ODM changes Majimbo term to "Ugatuzi"


JF Admin
Feb 26, 2006
The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) have today changed tune on the Majimbo issue saying the system they were advocating is merely ugatuzi.

Ugatuzi, its leaders say in a paid up advert, is devolution of power as enshrined in the Bomas Draft.

"the system we are advocating is not federalism and is different from that of USA, as regional governments will not collect their own taxes or make their own laws that will remain the role of the Central Government," read the advert.

However even as it main players dubbed The Pentagon, changed tune we can report that except Joe Nyaga and Charity Ngilu who did not launch a Presidential Vision, the rest advocated for a regional Majimbo government where its federals had powers to make laws, had a government and parliament at the grassroots.(we will be pasting all the Visions as unveiled by the leaders when they were all in ODM-Kenya)

However, the change in approach may prove an aset to the party.

Source: Abunuwasi
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