Protection of Tanzania against foreign adversaries during and after General election


JF-Expert Member
May 20, 2020
Dear my fellow Tanzanians,

Greetings from this end.

Currently, our country is heading toward general election, which is a crucial moment for the interest of this nation. As you may also know, we are observing unprecedented security threats around the world, of which some of them are attributed to general election of a given country, it is time to stand together as brothers and sisters of this country in order to protect our peaceful country against threats of foreign meddlers.

General election is a game changer both socially and economical prosperity of a given country. It may install administration with this nature: (1) a corrupt administration; (2) a puppet administration, that is entirely dedicated to save the interests of their masters (foreign powers); and (3) ant-corruption administration, which is entirely dedicated to protect public funds against embezzlement, and protection of country's natural resources against foreign exploitation. Based on this train of thoughts, October 28, 2020 will be the day of Tanzanians to make a significant choice for the betterment of interests of this nation in general.

As you all know, after fifth administration, lead by His Excellence Magufuli came into power, it took solid steps towards: (1) curbing of corruption in public sectors; (2) increased collection of government revenue from 850 billions in 2015 to over one trillion Tanzanians shillings monthly; (3) renegotiation of mineral extraction contracts, which aim at achieving a win win outcomes, just to mention few. As a results, these substantial steps, have resulted into: (1) improvement of social services such as provision of free education at primary and ordinary levels, construction of health centers per ward; (2) implementation of various mega projects such as Mwl. Nyerere hydro power, which will provide over 2000 MW into the national grid, standard gauge railway, construction of ships, roads etc. (3) reviving our airline i.e., Air Tanzania by buying 13 airplanes among others. Altogether, we have observed a tremendous growth of our country economically and socially, and helped our country to move from low-income country to middle-income country.

While we are enjoying observing these substantial developments both economically and socially in such as short time, which have been brought by Magufuli's administration, it is now a time to think critically, by asking this question, if these enormous achievements have just taken place in such a short period, what if we give His Excellence another five years? For me, I think the answer is YES. To that end, as brothers and sisters, I know we use different angles in articulating things, and we have different political party affiliations, with different ideologies, but if we really want our country to achieve substantial development, I urge you guys to put aside our differences and vote for His Excellence, President Magufuli.

Now that the name of Tanzania is shining internationally, which is a result of strong leadership of His Excellence, Magufuli, do not think that our adversaries are happy with it, but in reality they are not. The more this administration continue in curbing corruption, protect country's natural resources against exploitation, the more enemies it creates both internally, and externally. Besides, the journey towards building strong country's economical, social and political development, it has its own challenges: both internal and external, thereby it requires firm and strong leader who has decisive action to face these challenges. And, these kind of leaders are rare. Luckily, in Tanzania we have His Excellence, Magufuli, despite some weakness he has, but he has shade us light in our long-time built mentality that Tanzania is a poor country, but in contrary, he has proved wrong this narrative, in reality this country is particularly rich. For example, we used to depend on external aids in financing our general election's expenses, but as I'm writing, this election has been 100% financed by government i.e., 331 billions TSH will be spent in this forthcoming election. This is a significant step we have achieved so far, Magufuli's administration underscore credit on this.

We know our government agencies work around the clock to ensure that our country is safe against internal and external threats, however, enemies may use different approaches aimed at sabotaging our piece and unity we have in this country. General election may be one of the approach, which our adversaries can use to install their malignant agenda. They can use: (1) our fellow Tanzanians whom we trust, but they have back doors agenda with foreign powers; (2) some non-government organization, which are financed by foreign powers, just to mention few. The fact that our security bodies can fight against adversaries which they see, however, there are some enemies within and outside our country, which work with us but it is difficult to know them that some are likely to carry sinister agenda against our country, thus we need supernatural power to fight against them.

Generally, I urge you my fellow Tanzanians to put our peace and unity as first priorities during and after our general election. We should do this through conducting prayers as we did during dire circumstance of corona pandemic. Going forward, as we submit our general election to our Almighty God, He will protect our president and this country against our internal and foreign adversaries.

Best wishes,
Fear of unkown. Ni zamu yenu kulalamika sasa.

Mr presenter can you please list atleast five good examples of procedures which magufuli have fought corruption?

As we all know this 5th term government has been a threat and dangerous to its citzens for solid 5years. Now that the people of tanzania have decided to dump it completely. 28 oct is the death of CCM corrupt government.

No wonder that every body knows this truth . It is from this fact now you are coming with a failed propaganda of all times behind foreign invaders.

Please accept that we( Citzens) are not going to look back , we shall all put our hands together and achieve our once heaven Tanzania land.

Samahani kingereza changu cha shule ya kata.
Fear of unkown. Ni zamu yenu kulalamika sasa.

Mr presenter can you please list atleast five good examples of procedures which magufuli have fought corruption?

As we all know this 5th term government has been a threat and dangerous to its citzens for solid 5years. Now that the people of tanzania have decided to dump it completely. 28 oct is the death of CCM corrupt government.

No wonder that every body knows this truth . It is from this fact now you are coming with a failed propaganda of all times behind foreign invaders.

Please accept that we( Citzens) are not going to look back , we shall all put our hands together and achieve our once heaven Tanzania land.

Samahani kingereza changu cha shule ya kata.
I completely disagree with your narrative. As I said earlier, we differ in the way how we articulate things. If you really undermine the solid steps, which Magufuli's administration stepped in to fight against corruption, I might even dare to say that you are not living in Tz my friend.
I completely disagree with your narrative. As I said earlier, we differ in the way how we articulate things. If you really undermine the solid steps, which Magufuli's administration stepped in to fight against corruption, I might even dare to say that you are not living in Tz my friend.
My friend i only begged you to list atleast 5 examples of what you are defending to Mr Jpm.

Dont just shoot dry words.
My friend i only begged you to list atleast 5 examples of what you are defending to Mr Jpm.

Dont just shoot dry words.
It tried my level best to at least built my case in a nut shell, looks like you are not convinced. Anyway, I can't force to agree with my narrative.
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