M23 rebels fighting for French and British interests in DRC


JF-Expert Member
Oct 7, 2019
Rwandan army fighting for Total Energies and Exxon Mobil ( French and USA) interests in Cabo Delgado

Important to note that the Rwandan army deployment to Mozambique was made possible by EU funding of 20 million through the European Peace Facility fund.

The Rwandan people too are victims of the empire's tactics. The empire does not send its personnel to fight but rather funds both ends of the western engineered conflict to annihilate each other.

The European Peace Facility is used to unleash war. The stronger the military confrontations the more the unchecked mineral resources outflows. When the war "ends", the supposed beneficiary gets locked in lifetime concessionary commitments.
So sad.
Rwanda is increasingly becoming a terror state to the region. Something need to be done to contain Kagame and his allies.
So sad.
Rwanda is increasingly becoming a terror state to the region. Something need to be done to contain Kagame and his allies.
Mmeshachelewa East Africa ambayo ndio ingekuwa mkombozi bahati mbaya kila mtu anawaza Uchaguzi tu
Rwandan army fighting for Total Energies and Exxon Mobil ( French and USA) interests in Cabo Delgado

Important to note that the Rwandan army deployment to Mozambique was made possible by EU funding of 20 million through the European Peace Facility fund.

The Rwandan people too are victims of the empire's tactics. The empire does not send its personnel to fight but rather funds both ends of the western engineered conflict to annihilate each other.

The European Peace Facility is used to unleash war. The stronger the military confrontations the more the unchecked mineral resources outflows. When the war "ends", the supposed beneficiary gets locked in lifetime concessionary commitments.
Mineral Resource Curse
Sometime, French hired Rwandan to protect her interests at Cape Delgado in Mozambique, Rwanda is Israel of Great lakes region, so sad 😢
that makes hon kagame look plain stupid. There is also that Agreement with the UK to deport unwanted immigrants to rwanda, the UK wont put any sanctions on rwanda and will continue turning a blind eye to any atrocities committed in the drc and m23 does not have the resources to fight such prolonged war the money and weapons must come from somewhere
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