Former President Moi admitted at Nairobi Hospital


JF-Expert Member
Aug 19, 2012
Former President Daniel Arap Moi has been admitted at Nairobi Hospital.

He is back in the facility barely two weeks after he was admitted at the same hospital.


Two weeks ago, he was admitted in the same facility and his family said that his admission was a routine check-up.

Sources within the family and the hospital told the Star Moi was admitted on October 11 and was set to spend some days at the hospital for intensive check-up.

“Nothing much to worry about. He is there for routine check-up and being attended to by his physician Dr David Silverstein . He is expected to spend a couple of days to allow the doctors sufficient time to check Mzee,” the source said.

Last year, Moi left for Israel for a medical check-up.

He was accompanied by his son Gideon and physician Dr David Silverstein. The former president was admitted to a hospital in Tel Aviv.
Please make to a hundred mzee, You are still a strong senior citizen. Kazana
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