In response to the oil and gas boom. Some Tanzanian entrepreneurs have built their business by offering products and services __ such as human resources , safety equipment, supply, and logistics, accommodation , IT and telecommunication services__to the oil and gas companies such as Maurel et prom, Statoil BG Group.
And they reaped a substantial reward,two years prior to declining in oil prices.
But times are hard now. The low oil price is biting. International Oil companies shut down projects . And there’s Slow down oil and gas activities in Tanzania and beyond. So, Fewer clients . Business is lower. And their profits are squeezed.
The drop in oil prices since June 2014 from over $100 barrel to $ 45 today is hurting many local businesses.
The oil price going down the drain and this present one of the worst oil price downturn in the recent history
The harsh truth is that nobody knows exactly when the price picks up again. But most economists agree that the road to recovery will be longer and hard.
Feeling down because of the bad oil prices? Don’t panic . Oil price downturn comes and go. And that’s the part of the petroleum industry cycle.
Seriously, I know you love your business. And you don’t want to go back being restricted with month salary again.
So, how do local entrepreneurs keep their business alive during the low oil price? How do you survive the low oil prices? How do you make money?
Clicke here to find out :[how-tanzanian-oil-and-gas-entrepreneurs-can-make-money-and-survive-the-low-oil-prices]
And they reaped a substantial reward,two years prior to declining in oil prices.
But times are hard now. The low oil price is biting. International Oil companies shut down projects . And there’s Slow down oil and gas activities in Tanzania and beyond. So, Fewer clients . Business is lower. And their profits are squeezed.
The drop in oil prices since June 2014 from over $100 barrel to $ 45 today is hurting many local businesses.
The oil price going down the drain and this present one of the worst oil price downturn in the recent history
The harsh truth is that nobody knows exactly when the price picks up again. But most economists agree that the road to recovery will be longer and hard.
Feeling down because of the bad oil prices? Don’t panic . Oil price downturn comes and go. And that’s the part of the petroleum industry cycle.
Seriously, I know you love your business. And you don’t want to go back being restricted with month salary again.
So, how do local entrepreneurs keep their business alive during the low oil price? How do you survive the low oil prices? How do you make money?
Clicke here to find out :[how-tanzanian-oil-and-gas-entrepreneurs-can-make-money-and-survive-the-low-oil-prices]