Kenya: AU adopts President Uhuru's proposal for mass withdrawal from ICC


JF-Expert Member
Jun 7, 2012
The African Union Sunday adopted a proposal by President Uhuru Kenyatta for the AU to develop a road map for the withdrawal of African nations from the Rome Statute.

The proposal was adopted together with a report by the AU Ministerial Committee of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, that draws a red line for the ICC over how it has been handling the case against Deputy President William Ruto and Joshua arap Sang.

The document asks the ICC to terminate the case against the DP and Sang as the case lacks any believable evidence.

President Kenyatta said Africa should make a powerful statement that reflects its refusal to be carried along in a system that has no regard for the sovereignty of nations and tramples on the security as well as the dignity of Africans.

He said the only option left for Africa was to completely withdraw from the Rome Statute because the utility of the ICC at this time of global turmoil is extremely limited.

President Kenyatta said leaders of the continent will be failing in their duties if they continued shoring up a dysfunctional instrument whose mainstay was to humiliate Africans and distract their governments from their mandates.

“We refuse to be carried along in a vehicle that has strayed off-course to the detriment of our sovereignty, security and dignity as Africans,” said the President.

The document together with the proposal to give open-ended Ministerial Committee of Ministers of Foreign to embark on drawing the road map was adopted in the afternoon.

The ministers will first proceed to have meetings with the United Nations Security Council on the AU resolution asking for the termination of the Kenya case and several other recommendations.

The outcome of the meetings between the Ministers and the UN Security Council will determine the next course of action, which includes exercising the mandate for the mass withdrawal road map.

In his speech, President Kenyatta pointed out that Kenya’s position, which is shared by other countries, was born out of the total disrespect with which the ICC has treated the concerns of Kenya and other African nations.

“When Kenya and the large group of African countries joined the International Criminal Court, it was to seek legal means to complement the other important tools that we have stood up. We sought to combat impunity while being sensitive to the reality of our young and fragile democracies. We have been sorely disappointed,” said the President.

The President said Kenyans, including himself and the Deputy President, were subjected to weak cases built on weak investigations and pursued with politicised zeal

“There can be no recent illustration of this than January’s proceedings in the case against my Deputy William Ruto and Journalist Joshua Sang,” said the President.

In the case of the Deputy President, the prosecution of the ICC, wants the court to proceed without evaluating the evidence, said the President.

“In any criminal justice system, these cases would never have come to trial. It is our expectation that the law will be applied and cases terminated,” said the President.

President Kenyatta said Kenya’s disappointment with the ICC is made more serious because of the circumstances the country is facing.

“In the face of a mutating global terrorist threat that is costing us lives and great economic loss, in the midst of playing our part in mediating multiple peace processes in our region, we have had to contend with an ICC pursuing weak and politicized cases,” said the President.

The Head of State said the only notable thing the ICC has achieved by pursuing the Kenya cases was to distract the Government from its duty to serve the Kenyan people and the continent fully.

“This is not what Kenya signed up for when we joined the ICC. I highly doubt that those of you that are its members expected this to be the way the court would conduct itself,” said the President.

President Kenyatta said the only alternative for the total withdrawal from the Rome Statute was for the ICC to be drastically reformed.

The President said the Continent and the African Union have sought constructive engagement with ICC and sought its reform.

President Kenyatta said Africa should not tire from the efforts to reform the ICC even as it develops the procedures for mass withdrawal because African nations are not opposed to mechanism for justice.

“When Kenya and the large group of African countries joined the International Criminal Court, it was to seek legal means to complement the other important tools that we have stood up. ,” said the President. “It is my sincere hope that our ICC reform agenda will succeed so that we can return to the instrument we signed up for. If it does not, I believe its utility for this continent at this moment of global turmoil will be extremely limited.”

The report by the ministers, adopted by the AU calls on the ICC, to unconditionally drop the case against the DP and Sang.

The report expressed its deep concern with the propriety of the continued prosecution of the case against the DP and called on the ICC “to terminate the case without further delay as any continued prosecution is without foundation given the unambiguous absence of any evidence capable of belief”.

Daily Nation
the issue of African states withdrawing from ICC has been overdue. I therefore request African countries to act immediately and remain with ours the African court based in Arusha. Thanks Mr. Kenyatta for showing the way.
Huu ni upuuzi watu wa viongozi wa ki afrika kutumia nafasi zao walizopewa ili kujikinga na mkono wa sheria kwa maovu wanayowafanyia raia wao.
Haya ndiyo hasa matumizi mabaya ya madaraka
Kenya iache upuuzi wa ku-polarize other African countries. Kama inataka kujitoa ifanye hivyo wasilete siasa za ukabila wao AU!
Before African Countries mass withdraw from the International Criminal Court,then President Pier

Nkrunzinza of Burundi and Hon Jecha S. Jecha of Zanzibar Must face the ICC.
Watz mwisho wa 'vision' yao ni puani tu.Yaani ile korti ya pale Arusha ingekuwa Kenya afu mtu anatuambia Afrika tujiondoe ICC,wakenya wangesema ndio! tayari tuna korti letu la Afrika huku,tulipanue na kulipa uwezo zaidi tu Afrika yote iwe inafika kwetu kutatua migogoro yao.Hivyo ndivyo mataifa yanavyo pata heshima duniani na kujiendeleza pia.Usingizi wenu watz ni kama kifo tu hauna mwisho aisee!
Watz mwisho wa 'vision' yao ni puani tu.Yaani ile korti ya pale Arusha ingekuwa Kenya afu mtu anatuambia Afrika tujiondoe ICC,wakenya wangesema ndio! tayari tuna korti letu la Afrika huku,tulipanue na kulipa uwezo zaidi tu Afrika yote iwe inafika kwetu kutatua migogoro yao.Hivyo ndivyo mataifa yanavyo pata heshima duniani na kujiendeleza pia.Usingizi wenu watz ni kama kifo tu hauna mwisho aisee!
a reason u r sold under tribal lines during each election
a reason u r sold under tribal lines during each election
Your comment has no relation to my post!If you feel like posting your madman ramblings,do so without tagging my words along!I dont want to be tagged as a moron along with you.
Watz mwisho wa 'vision' yao ni puani tu.Yaani ile korti ya pale Arusha ingekuwa Kenya afu mtu anatuambia Afrika tujiondoe ICC,wakenya wangesema ndio! tayari tuna korti letu la Afrika huku,tulipanue na kulipa uwezo zaidi tu Afrika yote iwe inafika kwetu kutatua migogoro yao.Hivyo ndivyo mataifa yanavyo pata heshima duniani na kujiendeleza pia.Usingizi wenu watz ni kama kifo tu hauna mwisho aisee!
a reason u r sold under tribal lines during each election
We still depend big time on them. ARUSHA can't function without ICC money and expertise. African leaders need first of all to learn how love their people, country and the continent in general. They are ready to sacrifice the nation but will never sacrifice themselves for the same nation. I agree the fact that ICC has an agenda against you. But I'm sorry to say that you are stupid and heartless. If you were just, you would have got my unconditional support. But because you are not, let ICC do what they do best. Serve your people, not those surrounding you and I might change my mind.
Ni kweli hii mahakama imekuwa ikiwalenga viongozi wa Afrika lakini viongozi wa kiafrika waache ubabe usio na msingi aukung'ang'ania madaraka na wizi ila kama kweli wamedhamiria kuikomboa Afrika wapitishe na maazimio ya kutoruhusu viongozi wa waafrika kuacha kuweka pesa kwenye mabenki ya ulaya na siyo kuzungumzia mambo yanayowagusa.Marekani imekuwa inashinikiza viongozi wa kiafrika wapelekwe THE HAGUE wakati wao wamejiwekeakinga ya kutoshitakiwa
Huu ni upuuzi watu wa viongozi wa ki afrika kutumia nafasi zao walizopewa ili kujikinga na mkono wa sheria kwa maovu wanayowafanyia raia wao.
Haya ndiyo hasa matumizi mabaya ya madaraka

“We refuse to be carried along in a vehicle that has strayed off-course to the detriment of our sovereignty, security and dignity as Africans,” said the President.

He is right but this must not end only by withdrawing from ICC but using this opportunity to fully demand apology from Europe for long time humiliation of Africans since slave trade.
And only way to do this is by not attending UN meeting this year unless there are some agreement on this matter!. If no respond then a move to fully withdraw from UN must be seriously put on table.
Kama hutaki unaacha. Ni lini heshima ya mababu zetu ikapata kulindwa kwa udhalilishaji na unyama wa kipindi cha Utumwa?.
Watu hawataki kuamini kuwa hili na mengineyo ni mwendelezo ule ule.

Japan denies forced sex slavery WWII to UN, despite signing landmark deal with S. Korea
RT‎ - 2 days ago
Ni maneno tu. Hawakuanza kusema leo kwamba wanajitoa. Lakini hata wakijitoa huwezi kukwepa moto wa ICC kama utafanya ujinga halafu huna kaka (Russia, USA or China) wa kukukingia ubavu. Ingekuwa hakuna ubavu wa Russia Assad angekuwa pengine sasa hivi. Hata Kenyatta amefanya ubabe kwa vile yeye ni Rais amecheza na evidence zote. Angekuwa sio rais, halafu Somalia kungekuwa shwari, sasa hivi naye pia sasa hivi angekuwa anaota joto ya jiwe.
We still depend big time on them. ARUSHA can't function without ICC money and expertise. African leaders need first of all to learn how love their people, country and the continent in general. They are ready to sacrifice the nation but will never sacrifice themselves for the same nation. I agree the fact that ICC has an agenda against you. But I'm sorry to say that you are stupid and heartless. If you were just, you would have got my unconditional support. But because you are not, let ICC do what they do best. Serve your people, not those surrounding you and I might change my mind.
With you in this....
Ni kweli hii mahakama imekuwa ikiwalenga viongozi wa Afrika lakini viongozi wa kiafrika waache ubabe usio na msingi aukung'ang'ania madaraka na wizi ila kama kweli wamedhamiria kuikomboa Afrika wapitishe na maazimio ya kutoruhusu viongozi wa waafrika kuacha kuweka pesa kwenye mabenki ya ulaya na siyo kuzungumzia mambo yanayowagusa.Marekani imekuwa inashinikiza viongozi wa kiafrika wapelekwe THE HAGUE wakati wao wamejiwekeakinga ya kutoshitakiwa
Viongozi wa Kiafrika wamezidi utoto. Akili zao kama watoto wanaiba kwenye nchi zao wakaweke Ulaya!! Kichaa kitupu hawajui hata nini maana ya maslahi ya taifa. Waache wamagharibi wawafanyie hivyo.
The African Union Sunday adopted a proposal by President Uhuru Kenyatta for the AU to develop a road map for the withdrawal of African nations from the Rome Statute.

The proposal was adopted together with a report by the AU Ministerial Committee of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, that draws a red line for the ICC over how it has been handling the case against Deputy President William Ruto and Joshua arap Sang.

The document asks the ICC to terminate the case against the DP and Sang as the case lacks any believable evidence.

President Kenyatta said Africa should make a powerful statement that reflects its refusal to be carried along in a system that has no regard for the sovereignty of nations and tramples on the security as well as the dignity of Africans.

He said the only option left for Africa was to completely withdraw from the Rome Statute because the utility of the ICC at this time of global turmoil is extremely limited.

President Kenyatta said leaders of the continent will be failing in their duties if they continued shoring up a dysfunctional instrument whose mainstay was to humiliate Africans and distract their governments from their mandates.

“We refuse to be carried along in a vehicle that has strayed off-course to the detriment of our sovereignty, security and dignity as Africans,” said the President.

The document together with the proposal to give open-ended Ministerial Committee of Ministers of Foreign to embark on drawing the road map was adopted in the afternoon.

The ministers will first proceed to have meetings with the United Nations Security Council on the AU resolution asking for the termination of the Kenya case and several other recommendations.

The outcome of the meetings between the Ministers and the UN Security Council will determine the next course of action, which includes exercising the mandate for the mass withdrawal road map.

In his speech, President Kenyatta pointed out that Kenya’s position, which is shared by other countries, was born out of the total disrespect with which the ICC has treated the concerns of Kenya and other African nations.

“When Kenya and the large group of African countries joined the International Criminal Court, it was to seek legal means to complement the other important tools that we have stood up. We sought to combat impunity while being sensitive to the reality of our young and fragile democracies. We have been sorely disappointed,” said the President.

The President said Kenyans, including himself and the Deputy President, were subjected to weak cases built on weak investigations and pursued with politicised zeal

“There can be no recent illustration of this than January’s proceedings in the case against my Deputy William Ruto and Journalist Joshua Sang,” said the President.

In the case of the Deputy President, the prosecution of the ICC, wants the court to proceed without evaluating the evidence, said the President.

“In any criminal justice system, these cases would never have come to trial. It is our expectation that the law will be applied and cases terminated,” said the President.

President Kenyatta said Kenya’s disappointment with the ICC is made more serious because of the circumstances the country is facing.

“In the face of a mutating global terrorist threat that is costing us lives and great economic loss, in the midst of playing our part in mediating multiple peace processes in our region, we have had to contend with an ICC pursuing weak and politicized cases,” said the President.

The Head of State said the only notable thing the ICC has achieved by pursuing the Kenya cases was to distract the Government from its duty to serve the Kenyan people and the continent fully.

“This is not what Kenya signed up for when we joined the ICC. I highly doubt that those of you that are its members expected this to be the way the court would conduct itself,” said the President.

President Kenyatta said the only alternative for the total withdrawal from the Rome Statute was for the ICC to be drastically reformed.

The President said the Continent and the African Union have sought constructive engagement with ICC and sought its reform.

President Kenyatta said Africa should not tire from the efforts to reform the ICC even as it develops the procedures for mass withdrawal because African nations are not opposed to mechanism for justice.

“When Kenya and the large group of African countries joined the International Criminal Court, it was to seek legal means to complement the other important tools that we have stood up. ,” said the President. “It is my sincere hope that our ICC reform agenda will succeed so that we can return to the instrument we signed up for. If it does not, I believe its utility for this continent at this moment of global turmoil will be extremely limited.”

The report by the ministers, adopted by the AU calls on the ICC, to unconditionally drop the case against the DP and Sang.

The report expressed its deep concern with the propriety of the continued prosecution of the case against the DP and called on the ICC “to terminate the case without further delay as any continued prosecution is without foundation given the unambiguous absence of any evidence capable of belief”.

Daily Nation

An adoption to save a Mungiki patronage!! Who will stand in 4 rights of the 2007/8 PEV victims?! And what about political impunity?! Shame upon our continent; all african leaders are a disgrace to humanity; period
Watz mwisho wa 'vision' yao ni puani tu.Yaani ile korti ya pale Arusha ingekuwa Kenya afu mtu anatuambia Afrika tujiondoe ICC,wakenya wangesema ndio! tayari tuna korti letu la Afrika huku,tulipanue na kulipa uwezo zaidi tu Afrika yote iwe inafika kwetu kutatua migogoro yao.Hivyo ndivyo mataifa yanavyo pata heshima duniani na kujiendeleza pia.Usingizi wenu watz ni kama kifo tu hauna mwisho aisee!
U got a point, but show some respect.
Who are you to disrespect tz,
Watz mwisho wa 'vision' yao ni puani tu.Yaani ile korti ya pale Arusha ingekuwa Kenya afu mtu anatuambia Afrika tujiondoe ICC,wakenya wangesema ndio! tayari tuna korti letu la Afrika huku,tulipanue na kulipa uwezo zaidi tu Afrika yote iwe inafika kwetu kutatua migogoro yao.Hivyo ndivyo mataifa yanavyo pata heshima duniani na kujiendeleza pia.Usingizi wenu watz ni kama kifo tu hauna mwisho aisee!
Kuna unafiki mkubwa katika hili. Mahakama ya Afrika ilipitishwa na waafrika wenyewe, lakin ajabu ni nchi 15 tu ndo zimeadopt kuitambua mahakama hiyo. Kati ya hizo 15, ni chini ya nchi 5 tu ndio zinatoa michango ya kuiendesha Mahakama hiyo. Hapo ndo penye unafiki wa waAfrika na ngozi yao nyeusi.

Sababu za kujiunga na ICC bado zingalipo? Kama bado zipo, mahakama gani inakuwa mbadala wa ICC kama ile tunayodhani ni ya kwetu imebaki yatima? Watanzania hata wakishadidia ushauri wa Uhuru, bado mahakama ya Afrika ambayo ingesaidia kupambana na war crimes kama za kina Joseph Kony itakuwa yatima na itakufa kwasababu hakuna nia ya dhati toka kwa viongozi wetu. I will be the last person to jump on Uhuru's bandwagon.
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