Mishahara ya Polisi Kenya yapanda!


JF-Expert Member
May 27, 2014
Mishahara ya Polisi yapanda

Mwenyekiti wa NPS amesema mishahara mipya itaanza kulipwa mwezi huu

Police officers in the country can now smileto the bank after receiving a pay rise of between Ksh.4,000 and Ksh.21,000depending on the rank.

The National Police Service Commission (NPSC),which communicated the decision on Thursday, has also effected the promotion ofover 3,000 police officers, with 1,957 police constables who have stagnated inthe position for over 30 years benefiting.

Police corporals will also reap the benefitswith a new salary of between Ksh.57,915 and Ksh.83,445.
For those in the rank of sergeant, the newsalary will range between Ksh.69,115 and Ksh.87,435.

Inspectors and Chief Inspectors will now earnbetween Ksh.89,405 and Ksh.118,815. A commissioner of police will also smileall the way to the bank with a salary ranging between Ksh.134,815 andKsh.169,835.

NPSC Chairperson Eliud Kinuthia said:"Senior Assistant Inspector Generals (AIGs) will receive a salaryincrement of Ksh.21,000, being the senior-most ranks, as they are not stateofficers like the Deputy Inspector Generals (DIGs)."

The salary review also came with good newsfor over 3,000 police officers who received promotions. Among those promotedare 1,957 police constables aged 53-59 years who, for over 30 years, have neverbeen promoted despite having a good record.

Mr. Kinuthia however noted that, "Thesepromotions, some of them, have no financial implications."
With reports of delayed payment of salariesand allowances to police officers in Haiti, the commission said the officershave received their pay and allowances as agreed.

The commission also urged Acting InspectorGeneral of Police Gilbert Masengeli to temporarily halt promotions until theappointment of Douglas Kanja as the substantive Inspector General.

Mr. Kinuthia noted: "If you're actingfor at most 90 days, there are some decisions even you know have limitations,because if you reorganize the entire command and you're not the one to use thecommand, then what will happen to the one who comes after you?"

The salary review has, however, been effectedat a time when Kenyans have raised concerns over police excesses, especiallyduring the anti-government protests, where over 60 people were killed andscores of others abducted in police operations.

Source Citizen TV

Mlale Unono 😀😀
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