumuondoa Andrew Jackson.
Lakini utawala wa Trump ulisema mwaka 2019 kuwa mabadiliko hayo yatachelewa na yanaweza kufanyika labda mwaka 2028 kwasababu za changamoto za kiteknolojia.
Na sasa Jen Psaki anasema wataongez kasi ili zoezi hilo lifanyike haraka iwezekanavyo.
Harriet Tubman on the $20

Maelezo ya picha,
Namna ambavyo noti ya $20 inaweza kuonekana
Taarifa ya CNN inasema msemaji mmoja wa idara ya fedha anasema wanasubiri tu kupata uthibitisho wa kufanya hivyo.
Kama mabadiliko haya yakifanyika , Harriet Tubman atakuwa mwanamke wa kwanza mweusi kuwa katika fedha ya Marekani.
Harriet Tubman ni nani?
Harriet Tubman

Maelezo ya picha,
Harriet Tubman mnamo mwaka 1885.
Harriet Tubman alikuwa anafanya kazi kama mtumwa, mpelelezi na mwishoni alihusika kukomesha biashara ya utumwa.
Alikuwa mwanamke jasiri , alipokutana na changamoto nyingi.
  • Harriet Tubman, alizaliwa katika mazingira utumwa mwaka 1822 huko Mashariki mwa Maryland. Ni mtoto wa nne kati ya watoto tisa na wazazi wake walimuita Araminta au Ross
  • Harriet Tubman alifanya mahojiano ya kwanza ya kuanza kazi akiwa na miaka mitano tu.
  • Harriet Tubman alitoroka shambani ambako alikuwa mtumwa na kukimbilia Pennsylvania mwaka 1849 lakini alirudi kuiokoa familia yake pamoja na watumwa wengine 300 .
  • Baada ya mabadiloko ya katiba ya utumwa ya mwaka 1850 ambayo iliruhusu watumwa kuwa huru nchini humo, Harriet Tubman aliwaongoza watumwa kutoroka ilikuwa huru Canada kwa kutumia reli ya chini.
  • Harriet Tubman alijulikana kwa jina la Bi. "Moses" wa reli ya barabara ya chini, ripoti zinasema hakupoteza abiria wake hata mmoja.
  • Harriet Tubman ni miongoni mwa watumwa waliopambana kutokomeza utumwa.
  • Kwa mujibu wa muandishi mmoja, Fergus Bordewich, ameandika Harriet Tubman alikuwa na nguvu sana kwa Wamarekani na aliwapa motisha ya kukabiliana katika vita ya wenyewe kupinga utumwa.
  • Wakati wa vita, Harriet Tubman alitengeneza umoja wa jeshi katika wapishi , manesi na baadae wapepelezi.
  • Harriet Tubman alifariki kutokana na nomonia akiwa na umri wa miaka 91 huko Auburn, New York mwaka 1913 baada ya kutoa maisha yake yote katika harakati za kupinga utumwa.
113 yrs sio mchezo
Siyo lazima kwamba alifikisha huo umri, kwani inasemekana alizaliwa miaka ya 1800 kuna uwezekano kabisa hata alifariki akiwa na chini ya miaka 50, kwani hata mtu aliyefariki mwaka 1913 akiwa na umri wa miaka 15 tu naye kazaliwa miaka ya 1800
Sio mbaya lakini wangeweka mwanaharakati kama Luther King au Malcom x wangewagusa wengi zaidi. Ila najua ni rahisi kwao mtoto akiuliza huyo nani kujibu alikuwa mtumwa maarufu. Kuliko kujibu alitetea haki za watu weusi na wazungu walimuua.
Duh... Hapana! tutafika kweli? hivi mtu anaanza kuelewa kabla ya kulalamika au kulalamika kabla ya kuelewa jambo? MLK nae pia atawekwa kwenye ile noti ya tano(5$) MK254
Harriet Tubman to be first African-American on U.S. currency
Watu wa zamani waliishi maisha marefu sana nafkiri zamani maisha yalikuwa ni mazuri kuliko sasa
Kweli wamarekani sasa wameendelea,miaka ijayo wa msoga naye atakumbukwa japo kwenye coin
Inasaidia nini sasa?
kuwaenzi waliopigania haki za binadamu bila kuangalia rangi, dini, kabila, kipato n.k hii inatoa inspiration kwa wengine kufanya hivyo,
ni kama nyerere anavyowekwa kwenye noti kwa kuwa inasemaekana alikuwa ni mzalendo ili ku inspire watanzania wengine kuwa wazalendo
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