How to explain sex to kids

Use the following examples:

1) GARDEN--Sex is like growing a garden. The soil has to be fertile and the seed has to be planted at just the right time. That doesn't explain why Daddy has to CONTINOUSLY PRACTICE PLOWING TECHNIQUES WITH THE HOUSEGIRL!!!

1) BANK--Sex is where Daddy goes to the bank of love to make a special deposit and finds that Mommy either has the NEXT TELLER PLEASE WINDOW UP or IS SERVICING EVERY ACCOUNT IN TOWN!!

3) ALCOHOL--Sex is where Mommy's vat is fermented until all of the ingredients are mixed in and Daddy becomes the BREWMASTER.

3) RELIGIOUS--Sex is donating to the missionary.

4) COOKING--Sex is where Daddy puts his hogleg in Mommy's kitchen, hoping that it'll go well with her eggs and she's not serving the entire town breakfast.

I hope this suffices.
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