Kenya’s national electrification campaign is taking less than half the time it took America


JF-Expert Member
Jun 1, 2016
In the 1930s, the US embarked on a campaign to connect rural parts of the country to electricity. It took more than two decades before 95% of all farms were electrified. Kenya is working on doing that in just seven years.

Kenya added 1.3 million households to its electricity grid last year, raising the percentage of connected Kenyans to 55%, from just 27% in 2013, when the country’s electrification campaign began in earnest. In another four years, Kenya plans to achieve “universal access” where 95% of homes will have access to electricity.

Development experts see access to electricity as important for improving everything from education and agricultural productivity to employment. Across the African continent, an estimated 600 million people, or 70% of the population, do not have access to electricity. Kenya would be among the first African countries to achieve universal access to electricity (after Algeria, Mauritius, and the Seychelles.)

If Kenya reaches universal access by 2020, it will have achieved in seven years a level of electrification that took the US a total of 33 years to reach, according to Todd Moss from the Center for Global Development. Electrification rates in Kenya are among the fastest in the region. It took Kenya about three years to get more than half of its population connected to the grid, a process that took the US eight years even at the height of its electrification campaign.

Kenya will first have to reach its goal of 6.5 million connected households by 2017. As of last month, 5.7 million households had been connected.


Kenya’s electrification campaign is notable in other ways. Much of Kenya’s energy comes from non-fossil fuel sources—more than 60% of installed capacity comes from hydro and geothermal power. Kenya opened the world’s largest geothermal plant last year at the Olkaria Geothermal field in southwestern Kenya where another plant is being built and expected to come online in two years. Kenya is also building Africa’s biggest wind energy farm to generate a fifth of its power.

Still, Kenya’s electricity grid is not without problems. Blackouts are so common that lawmakers considered a bill to require KPLC, to compensate customers if a shortage lasts for more than three hours. During a parliamentary debate last year on the bill the power went out. This week, much of Nairobi, Mount Kenya, and the coast, lost power because of a technical fault. A monkey tripped a transformer last year, causing a nationwide power outage.

In some areas of the country, simply connecting households is not enough. KPLC’s figures only measure physical connections to the grid, not actual consumption, notes Todd Moss, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development.

A recently published study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley and Innovations for Poverty Action in Kenya found that in western Kenya, electrification rates remained low, at 5% for rural households and 22% for rural businesses, even in areas of good grid coverage. The study found that 84% of unconnected



Ayee Jubilee
lakini US is like a continent, comparatively Kenya is like one single state in the US...
but anyway, its good for us
lakini US is like a continent, comparatively Kenya is like one single state in the US...
but anyway, its good for us
In 1930s
Usa hard 57mn people
2. There were droughts all over USA then
3. They hard just fought mexico in a war between Texas and Mexico USA won (or were about to go to war with Mexico over Territory - Carlifonia, New mexico, Texas)
So generally USA was fairly poor then
Fun fact
State Alaska was part of USSR till late 1880s when Moscow (then in good terms with USA) decided to sell it to USA since it could guarantee its safety incase of an invasion by france which at the time controlled CANADA and had invaded USA Russia sold Alaska To USA ...if it had not Today Russia would have a north America Territory therefore Russia would be in North America
These figures are confusing, another day i was reading that there is no demand for Kenyan power and that we may have overproduced, what are the new consumers consuming?
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