President Trump asked Comey to end Flynn enquiry!


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May 31, 2008
Explosive...! President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn.

“I hope you can let this go,” the president told Mr. Comey. The White House denied the account in the memo.

Source: New York Times

Could this be why FBI Director Comey was fired...stay tuned!
Source: Comey wrote in memo that Trump asked to end Flynn investigation
By Pamela Brown and Dan Merica, CNN

Source: Comey wrote in memo that president asked to end Flynn investigation -

Updated 6:05 PM ET, Tue May 16, 2017

Former FBI Director James Comey wrote in a memo that President Donald Trump asked to end to the investigation of national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to a source familiar with the matter.
Comey was so appalled by the request that he wanted to document it, the source said. Comey shared it with FBI senior officials, according to the source.
"I hope you can let this go," Comey wrote, quoting the President. CNN has not viewed the memo but the source described it to CNN.

The memo is the clearest sign yet of potential interference by Trump with the investigation into whether members of his campaign team colluded with Russian officials.
Writing the memo was "not out of character," especially if he was concerned about the legality or moral issues, according to a former Justice Department official.

The New York Times first reported news of the memo.
Multiple White House officials refuted the claim on Tuesday, including one who said a "conversation of that nature" did not happen.
"While the President has repeatedly expressed his view that General Flynn is a decent man who served and protected our country, the President has never asked Mr. Comey or anyone else to end any investigation, including any investigation involving General Flynn," a White House official said in a statement. "The President has the utmost respect for our law enforcement agencies, and all investigations. This is not a truthful or accurate portrayal of the conversation between the President and Mr. Comey."

Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians?

Trump has looked to stay loyal to Flynn, despite the fact that he fired his top national security aide in February after it became clear that he did not properly disclose the nature of conversations he had with Russian officials.
Trump, in a series of public comments and interviews, has suggested that Flynn was being mistreated and has heralded him as a good man.
"Gen. Flynn is a wonderful man. I think he has been treated very, very unfairly by the media, as I call it, the fake media in many cases," Trump said in February. "And I think it is really a sad thing that he was treated so badly."

Lawmakers want to hear from Comey
Reaction from Capitol Hill was swift, with Republicans and Democrats alike demanding answers from Comey.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, said Tuesday that the former FBI director should testify before Congress about his conversation with Trump.
And Sen. Dianne Feinstein told reporters that she "absolutely" thinks Comey should testify before the full Senate Judiciary Committee on the conversation.
"I believe we should begin to hold hearing as a full committee on this," she said.

CNN's Tom Lobianco and Jeremy Herb contributed to this report
Borger: All the President's friends: worried

By Gloria Borger, CNN Chief Political Analyst

Borger: All the President's friends: worried -

Updated 5:55 PM ET, Tue May 16, 2017

A telling story: There is a friend of President Donald Trump's, who has known him for years -- and has defended him for just as long -- who now says he can't quite do it anymore. "I always thought that once he understood the weight of the office, he would rise to the occasion," this friend says. "Now I don't."
Another Trump friend now says he's trying to find a way to distance himself from "that mess" in the White House. His advice, he admits, is often unheeded.
It's hard to know, when you live in the eye of the storm, whether the White House is truly at a tipping point. That's also because, in this White House, there is a storm-du-jour: the Gen. Mike Flynn fiasco, the Trump charge about Obama wiretapping him, the firing of FBI Director James Comey, and the latest controversy over Trump's reportedly sharing classified information with Russians in the Oval Office.

White House staff, says one outsider who has spoken with multiple senior staffers this week, are "disconsolate." And, he adds, "These are the real loyalists. These are the people who truly care about Donald Trump."
And even if the White House staff is at a tipping point, there's a larger -- and more important -- question: Is the President himself?


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In one way, maybe yes. He is reaching out to friends about potential staff changes, according to multiple sources. One source with direct knowledge says he is "upset" with his legal team. Most recently he was upset with White House Counsel Don McGahn, whom, this source says, the President faults with giving him "bad advice" about how to handle the Comey firing. "It was awful," this source says. "Even for [Trump] it was not presidential."
But in another way, no, the President is not anywhere near a tipping point. In fact, he may be incapable of one. Because change does not come easily to Donald Trump. There is absolutely no sense among his friends, according to multiple sources, that he blames himself for any of his problems. It's his legal team or his communications team or his senior staff. The President, says one source, "seems to have lost confidence in everybody."
Except himself.
So he complains constantly, says one source, but he can never say that, yes, maybe he ought to take the presidential daily brief, um, daily. Or that he ought to require more substantive briefings before meeting with foreign officials. Or that freelancing is not a great idea in classified settings.


    Trump blasted others over classified info

Trump blasted others over classified info 01:27
"There's not enough substance to much of what he gets," says one ally who has gotten feedback from a foreign official who recently met with Trump. And that allows the President, this source says, to just go "off script and have his instincts take over and [he] goes with it." Consider: the Russians.
"Is he absorbing what comes through the door?," this friend asks, "or what he sees on social media and TV?" In fact, this ally has told Trump "if you want to become a great President, turn off the TV."

Again, these are friends -- people who want to see the President succeed. They all understand the need for staff changes -- and agree with Trump's senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner who believes, according to a source with knowledge, that the communications shop needs to be fixed. But they also say that replacing the entire staff would probably not do much to fix the most important thing: Trump himself.
Unless, as one source points out, someone can tell the President when he is wrong -- rather than spending time spinning to justify his mistakes and missteps.
"Nobody," says one friend, "is willing to lose his job to save the President."
A task that grows more onerous every day.
When a President is a former businessman. Everything is about "Making deals "

Wakina sisi sijui tunajifunza. If it was us and the president is involved, Comey's Memo zingekuwa swept under the rug.
Kwa wenzetu, it's shocking news and their world almost stood still on what President has done.
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